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1、Module1知识点总结 1 be动词 amisare Ishe he itthey you we 2 ClassFourGradeSeven 3 What Howabout doing efrom befrom 5 国家ChinaAmericaJapan语言 人ChineseAmericanJapanese 国家EnglandFranceGermany语言 人EnglishFrenchGerman 6 It s adj todo It snicetomeetyou 7 firstname givenname 名 P7lastname familyname 姓 It s n todo It s

2、timetohavelunch Module2知识点总结 1 家庭成员的单词P8 2 these thoseare 3 aan university European actor hour Englishbook 4 What be sb What ssb sjob Whatdoes dosbdo 5 hotelmanagers factoryworker computerroomwomendoctors6 afriendofmine aphotoofMissLi MissLi sphoto 7 介词总结 in 1998 January 年份 月份 spring 四季 themorning 早

3、下晚 Dalian 大地点 on Friday 星期 Fridaymorning 某日上下午 October7th 具体日期 上演 beon at night 7 00 具体时间 小地点busstop policestation weekends weekdays 8 职业 工作地点P10 Module3知识点总结 1 What s like likeprep 像v 喜欢 doing 2 furniture家具的总称 不可数 v 单 3 数字的书写P14forty 4 therebe句型就近原则Yes thereis areNo thereisn t aren t 5 everyone v 单

4、 6 some肯定句any否定 疑问句 以下句型some不变anyWhat Howaboutsome Wouldyoulikesome Can Couldyou 7 onthewallinthewallinfrontofinthefrontofinthetreeonthetreeinthemiddleofbetween andontheright leftofnextto near 8 sportshall Module4知识点总结 蔬菜 水果 饮料单词P20液体 肉类不可数名词fish rice bread 2 名词变复数规则 3 goshoppingfor buy 4 Let s v 原

5、5 Ihavegotsomeapples Haveyougotanyapples Yes Ihave No Ihaven t Ihaven tgotanyapples have助动词havegot实义动词 吃 上课 IhaveEnglisheveryday DoyouhaveEnglisheveryday Yes Ido No Idon t Idon thaveEnglisheveryday have hasgo goes动词单三形式变化规则do does 6 bebad goodfor 7 toomuchtoomany 8 alotof 可数名词复数不可数名词 9 healthn begoo

6、dforyourhealthhealthyadj stayhealthy 10 It simportanttodosth 11 getfat 12 祈使句v 原P22 Module5知识点总结 1 have 学科 上 课 2 talkwith tosb aboutsth 3 Whatlessonsdoyouhavetoday WhenisyourChinese 4 bedifficultforsbtodosth 5 一般现在时 every频度副词 Igetupat7 00 Doyougetupat7 00 Idon tgetupat7 00 6 havebreakfaststartworkha

7、veabreakintheplaygrounddoone shomeworkgotobed gotosleepfinishschool afterschool 7 Iyou 你 sheheittheyweyou 你们 myyourherhisitstheirouryour meyouherhimitthemusyou myselfyourselfherselfhimselfitselfthemselvesourselvesyourselves Module6知识点总结 1 welcometo 2 manykindsof 可数名词复数 3 suchas 4 different 可数名词复数 5

8、called被称作 6 inAsia 7 alittleafewlittlefew 8 allovertheworld 9 30kilosof alsoaswellastooeither 11 大陆及相对应的形容词P38anAfricanelephantaEuropeanwolf 13 begoodatdoing 14 catch forfood 15 kangaroos monkeys giraffes zebras 16 shall v 原17 Livealone Module7知识点总结 1 connect to 2 turnon switchonoff 3 usesthtodo wou

9、ldliketodo wanttodo 4 WhatdoIdonext 5 paper不可数newspaper可数 6 openadocumentsaveadocumentwriteanameintheboxprint printer 打印机 7 sharewith 8 goontheInternet 9 maketravelplans 10 listentomusic 11 watchmovies gotothecinema seeafilm 12 不加介词 everyFridaynight 13 searchforinformation 不可数名词 14 give sendsthtosbs

10、bsthbuy cook get draw makesthforsbsbsth 15 checkemails Module8知识点总结 1 wouldliketodo Wouldyouliketodosth Yes I dliketo Sorry Wouldyoulikesome Yes please No thankyou 2 频度副词用howoften提问 3 getsomepresents 4 goshopping goswimming 5 人 spend in doingonsth 6 asapresent 7 gototheconcert 8 watchmatchesontelevi

11、sion Module9知识点总结 1 进行时be doing 2 standinlinewaitforbeonaschooltrip atripto 地点takephotosbeonsalelieinthesunbyemail 3 enjoy doingoneself haveagood greattime 4 alot verymuch walkalot verymuchX 5 geton offleaveworkdrivehome haveafternoonteahaveadrinkgotothetheatreseefriendscallhomegreetingsfromwriteto 6 thankyoufor doingsth Module10知识点总结 getreadyforsthtodo 2 helpsbwithsthdosth 3 beatwork 4 putaway 5 workhardsweepthefloorcookthemealcleanthehousehurryupjoinsbmakelanterns 6 atSpringFestival 7 onthesameday 8 sweepawaybadluck 9 watchaprogramme 10 onChristmasDay 11 连词and but or because so



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