2012高中英语同步导学 卷三练习 外研版必修2(新课标全国卷I).doc

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1、高中新课标配套测评卷 新课标全国卷英语W研必修2卷(三)Module 3Music学校:_班级:_姓名:_考号:_第卷(选择题,共115分)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)1What does the man suggest doing?ATaking a taxi. BTaking a bus.CHolding a meeting.2Whats the woman doing?AWatching a game. BSeeing a doctor.CResting in bed.3When does the man have classes?

2、AOn Monday and Wednesday nights.BOn Friday and Saturday nights.COn Tuesday and Thursday nights.4How are the speakers going to leave?ABy bus. BBy train.CBy air.5What are the speakers talking about?AWhere to put the furniture.BWhy the room is so small.CWhat to buy for the room.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5

3、分)听第6段对话,回答第6至8题。6Why doesnt the man book the seats downstairs?AThey are too close to the stage.BThey are expensive.CThey are uncomfortable.7Which row will the man sit in?ARow 4. BRow 21.CRow 38.8How much do the tickets cost?A$10. B$12.C$15.听第7段对话,回答第9至11题。9Where are the speakers?AIn China. BIn Brit

4、ain.CIn America.10Where will the speakers have dinner?AAt the hotel. BAt their friends home.CAt a famous restaurant.11How many people will have dinner with the speakers?AThree. BFour.CFive.听第8段对话,回答第12至14题。12What is the relationship between the speakers?AGuide and traveller.BTeacher and student.CMus

5、ician and fan.13What is the womans dream?ATo travel around the world.BTo start a school.CTo receive a good education.14Which of the following is true?AThe woman works hard.BThe man is getting very tired of travelling.CThere are very few schools in the womans country.听第9段对话,回答第15至17题。15Why does the w

6、oman want to talk with the man?AShe wants to improve her study.BShe wants to ask for a sick leave.CShe wants some advice on how to make friends.16What does the man think the woman should do?AKeep relaxed. BBe confident.CStudy harder.17What does the man do?AA teacher. BA student.CA nurse.听第10段独白,回答第1

7、8至20题。18What can we learn about the speaker?AShe has a travel agency.BShe is an assistant.CShe is studying in a university.19Where is the speaker?AIn Britain. BIn the West Indies.CIn East Africa.20What can we learn from the talk?AThe talk is mainly for people who want to study in America.BThe speake

8、r knows about many places in the world well.CThe speaker thinks the information on the pages is helpful.第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)21Tom showed musical talent at_early age and began to play_piano when he was 3.Aan;theB/;/Can;a Dthe;/22Are you inviting Lucy to your birthday pa

9、rty?_I hate her. She is always speaking ill of me behind my back.ANo problem. BNo way!CNot at all. DIt depends.23Little Jack was not at home when the fire broke out,or he would have_his life.Alasted Blost Cmissed Dreduced24He showed a great talent _writing as a child and his special writing style ha

10、d great influence_ later writers.Awith;on Bfor;on Cin;with Din;in25I was deeply_with the disabled girls big smile.I didnt find any pain in her.Aimpressed Baffected Cmoved Dpleased26His political ideas were too_for ordinary people to understand,so he couldnt get support from them.Anatural Bserious Cr

11、easonable Dcomplex27_for more than two hours,the fans were told that the tickets for the World Cup final had been sold out.AWaiting BWaitedCHaving waited DTo have waited28_he grew older,he lost interest in watching TV.AWith BWhile CAs DSince29Are you ready for Tibet?Yes.I want my children to experie

12、nce some suffering_they are young.Auntil Bwhile Cbefore Dwhether30The Canadian tourist hurried to the station,only to find that the train to Shanghai_.Aleft Bhas leftCwould leave Dhad left31Its said that Simon and Susan are_.Really?They seemed very happy together when I last saw them.Asplitting up B

13、picking upCtaking up Dlooking up32Was it in the Science Museum_you visited yesterday_you left your keys?Athat;where Bthat;/C/;that Dwhere;when33Tim was seriously hurt and sent to hospital._,lets go and see him.AIf necessary BIf probableCIf not DIf so34Peter,as well as my other classmates,_going to a

14、ttend a lecture this Sunday.Ais Bwas Care Dwere35I had just arrived home from school_it began to rain heavily.Awhile Bwhen Cas Duntil第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)The kings Elephantkeeper had a Dog,who often went into the house where the kings Elephant lived.At first the Dog went there to get the_36_that was left after the Elephant had_37_e



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