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1、Unit 8. It must belong to Carla.Section A2a2d主备人:王培 201411-5【教师寄语】:Dont put off todays work till tomorrow.【教学重难点】:Use must, might, could and cant for making inferences New words and sentences.【教学过程】:一、 Lead-in. Use pictures and real situation to lead in.二、 Group work. You found a schoolbag on your w

2、ay home, discuss whose bag it is with your partners according to the things in it.三、Listening practices.1. 2a. Listen and write down the things in the schoolbag.2. 2b. Listen again. Fill in the blanks. 3. Listen and choice. 根据听力内容,选择。. The owner of the schoolbag _ be a boy.A. cant B. may C. must . T

3、he schoolbag _ belong to Rita. Shes always forgetting things. A. could B. cant C. must . Whats in the schoolbag? _ A. ping-pong balls B. a hair band and tennis balls C. books and a T-shirt . Whose schoolbag does it belong to? _A. Rita B. Mei C. Linda 4. Read after the tape, and then role play the co

4、nversation.5.Summary and exercises.情态动词must, might, could, cant接动词_, 表示对现在情况的_.Fill in the blanks with the words “cant ”, “must”, “could” or “might”.The homework _be Carols. She wasnt at school today.The soccer ball _be Johns or Tonys. They both play soccer, dont they?The French book_be Li Yings. Sh

5、es the only one whos studying French.Whose earrings are these? They _ be Marys. She wears earrings sometimes.Youd better take an umbrella. It _ rain this afternoon.四、2d Pairwork. Role-play the conversation in pairs.1. Read 2d quickly, then answer the questions.Why is Linda worried?_.Is there valuabl

6、e thing in the schoolbag?_.What did Linda do yesterday?_.Where do you think the bag could still be?_2.阅读2d,找出含有情态动词的句子并翻译。._._._._3. Read after the tape, and role play.4. The language points in the conversation.五、Exercises【中考链接】1. When he saw a wallet on the ground, he at once.(2013.湖南益阳) A. picked

7、it up B. gave it upC. picked up it2. Tim come with us tonight, but he isnt very sure yet.(2013.天津) A. mustB. mayC. canD. will3.这个玩具熊可能是约翰的妹妹的。她还是个小姑娘。The toy bear _ _ _ Johns sister. She is still a little girl.4.这个排球肯定是玛丽的。她是我们组最喜欢打排球的。The volleyball _ be _. She likes playing volleyball _ in our group.课后反思:_版 权 所 有,侵 权 必 究 联 系Q Q68843242 本页为自动生成页,如不需要请删除!谢谢!如有侵权,请联系68843242删除!1,侵权必究 联系QQ68843242 1,版 权 所 有,侵 权 必 究 联 系Q Q68843242 本页为自动生成页,如不需要请删除!谢谢!如有侵权,请联系68843242删除!版 权 所 有,侵 权 必 究 联 系Q Q68843242 本页为自动生成页,如不需要请删除!谢谢!如有侵权,请联系68843242删除!侵权必究 联系QQ68843242 1



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