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1、四川省荣县中学2020学年七年级英语上学期第三次月考试题(无答案)一、听力(共四节;满分20分)第一节:(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)听下面5段小对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话读一遍。What does Helens father like?What do the boy and the girl have for dinner?How much are these shoes?What fruit does John like?What does the store sell? 第二节:(共15小题,每小题1分,满分1分)听下面几段材料

2、,每段材料后有一个或几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。听下面一段材料,回答第6题。What does the boy like?ATomatoesBCarrotsCSalad听下面一段材料,回答第7题。How much is the sweater?A20 dollarsB12 dollarsC2 dollars听下面一段材料,回答第8题。What does the girl want to buy?ATrousersBShoesCSocks听下面一段材料,回答第9题。How much are the blue trousers?A43 dollarsB2

3、5 dollarsC18 dollars听下面一段材料,回答第10题。10What does the boy like for breakfast?AEggs and breadBMilk and breadCEggs and milk听下面一段材料,回答11-12题。11What fruit does Frank like?AApples and strawberriesBPears and strawberriesCPears and bananas12What does Cindy like?AIce-creamBHamburgersCSalad听下面一段材料,回答13-15题。13Th

4、e boy wants to buy a white _ and a hatAsweaterBT-shirtCjacket14The boy needs a _ hatAblueBbrownCblack15The hat is only _ dollarsA8B9C10听下面一段材料,回答16-20题。16What sport does Gina like?APing-pongBVolleyballCBasketball17Anna wants to buy a _AT-shirtBhatCsweater18How much is the yellow hat?A20 yuanB30 yuan

5、C40 yuan19Who wants to buy a skirt?AAliceBGinaCMona20_ arent in the clothes storeAWhite skirtsBSports shoesCBlack T-shirts二、单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)。21找出下列划线部分发音不同于其他三个的选项AthankBfatherCmotherDbrother22This is _ motherShe loves her two daughters very muchALucys and LilysBLucy and LilysCLucys and TomsD

6、Lucy and Toms23Gina and Linda are_They are also _Awoman teachers; car driversBwomen teachers; car drivers Cwoman teachers; cars driversDwomen teachers; cars drivers 24I have _ volleyballLets play _ volleyball after _ dinnerAa, a, theBan, /, aCa, /, /Da,/, the25Tim is a _ student and he studies_Awell

7、, good;Bgood, good;Cgood, well;Dwell, well26The socks _ expensive but the pair of socks _ cheapAare, areBare, isCis, isDis, are27Bob and his classmates _ to school every dayHe with his friends _ home after schoolAgoes, go toBgo, goesCgoes, goes toDgo, go28I like _ fruit and vegetablesLets _ foodAto

8、eat, eatsBeating, eatCto eat, to eatDeating, eating29Paul likes _ for breakfast every dayAsome bread and tomatosBsome breads and tomatoes Csome breads and tomatosDsome bread and tomatoes30Some pictures are _ the wall and some windows are _ the wall, tooAon, on ;Bin, on;Cin, on ;Don, in31Jeff has _ e

9、ggs _ milk for breakfast, but he doesnt have _ apples _ bananasAsome, and, any, and;Bany, and, any, or ;Csome, and, any, or;Dsome, and, any, and;32We have all trousers _ all colors _ $18Afor;forBat;forCin; forDat; at33There _ a teacher and _ students in the classroomThere _ two cups and _ broccoli o

10、n the tableAAre, many; is, muchBAre, much; are, many Cis, many; are, muchDis, many; is, much34Is that _ hat? No, its not _Its _Ayour, my, her;Byou, mine, hers;Cyours, mine, his;Dyour, mine, his35_ the _ of these shorts ? Its 30 dollarsAWhats, pricesBWhatre, pricesCWhatre, priceDWhats, price三、完形填空(共2

11、0小题,每小题0.5分,满分10分)AThere is a store next 36 our schoolIts small, 37 there are lots of school things 38 itDo you and your friends 39 rulers, pens or 40 ? They sell those things 41 a very good priceBig erasers are just two yuan 42 The pens are just 43 sale for three yuanOh, I like that cartoon pencils

12、 44 at the price! Its only two yuanIll take 45 Do you want school things? Just come here and see for yourself36AforBtoCabout37AandBbutCor38AinBatCon39AhaveBtakeCneed40ApencilsBwatchesCclothe41AinBatCon42AoneBeachCevery43AinBatCon44AWatchBReadCLook45AthemBitCme BHello, everyone! My name is Bill, 46 t

13、wenty six years oldI get up early and make 47 every morningI always have an egg, a hamburger and some 48 Sometimes, I put some honey(蜂蜜) into my milkIts really goodAt noon, I 49 a Chinese restaurant(餐馆)I 50 Chinese foodI usually have tomato and egg riceIn the afternoon, I like to have a cup of tea 51 my friendsI think its very 52 I am very 53 I dont eat much for dinnerI usually eat some salad and fruitTonight Ill go to the supermarketI want to buy some 54 and pearsTheyre my favorite fruitsI also 55 some carrots for chicken soup46AI mBShesCYoure47AbreakfastBlunchCdinner48A


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