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1、Unit 4 Body language Section Warming Up & Reading-Language Points.单句语法填空1Its nearly nine oclock and the teacher is likely _ (walk) into the classroom at any moment.2Property insurance helps you to defend _ natural disasters,in front of which humans appear too small.3Bill opened the door for Harold a

2、nd _ (greet) him with cries of “welcome”4At the meeting they discussed three different _ (approach) to the study of maths.5Mr.Mohammed was elected _ (represent) the company to the international conference.6_ general,the northerners are keen on dumplings while the southerners are fond of rice.7Women

3、are in the _ (major) in the company.8_ curiosity,he followed the man in the dark.9There has always been a close _ (associate) between the two school.10Not _ his parents are teachers.【答案】1.to walk2.against3.greeted4.approaches5.to represent6.In7.majority8With9.association10.both.单句改错1They are trying

4、to find a new approach of cancer treatment._2In generally,her work has been good,but this essay is dreadful._3The boy opened the door out of curious,and found nothing._4He is the first student to arriving._5She is very possible to ring me to night._【答案】1.ofto2.generallygeneral3.curiouscuriosity4.arr

5、ivingarrive5.possiblelikely.阅读理解 【导学号:34410035】The way that people sit in chairs isnt the same.If youre sitting with arms and legs hanging freely,its probably a sign that youre relaxed and feeling comfortable.If you stay on the edge of the chair with your legs stretched (伸直) before you and your feet

6、 crossed,it can signal unconcern.In a country where rules of behavior in court were very strict,a witness sat as described above,with his huge boots placed on top of each other,wearing a big coat and with his arms crossed.The judge said: “Sit up straight and take your coat off,or Ill hold you in con

7、tempt (藐视法庭)”The man got his posture straightened out immediately.Someone waiting for a job interview might be seated on the edge of the chair with his or her feet together.If its a woman shell probably be hugging her handbag.Body tension (紧张) forces yourbreathing system and makes you sound short of

8、 breath.When youre in such a position its easy to lose your head and simply run away if things take a turn for the worse.On television its interesting to watch people on quiz shows like “Who wants to be a millionaire”You can notice their understandable tension from the way they hold their hands till

9、 their knuckles (指关节) turn white and also from their quickened breathing.We dont believe that you can teach people to control their body language completely;theyll lose control at some point or otherwhen they become too eager or too angry.Take a discussion between politicians,for example.The control

10、 is there,even when they get angry but therell be a small muscle by the mouth that is shaking.Cheeks turn red in women who are angry while mens ears often turn red when they are angry.【语篇解读】本文说明了人们就座时不同姿势所反映出的心理。1In the first example,why did the judge warn the witness?AThe judge was too strict.BThe

11、witness was against the law.CThe judge was only nervous.DThe witness didnt respect the court.【解析】细节理解题。根据文章第二段可知,由于这个目击证人的姿势不端正,给人一种藐视法庭的感觉,因此,法官对此提出警告,促其改变姿势,故选D项。【答案】D2Which of the following postures show that one is nervous in a job interview?aCrossing ones arms.bSitting with ones feet together.c

12、Hugging ones handbag.dSitting straight.Aa,bBb,cCa,c Db,d【解析】细节理解题。根据文章第三段的叙述可知,一个人在面试时感到紧张会双脚并拢或紧抱手提包,故选B项。【答案】B3Which of the following picture can describe that you dont care about anything?【解析】细节理解题。根据文章第一段最后一句话可知A选项正确。【答案】A4The last paragraph is mainly to tell us that _.Abody language cant be con

13、trolled completelyByour body language may give you awayCanger has different effects on men and womenDpoliticians can completely control their body language【解析】段落大意题。文章最后一段的第一句为主旨句,主要是表达身体语言有时是很难控制的,接着举了政治家演讲的例子进行说明。【答案】A.完形填空 Last August,I flew to Columbia to continue my education at the University

14、of Missouri.At first I thought I was brave to deal with any _1_ in a foreign country._2_ during my first semester here,I always felt so _3_.Being silent was my _4_ to interact (互动) with Americans.Although I wanted to make _5_ ,I didnt know how to approach (接近) them.I was afraid that they wouldnt understand my English and I _6_ to be careful not to make anyone angry.Therefore,I always _7_ others to talk to me.In fact,I found that a lot of American st


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