七年级英语上册 Unit 2 Colours and Clothes Lesson 10 Clothes for a Cold Day素材 (新版)冀教版

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《七年级英语上册 Unit 2 Colours and Clothes Lesson 10 Clothes for a Cold Day素材 (新版)冀教版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《七年级英语上册 Unit 2 Colours and Clothes Lesson 10 Clothes for a Cold Day素材 (新版)冀教版(12页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、ClothesforaColdDay Unit2Lesson10 Let sReviewandThink Whoseisthis Whosearethey Danny s Bob s Lynn s Kim s Part1Youmaycatchacold Whomaycatchacold Listentothelessonandanswerthequestion Part1Youmaycatchacold 1 bereadyfor2 saygoodbyeto3 goback4 puton takeout 5 gowellwith Listentothelessonandrepeat 1 bere

2、adyfor2 saygoodbyeto3 goback4 puton takeoff 5 gowellwith 为 做好准备 向某人道别 返回 穿上 脱掉 与某人相处融洽 Canyoumakesentenceswiththem Part2Let sChant Listenandfillintheblanks 1 Dannyisreadyforschool 丹尼准备去学校 bereadyfor意为 准备 为 作准备 后接名词 Iamreadyformybreakfast 我为我的早餐作准备 LanguagePoints 2 Hesaysgoodbyetohismum 他向他的妈妈道别 sayg

3、oodbyeto意为 向 道别 sayhelloto 向 问好 saysorryto 向 道歉 Don tsaysorrytome 别跟我道歉 CultureTip WhatisTPO Wenotonlyneedtoweardifferentclothesindifferentweather butweneedtoweardifferentclothesondifferentoccasions TPO是西方人提出的服饰穿戴原则 TPO Time Place Occasion 场合 athome withtheQueen Whathaveyoulearnt Discusswithyourpart

4、ners 1 catch ready T shirt jacket forget so2 catch haveacold bereadyfor 3 puton takeoff gowellwith4 It scold raining hottoday 5 Ilike don tliketowear 6 He Shelikes 7 He Shedoesn tliketowear 8 Don tforget Summary Practice 1 你可能会感冒 Youmay acold 2 你的夹克和短裤不合适 Yourjacket withyourshorts 3 正在下雨 It s 4 别忘了跟李明道别 Don tforgetto LiMing catch doesn tgowell raining saygoodbyeto Homework Practiseafterclass Learnthenewwordsandexpressionsbyheart Usingthetargetlanguagetointerviewyourparents Writetheresultdown Prepareforthenextlesson



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