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1、2010高考英语 语法 专题复习系列课件 49 强调句型 我来考考你 Thisisthefarm heusedtowork A thatB whichC whereD inwhich C where onwhich定语从句成分分析 缺什么用什么 变式呈现 1 Itisthefarm heusedtowork A thatB whichC whereD inwhich Think 2 ItwasI lostthebook 3 Itwasthebook Ilost 4 Itwasyesterday Ilostthebook 5 Itwasinthestreet Ilostthebook 思考解题

2、答案 that A thatB whichC inwhichD where 分析比较 1 Itisthefarm heusedtowork 5 Itwasinthestreet Ilostthebook 不同 第一 例 1 为Itis 例 5 为Itwas 第二 例 1 为名词短语thefarm 例 5 为介词短语inthestreet 所以 where that 定语从句 强调句型 强调句型的特点 用来强调一个句子中除谓语以外的句子成分 去掉强调句式Itis was that who whom 后 剩余句子的结构和句意是完整的 结论 A 常见的强调句的陈述形式Iboughtthiscarin

3、thatshoplastmonth ItwasIwho thatboughtthiscarinthatshoplastmonth 强调主语 ItwasthiscarthatIboughtinthatshoplastmonth 强调宾语 ItwasinthatshopthatIboughtthiscarlastmonth 强调地点状语 ItwaslastmonththatIboughtthiscarinthatshop 强调时间状语 注 在此种句型中 被强调部分可以是主语 状语 宾语 谓语部分不可以被强调 B 强调句的一般问句和特殊问句 一般问句形式是 Is Wasit 被强调部分 that w

4、ho 句子其他成分 如 Wasitthiscarthatyouboughtinthatshoplastmonth 特殊问句形式是 Wh 疑问词 is was that who 句子其他成分 如 WhenwasitthatIboughtthiscarinthatshop c not until 句型的强调结构为 Ididn tfinishmyhomeworkuntil5 00 Itwasnotuntil5 00thatIfinishedmyhomework Itwasnotuntilhegraduatedfromhighschoolthatherealizedhismistakes Hedidn

5、 trealizehismistakesuntilhegraduatedfromhighschool Itis wasnotuntil that 新旧知识联系 11 Itwasthreehoursago helefthere 答案 that 强调句型 12 Itwasthreeo clock helefthere 答案 when 时间状语从句 13 Itisthreehours helefthere 答案 since 时间状语从句 14 Itwillbethreehours heleaveshere 答案 before 时间状语从句 15 Itwasn tlong helefthere 答案

6、before 时间状语从句 解题法 删除法缺什么用什么 用that before when since完成句子 探究交流发现 6 Itwas6o clock hegotup 7 Itwasat6o clock hegotup 8 Itwasatthestation Imethim 9 Itwasthere Imethim 10 Itwasthismorning theaccidenthappened Keys when that that that that 注意 1 当被强调部分指人时 可用that 也可用who 指物时 只用that ItwasTom Imetlastweek Itisan

7、ewbook hisbrotherwantstobuy 2 强调状语时 Itisat5o clock thetrainwillarrive Itwasinthepark IsawKatelastweek who that that that 不用when that 不用where 只用that 不用when where 注意 3 被强调的部分是主语时 注意句子的谓语动词和被强调的主语保持一致 如 Itishewho late Itistheythat late is are 4 在强调句型中考察主谓一致与比较结构 1 Itisnotluckbutdifficultiesthat himsucc

8、ess A makesB make2 PersonallyIthinkitisthesalesmanager ratherthanthesalesgirls who toblame A isB are句式结构为 Itis wasnot but that 不是 而是 that后的动词与 后的名词或代词保持一致 Itis was ratherthan that 是 而不是 that后的动词应与ratherthan 的名词或代词保持一致 but 前面 5 强调句型中的be动词和情态动词的结合 句式结构 Itmaybe 被强调部分 that Itmusthavebeen 被强调部分 that Coul

9、ditbe 被强调部分 that 1 ItmighthavebeenJohn boughtanewbookforMaryyesterday A whatB sinceC thatD then再如 2 Itmaybenextweek sheleavesforTokyo that 6 强调句型中含有名词性从句 句式结构为 整个强调句型用作名词性从句 I vealreadyforgotten youputthedictionary A thatitwasthereB wherewasitthatC thatwhereitwasD whereitwasthat 7 强调句型中含有 Itwasatthe

10、verybeginning Mr Foxmadethedecision weshouldsendmorefirefighters消防队员there A when whichB where whatC then soD that that 同位语从句 8 强调句型中含有定语从句 Itwasinthesmallhouse wasbuiltwithstonesbyhisfather hespenthischildhood A which thatB that whereC which whichD that which 9 强调句型中含有状语从句 Itwasbecausehewasillthathe

11、didn tcome Itwassinceshecameherethatshebegantocrying Itiswhenhefoundamousethatherealizeditwasadirtyroom 被强调的部分是原因 时间 等状语从句 巩固练习 完成练习 小结 2 去掉Itwas that后 句子还是完整的 所以它们仍然是强调句型 反之则是其他从句 ItwasinthehallthatweheldtheEnglishparty 强调句 WeheldtheEnglishpartyinthehall Itwasthehallwhere inwhich weheldtheEnglishparty 定语从句 1 强调句型 Itis was 被强调的部分 that who 原句其它部分 来强调说话人的意愿 that前为被强调部分 that后为句子的其余部分 Practicemakesperfect Mayyousucceedinyourstudies DomoreexercisesabouttheEmphaticSentence goodbye


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