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1、20春综合英语(IV)作业4试卷总分:100 得分:100一、单选题 (共 20 道试题,共 100 分)1.It was necessary that we_everything ready ahead of time.A.makeB.madeC.have madeD.had made该题正确选项为:A2.You cant expect to become a millionaire_.A.overnightB.in a nightC.from one nightD.by night该题正确选项为:A3.Their friendship dates_to college days.A.til

2、lB.fromC.backD.according该题正确选项为:C4.Even if youve never done it before, make a_at it.A.tryB.testC.stepD.stab该题正确选项为:D5.Advertising is now a_business.A.highly developingB.highly developedC.high developingD.high developed该题正确选项为:B6.All of us were_with the news.A.pleasedB.pleasantC.interestedD.glad该题正确选

3、项为:A7.Poor people often live in_.A.the deprivationB.hardC.difficultD.deprivation该题正确选项为:D8.I just cant_her out, she is a mystery to me.A.understandB.seeC.makeD.figure该题正确选项为:D9.We couldnt find an open restaurant_.A.somewhereB.nowhereC.everywhereD.anywhere该题正确选项为:D10.In the_of the King, I arrest you.

4、A.respectB.orderC.nodD.name该题正确选项为:D11.His compass proved_to him when he was lost in an unknown country.A.valuableB.preciousC.expensiveD.dear该题正确选项为:A12.You study hard, and in_you passed the test.A.resultB.consequentC.consequenceD.conclusion该题正确选项为:C13.The doctor suggested that he_to lose his weight

5、._A.tryB.triedC.hasD.had该题正确选项为:A14.We have little_information about developments in this field.A.up to dateB.present dayC.modernD.actual该题正确选项为:A15._it not for your help. I wouldnt succeed.A.WereB.UnlessC.IfD.But该题正确选项为:A16.She is_of his innocence.A.trustB.persuadedC.convincedD.believed该题正确选项为:C17.

6、He was thinking deeply, but Emilys voice brought him_to earth.A.upB.overC.intoD.down该题正确选项为:D18.The judge said that he was_by the high standards of the riders performance.A.touchedB.interestedC.impressedD.imposed该题正确选项为:C19.He insisted that we_him the news.A.toldB.tellC.informedD.helped该题正确选项为:B20.At the beginning I suspected him, but his honest words_the doubts out of my mind.A.shutB.shootC.cutD.clear该题正确选项为:D


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