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1、 谋学网【奥鹏】-北京理工大学北理工大学英语(3)在线作业试卷总分:100 得分:100第1题,He spent two weeks working out a plan. Unfortunately, it did not quite _ in practice.A、come outB、come offC、come aboutD、come to正确答案:第2题,Youll have to be patient _ my mother, because shes going deaf.A、withB、byC、toD、of正确答案:第3题,When spring comes in that pa

2、rt of the world, the trees just burst _ life.A、inB、intoC、toD、toward正确答案:第4题,Students have access _ the library during the vacation.A、inB、byC、toD、at正确答案:第5题,It is very difficult for the time being to _ how much money is needed.A、accountB、assumeC、rangeD、estimate正确答案:第6题,Ill trade you five comic books

3、_ your knife.A、toB、withC、inD、for正确答案:第7题,I longed to have the opportunity of participating _ the activities.A、forB、inC、onD、of正确答案:第8题,Few of the students understand why language is _ to human beings.A、awareB、uniqueC、absoluteD、continual正确答案:第9题,The Chinese government took _ the administration of Hong

4、 Kong from Britain on July 1, 1997.A、upB、downC、afterD、over正确答案:第10题,The employments were quite unsatisfied with the _ explanation given by the managers and decided to go in strike.A、reasonB、reasonableC、reasoningD、unreasonable正确答案:第11题,He is always running _ money before receiving his monthly pay.A、o

5、utB、out ofC、inD、away with正确答案:第12题,The old man hasnt heard _ his son for a long time. This makes him really worried.A、byB、forC、inD、from正确答案:第13题,Between them serious disagreements immediately _.A、riseB、ariseC、raiseD、arouse正确答案:第14题,I dozed _ in the middle of the meeting and missed his speech.A、offB、

6、downC、aboutD、over正确答案:第15题,Mary could not tell Jane the secret with her little brother standing _.A、byB、upC、inD、to正确答案:第16题,Dont bother running _ the bus. You will never catch it.A、afterB、aboutC、acrossD、over正确答案:第17题,The story he is telling is so _ that some of the listeners begin to ask him to stop

7、.A、pleasantB、horribleC、healthyD、exciting正确答案:第18题,Nobody knows _ how many people are to blame for the coal-mine accident, so the government is trying to find out the whole truth about the accident.A、inwardlyB、honestlyC、cleverlyD、precisely正确答案:第19题,She had to _ several times a night when her baby was

8、 ill.A、call outB、get aheadC、wake upD、come to正确答案:第20题,The teacher praised the girl in class _ her hard work.A、forB、byC、toD、with正确答案:第21题,She _ him to help her to find answers to her problems.A、learned fromB、leaned onC、came intoD、looked at正确答案:第22题,In discussing environmental pollution we ought to ke

9、ep _ the point of concern.A、toB、atC、onD、off正确答案:第23题,She is used to having an Oxford English dictionary _ easy reach when she is working.A、inB、withC、withinD、by正确答案:第24题,Because the sports building was full, hundreds of people had to _ from it.A、turned awayB、turned upC、turned inD、turned out正确答案:第25题,

10、It would have taken hours to work the answer out, so I _ my pocket calculator.A、turned inB、turned upC、turned toD、turned out正确答案:第26题,On my way home this evening, I happen to notice that an old man was nearly ran _ by a speeding car.A、afterB、aboutC、acrossD、over正确答案:第27题,Some pupils fill their spare t

11、ime _ computer games. It is really a waste of time.A、withB、byC、toD、into正确答案:第28题,With the spring flowers in bloom, the city of long history is now taking _ another look.A、onB、toC、offD、in正确答案:第29题,After three days of _ travel, they arrived in Tibet.A、repeatedB、continualC、continuousD、unbroken正确答案:第30题

12、,Your recent work hasnt _ your earlier standards.A、come toB、come upC、come up toD、come up with正确答案:第31题,Even great _ require continuous practice.A、musicB、musicalC、musiciansD、museum正确答案:第32题,People working in the government should not _ business affairs that might change their political judgment.A、eng

13、age inB、hope forC、choose betweenD、pick on正确答案:第33题,We must _ our attention on the question of reducing our cost.A、payB、focusC、absorbD、promote正确答案:第34题,No matter what you say, Im coming _.A、anywayB、any wayC、in a wayD、in the way正确答案:第35题,Only by combining our efforts _ those of other people can we triumph over the difficulties we are now facing.A、intoB、ontoC、withinD、with正确答案:第36题,Thousands of workers lost their _ when the factory closed.A、workB、employmentC、occupationD、jobs正确答案:第37题,They had to examine the dead tiger before they had a _ answer as to who killed it.A、positiveB、seniorC、


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