河南省名校2012届高考英语同步单元复习测试 Unit2 Cloning 新人教版选修8.doc

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1、河南名校2012届高三同步单元复习测试人教版新课标选修八Unit 2 Cloning英语试卷一、英语知识运用 (共两节,满分45分)第一节 单项填空 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1. You hate Lee, dont you? _. Just think hes a bit annoying.A. Not exactly B. All right C. Go ahead D. Not necessarily2. Do you often go to the movies at weekends? Not often, I only go to the cinema _.A. at

2、 one time B. for a timeC. at a time D. from time to time 3. Though the twins look alike, they _ in many aspects, especially in hobbies and personality.A. range B. changeC. chooseD. differ4. The majority of the people were in favour of the plan. However, I _ the plan on the grounds that it is too exp

3、ensive. A. approved of B. objected toC. prepared forD. longed for5. They took a hell of a risk and suffered a great deal but it _.A. paid back B. paid upC. paid off D. paid down6. Jane, youve made such great efforts that you are _ to pass the exam. It is very kind of you to say so, Mr. Smith.A. easy

4、B. boundC. possibleD. unlikely 7. You are lucky that she is very thoughtful and devoted to you. In fact, I dont want to _ her with my problems all the time.A. honor B. help C. affect D. bother8. She was on a diet, but she couldnt _ eating sweet food. Consequently, her weight was gained again. A. rem

5、ove B. resist C. reject D. object9. The new classroom will be constructed this year, and a firm from Korea has been chosen to _ the work.A. assign B. provide C. undertake D. settle 10. Hes obviously quite embarrassed about it so he _ me to tell anyone.A. prevented B. kept C. permitted D. forbade11.

6、It was on my way back home _ my father made the promise _ I can do well in next exam he will buy me Lu Xuns Complete Works.A. when; that B. when; that ifC. that; whyD. that; that if12. Scientists have achieved a major _ in the search for a cure for cancer, _ is good news for those who suffer from ca

7、ncer.A. breakthrough; what B. breakdown; which C. breakup; that D. breakthrough; which13. When he knew the disappointing result of the exam, he seemed quite _.A. cast down B. cast off C. cast out D. cast around14. My boss left word with my assistant _ he would hold a meeting at six in the evening fo

8、r some important matters.A. who B. as C. which D. that15. His suggestion _ to see the art exhibition _ every one of us.A. that we go; interested B. which we should go; interestedC. that we would go; interest D. we would go; be interested in第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)The death of the worlds most fa

9、mous sheepDolly the sheephas not reduced the enthusiasm of Chinese scientists. They are working hard to make more breakthroughs in clone 16 .“Its hard to say 17 Dolly died at a relatively young age or died from defects (缺陷 ) in reproduction,” Du Miao, a researcher in the Biology and Growth Institute

10、 of the Chinese Academy of Science, 18 China Daily in Beijing yesterday. “But Dollys case 19 us that both Chinese and foreign scientists should 20 more efforts into improving clone technology as well as disease treatment techniques in the 21 of cloning animals.” He said his institute, in co-operatio

11、n with Yangzhou University in Eastern Chinas Jiangsu Province, had 22 more than 10 sheep since 1999 and the oldest is nearly five. They are all still 23 .Li Ning, deputy director of the National Key Laboratory of Agricultural and Biological Technology, 24 is also a professor with the Beijing-based C

12、hina Agriculture University, said, “Clone technology is 25 progressing well. Dolly is the first cloned 26 after all. Like driving cars, new drivers 27 with accidents more easily, but the more you 28 , the easier and safer you feel. In the 29 , the death rate of cloned animals will be 30 with technol

13、ogical developments.”“Official reports show seven 31 cloned sheep are still alive. Clone technology in China is 32 approaching a level of commercialization,” Li 33 . But Wang Yu, deputy director of the Biological Technological Centre under the Ministry of Science and Technology, said the commerciali

14、zation of clone technology 34 on market demand. “We firmly believe that China will make greater 35 in cloning technology in the future,” he added.16. A. biologyB. sheepC. chemistryD. technology 17. A. whether B. ifC. thatD. what 18. A. told B. wroteC. reportedD. replied 19. A. warnsB. reminds C. suggestsD. explains 20. A. takeB. bringC. makeD. put 21. A. earthB. ground C. field D. pond 22. A. produced B. cloned C. boughtD. protected 23. A. sickB. alive C. deadD. weak 24. A. thatB. whichC. whatD. who 25. A. actuallyB. unfortunatelyC. s


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