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1、Unit3 Creativity基础练习一、单项选择 1.- Its time for bed, Mary.- Oh, Mum, I cant go to bed I havent finished my homework.A. soB. untilC. sinceD. if 2.Everyone should protect our environment, so its necessary not to trees.A. put awayB. cut downC. pick up 3.- Hi, Tom, why so unhappy?- I missed the exciting mat

2、ch the bad traffic.A. in order toB. since thenC. as a resultD. because of 4.Monica, you the exam! Congratulations!A. passB. have passedC. will passD. are passing 5.I like doing sports listening to pop music.A. such asB. asC. as well asD. for example 6.This beautiful hat me at all.A. doesnt fit forB.

3、 isnt fitC. doesnt fitD. fits to 7.The panda eats bamboo leaves.A. as well asB. as good asC. alsoD. too 8.He is . We are all worried about his safety.A. in dangerB. dangerousC. dangerD. more dangerous 9.At the class meeting, all the students a lot of useful advice to help each other.A. came up withB

4、. came outC. stayed upD. put away10.- Dont you see the sign No Parking! on the right?- Sorry, I didnt. But now I know parking here.A. wasnt allowedB. isnt allowedC. wont allowD. doesnt allow11.- Is it for her to paint pictures and make beautiful things?- Yes, she is.A. lazyB. creativeC. untidyD. lon

5、ely12.I cant write a complete report unless you me with enough information about the competition.A. offerB. giveC. provideD. tell13.- Why were you late for school this morning?- I was ill, and had to see a doctor first.A. AsB. SinceC. BecauseD. For14.It is well-known that Thomas Edison the electric

6、lamp.A. inventedB. discoveredC. foundD. developed15.The old man asked the girl to take another seat he wanted to sit next to his wife.A. becauseB. so thatC. so二、单词拼写(单句首字母填空) 16. Dont pour dirty water and litter into the river. They will p the water.17. Do you know who is the o of the garden?18. Tom

7、 was ill yesterday, so he didnt take part in the meeting. He was a .19. Cars were i in 1885.20. Thomas Edison invented many things in his life. He was one of the greatest i .21. - Who is your favorite m ?- Liu Huan.22. The company will p food at noon. So you can have lunch in the company.23. Thomas

8、Edison was c . He had many inventions in his life.24. I agreed to have a picnic in the park on Sunday, but Lily d .25. Eating fruit and vegetables can help you keep f .26. We shouldnt p the environment any more, otherwise the earth will not be fit for us to live on.27. The o of the expensive car can

9、t be the young man.28. - Is everyone here?- Yes, Mr. Green. No one is a .29. If you could i (发明) something new, what product would you develop?30. Everyone knows this i who has 1,093 inventions.三、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词) 31. Yesterday Lily was ill, so she was (缺席) from school.32. The two children (有分歧) all

10、the time. Yesterday they argued about what TV programs to watch.33. Mr. Liu is handsome and (有创造力的).34. He could know great (音乐家) from around the world.35. The ancient Chinese (发明) tea that is now very popular all over the world.36. Maria is the (主人) of this blue car. We can borrow it from her.37. T

11、he (污染) in our city is serious.38. We hope you can (提供) us with some information about shopping online.39. The car (工业) is important for the development of the old city.40. She grows fast. The dress will (适合) her soon.41. Tom often doesnt come to school. He is also (缺席) today.42. What he said sounds

12、 impossible, so I (不同意) with him.43. Tony is one of the most (有创造力的) students in our school.44. My father likes (音乐家) who play different kinds of music.45. China is the first country to (发明) the umbrella. It has a history of more than 3,500 years.答案一、单项选择 1. C 2. B 3. D 4. B 5. C 6. C 7. A 8. A 9. A

13、10. B11. B12. C13. C14. A15. A二、单词拼写(单句首字母填空)16. pollute17. owner18. absent19. invented20. inventors21. musician22. provide23. creative24. disagreed25. fit26. pollute27. owner28. absent29. invent30. inventor三、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)31. absent32. disagree33. creative34. musicians35. invented36. owner37. pollution38. provide39.


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