(一三六导学案)湖北省咸宁市嘉鱼县城北中学七年级英语下册 Unit 6 Topic 1 Is there a computer in your study Section C导学案(无答案) 仁爱版

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(一三六导学案)湖北省咸宁市嘉鱼县城北中学七年级英语下册 Unit 6 Topic 1 Is there a computer in your study Section C导学案(无答案) 仁爱版_第1页
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(一三六导学案)湖北省咸宁市嘉鱼县城北中学七年级英语下册 Unit 6 Topic 1 Is there a computer in your study Section C导学案(无答案) 仁爱版_第2页
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《(一三六导学案)湖北省咸宁市嘉鱼县城北中学七年级英语下册 Unit 6 Topic 1 Is there a computer in your study Section C导学案(无答案) 仁爱版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《(一三六导学案)湖北省咸宁市嘉鱼县城北中学七年级英语下册 Unit 6 Topic 1 Is there a computer in your study Section C导学案(无答案) 仁爱版(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Is there a computer in your study一、明确目标:1、学习一些新单词。2、继续学习方位介词和There be句型。二、自主预习:检测新单词。在中心_ 院子_ 美丽的_花_ 巨大的_ 抽屉_人,人们_ 左边_ 键盘_文具盒_ 椅子_ 镜子_在左面、右面、前面、后面_三、合作探究:There is a blackboard at the back of the classroom.There is a playground behind our classroom building.你能总结出at the back of和behind的区别吗?四、当堂反馈:(一)根据

2、句意及首字母提示写出单词。1、There is much money in the d_ of the table.2、Kate likes w_ TV in the living room.3、There are many b_ flowers in the garden.4、Where is my key?Its on the k_ near the computer.5、Go and wash your hands in the b_.(二)单项选择。( )1.Where is your bed? Its _ the bedroom.A、underB、onC、in( )2.There _

3、 30 boys and 20 girls in our class.A、beB、areC、have( )3.Where _ my keys? _ in my bag.A、is; TheyreB、are; TheyreC、are; Therere( )4.Mom, where are my sports shoes?They are _ your bed.A、underB、inC、behind( )5.There are _ rice books in the school library. Lets go and borrow some.A、so littleB、so manyC、so mu

4、ch五、拓展提升:看看这两个词组:in front of和in the front of,你知道它们的区别吗?六、课后检测:用所给词的正确形式填空。1、Are there _(some) books on the desk?Yes, there are.2、There _(be) some keys on the sofa. Whose keys are they?3、Look! Lily is _(play) with the dog.4、Jim, you must _(look) after your things.5、How many _(boat) are there on the river?Twelve.


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