北师大版高中英语选修七Unit 20《New Frontiers》(Lesson 1)练习题 .doc

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1、Warm-up & Lesson 1Futurology.根据英文释义写出单词1. to bring something up to date答案:update2. skillful in using ones hands答案: handy3. in a short time;soon答案:shortly4. to move data to a computer system from the Internet答案:download5. to estimate the value答案:assess.根据汉语或首字母提示写出单词1.The flight was delayed because o

2、f (技术上的)reasons.答案:technical2.It was a race against time to stop people dying from (饥饿).答案:starvation3.They live and work together in complete (平等)and brotherhood.答案:equality4.Reading and walking are his favourite forms of (消遣).答案:recreation5.Have you (下载)the film?答案:downloaded6.He is a (专家)in Asian

3、 history.答案:specialist7.They have fought against racial (歧视)for many years.答案:discrimination8.The reference book is very (方便使用的).答案:handy9.Who will a you with the task?答案:assist10.Your opinion c with his.答案:conflicts.用所给单词的适当形式填空1.He always comes to my (assist) when Im in trouble.答案:assistance2.He i

4、s an excellent writer and full of (imagine).答案:imagination3.Millions will face (starve) next year as a result of the drought.答案:starvation4.Women havent achieved full (equal) with men in the workplace.答案:equality5.Whats your (assess) of the current situation in Egypt?答案:assessment.根据课文内容完成下列短文Nowada

5、ys,masses of people wonder about the future.Some 1.what the world will be like in the future.In the 18th and 19th centuries,especially the latter,some authors even 2.things that have since happened.3.,for some people,thinking about the future is not just 4.They plan the future of the world for a liv

6、ing.These people are called 5.A seminar will be held at Newcastle this weekend.Lots of people will attend it with the hope of starting new enterprises 6.the predictions they will hear at the meeting.I 7.the websites of a few futurologists and learnt some predictions.Here are some:By the year 2025,no

7、 one will 8.because there will be food for everyone.By the year 2030,people can live for 9.150 years.Tiny robots may be sent around the cells of our bodies to 10.our health and 11.repairs to keep us healthy.In the next few years,computers will become 12.答案:1.imagine2.predicted3.However4.for fun5.fut

8、urologists6.based on7.clicked into8.die of starvation9.at least10.assess11.carry out12.handier.单项填空1.The people in the neighborhood the police finding the murder.A.help;toB.help;withC.assist;inD.assist;with提示:句意:这个社区的人们帮助警察找到凶手。assist sb.in doing sth.“帮助某人做某事”。答案:C2.Your statement is the rest of the

9、 evidence.A.in conflict withB.with conflict inC.in conflictingD.in conflicting with提示:句意:你的说法与其他的证据相矛盾。be in conflict with “与有矛盾”。答案:A3.They sent someone to the value of the house.A.accessB.assistC.assessD.possess提示:句意:他们派了一个人去评估房子的价值。access “获取”;assist “援助”;assess “评估”;possess “占有”。答案:C4.The crew o

10、f the shuttle made up of two women and five men,who all devoted to their enterprise.A.is;areB.are;isC.is;isD.are;are提示:从made up of可看出把The crew of the shuttle当作一个整体,第一个空应填入is;who作主语,代指先行词two women and five men,因此从句谓语用复数。答案:A5.Everyone has to take further study,or he will be left as the knowledge and

11、information are being quickly.A.behind;updatedB.after;updatingC.last;updatedD.behind;to update提示:句意:每个人都需要继续学习,否则会被落在后面,因为知识和信息更新很快。leave sb.behind“把落在后面”。答案:A6.Hearing the good news,he found it very difficult sleep.A.to get toB.to fallC.get toD.fall into提示:本题为find的复合结构,it代替不定式短语作形式宾语,排除C、D两项;表示“入睡”

12、用get to sleep或fall into sleep,故选A项。答案:A7.(2012山东高考,35)After completing and signing it, please return the form to us in the envelope .A.providingB.providedC.having providedD.provide提示:考查非谓语。provide在此作定语修饰envelope, 而且和envelope构成被动关系,故选用provided表示被动。providing表示主动;having provided也是主动形式,表示动作发生在主句谓语动作之前;p

13、rovide为动词原形,形式错误。句意:在完成表格并签字后,请用提供的信封把表格寄回给我们。故选B项。答案:B8.In industrialization it is important to prevent pollution. important is to take measures to check the rise in price.A.EquallyB.GenerallyC.SimilarlyD.Namely提示:句意:在工业化的过程中,阻止污染是很重要的;而同等重要的是要采取措施检查物价的上涨。equally此处表示“同等地”,用于修饰important。generally“一般

14、说来”;similarly“类似地”;namely“也就是说,即”。答案:A9.Peter was so excited he received an invitation from his friend to visit Chongqing.A.whereB.thatC.whyD.when 提示:句意:彼得收到朋友的邀请来参观重庆时,他非常的兴奋。when引导了时间状语从句,该题易误选B项。选用that前后的逻辑关系不成立。 答案:D10.It is difficult to imagine his the decision without any consideration.A.accep

15、tB.acceptingC.to acceptD.accepted提示:句意:很难想象他不假思索就接受了那个决定。imagine后接动词时用-ing形式,此处是接动名词的复合结构。答案:B.任务型读写From the beginning of human history,people have used oils from seeds and nuts.Most of the time these oils are used as food,especially in cooking.But sometimes they have other uses.For example,oils are used in paint and in cleaning products like soap.


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