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1、黄河科技学院毕业设计(论文) 第 II 页 摘要 随着电子技术、计算机技术等的快速发展以及向工程机械领域的不断渗透,现代工程机械正处于机电液一体化的发展时代。作为1种新的液压传动控制技术,电液比例控制将液压系统某些功能集成到电液比例控制器内,简化了液压系统的构成,提高了液压系统动作的稳定性和可靠性。电液比例控制的理论研究和技术的发展已成为工程机械领域发展的一大趋势,是液压工业和控制工程1个新的技术热点和增长点。在工科学院的许多试验设备中,经常需要对各种力学参量、物理学参量及运动过程进行控制。这些设备中的许多动力源都是液压工作站,控制方法多通过购买市场的控制模块,实现控制过程的参数设置,从而完成


3、的刚度较大有关;最后,对PLC与上位计算机的通讯做了一些研究,采用了西门子PLC中的自由口通讯协议,用VB60软件设计了通讯界面,实现了PLC与上位计算机之间的通讯,使得实验结果更加直观。关键词:电液比例控制,PID控制,PLC,通讯I ABSTRACT With the development of the hydraulic control development of the hydraulic control technology,electro-hydraulic proportional control technology had been applied for many fi

4、elds more and moreThe article analyzed the principle and characters of the electrohydraulic proportional control systemtechnology,electro-hydraulic proportional control technology had been applied for many fields more and moreThe article analyzed the principle and characters of the electrohydraulic

5、proportional control systemIt improved on the control system to the original proportional hydraulic system controlled by signal unite and replacesNow the system controlled by the programmable logical controller(PLC),and the important study target is proportional hydraulic position contro1The proport

6、ional hydraulic position closeloop control system has been designed,and the project schema,the experience system composition had been given 。The loading-flow equation of the proportional direction valve,controlling asymmetry hydraulic cylinder,was analyzedBy relating the forcebalance equation,the ma

7、thematical model of the hydraulic cylinder controlled by symmetrical valve was given .According these equations,the mathematical model of the proportional hydraulic position control system was built and its dynamic characteristic WSS analyzedIt also discusses the regular PID and fuzzy-PID control al

8、gorithm,design the fuzzy-PID controller,and use this control algorithm to the position control system for adjusting the system,build the systemS mathematical model using toolbox named“Simulink”of MATLAB softwareMore ever,suppositional experiences by computer have been carried out not only having dis

9、turbing but also no disturbingContrast the response effect without disturbing and the response effect with disturbing of the position control system,the system dynamic characteristic obtained in different input signalssimulating effect pointed that the systems with adjusting by control algorithm are

10、 superior to the system without Iadjusting,such as the quick response,adjusting abilityFuzzy-PID control algorithm had the superiority the PID control algorithm and fuzzy control algorithm,and made the hydraulic cylinder dynamic characteristic betterFinally,the real experience components were connec

11、ted and use Simens s7300PLC to realize the contro1By planning related program and control algorithm in PLC,the experiences studies of the position control system were completedThe control characters were analyzed and compared for different work situationThe experience effect comported with the simul

12、ating effectBut the difference was consistingThe main difference has twoOne was that the real value was bigger than the giving value;the other was that the system was insensitive to disturbingcause was mainly related to the mechanism inertia and the hydraulic rigidityLastly,a little of communication

13、 had been studied to the PLC with the computerFree communication agreement was adopted,and communication interface was designed by VB60 softwareAnd communication also realizedThis is made experience parameters was easy to modify and the effect was vividThrough simulating and experiment,result proved

14、 that this experiment system can fulfill the request of the college studentKey Words:Tech-hydraulic proportional control,PID control, PLC,communication,黄河科技学院毕业设计(论文) 第 V 页 目 录1 绪论 . 11.1课题研究背景 1 1.2电液比例系统概述 . .2 1.2.1电液比例控制技术. 2 1.2.2比例控制技术发展历史.2 1.2.3电液比例控制系统及特点.3 1.3电液比例控制系统.51.4课程的内容与设计意义 .7 2电液比例控制系统设计与分析.7 2



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