北京市房山区石窝中学七年级英语上册 Get ready B Ppart 1.1.2导学案(无答案)(新版)北京课改版

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北京市房山区石窝中学七年级英语上册 Get ready B Ppart 1.1.2导学案(无答案)(新版)北京课改版_第1页
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北京市房山区石窝中学七年级英语上册 Get ready B Ppart 1.1.2导学案(无答案)(新版)北京课改版_第2页
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《北京市房山区石窝中学七年级英语上册 Get ready B Ppart 1.1.2导学案(无答案)(新版)北京课改版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《北京市房山区石窝中学七年级英语上册 Get ready B Ppart 1.1.2导学案(无答案)(新版)北京课改版(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Get ready B Ppart 1.1.2学习目标: 1. To help Ss revise subjects pronouns and possessive adjective.2.to help SS revise the numbers 1-203.To help SS practice numbers 1-204To help Ss listen for specific details5.To help Ss practice the numbers 1-20 and talk about their ages.【课程标准】能听懂有关熟悉话题的谈话,并能从中提取信息和观点. 能

2、与他人沟通信息,合作完成任务重 点:考试说明中所要求掌握的数字表达法,做到四会(听说读写),及人称代词的主格和物主格难 点:利用本课所学的功能句编写简单对话学法指导:指导学生利用所给的听力材料举一反三的使用知识链接:根据上下文完成对话所缺信息导学过程:Language Focus 1.代词 (pronouns)你所知道的人称代词(主格) 有_你所知道的形容词性物主代词 有_2.Complete the text.(用代词填空)Xinxin is Jims friend. _ is twelve years old. _ is a new student in Jims class. That

3、is _ brother. _ name is Yangyang. _ is ten. _ are from Beijing. Xinxin is good at sports. _favourite subject is PE. Yangyang is good at maths. _ favourite subject is science. _ isnt good at sports.3. 朗读下列句子并翻译,认真体会加黑字的用法并总结I am from America. You are from Canada. He is from Australia.She is from Engl

4、and. They are from China.We are good friends It is my favorite song.加黑字为_,在句子中作_My favourite class is maths. Your name is Mark. His sister is Kathy.Her brother is Jeff. Their teacher is Miss Tang. Our art class is good.Its name is “Goodbye”.加黑字为_在句子中作_,它的后面必须加_4. Complete the sentences with the corr

5、ect words. (Ex. 5)(1) _ am Jeff. He is _ (I) brother. _ name is John.(2) Jenny and I are friends. _ are in Class 2. Miss Woods is_ teacher.(3) A: This song is good. B: Yeah. _ is my favourite song. _ name is “Sing”.(4) A: Is that _ (you) friend Tom? B: No, thats _ (I) friend Tony. _ is from England.

6、(5)A: Is she _ friend? B: Yes, _ is my friend. _name is Linda.(6) Terry and Jim are new students in our class. _ are from China. _ favourite subject is maths.(7) A: Are _ (you) and John brothers? B: No, _ are good friends.Read aloud and remember them!Language Focus 2 (numbers)1.你能用英语写出20以内的数字吗2.Look

7、 at the pictures.say each players number.(P93.Listen to the dialogue.Write the ages of the children.Jeff_ Jim_Bob_Jenny_Linda_3. In pairs, make a dialogue to know about your partner and his/her friend. Hi! Whats your name? How old are you? Whats your favourite subject? Are you good at sports? Who is your friend? How old is he/she? Whats his/her favourite subject? Is he/she good at art? Homework1. 练习口头表达数字,默写数字1-20;2.完成介绍你自己和朋友的文段我的反思


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