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1、2014 年广州市英语听说考试模拟试题 APart A Reading AloudAfter nearly two centuries of dreaming for the Channel Tunnel, the island of Great Britain is finally connected to Continental Europe for the first time since the Ice Age. This exciting new way of traveling to Britain is Europes most ambitious construction pr

2、oject in over a century. At 50kilometers in length, it is one of the longest undersea tunnels in the world. Construction began in1987 and it took seven years to complete. In fact, this is not one tunnel, but three - two for rail tracks and one service tunnel for maintenance work, all situated side b

3、y side below the sea bed.Part B Role Play情景介绍角色:你是顾客任务:(1)向旅行社职员咨询报名参团的事宜;(2)根据谈话内容回答你朋友的提问。1. Now please listen to the speaker.W: Good morning sir.M: Good morning. Er, Im looking for information about overseas trips. Can you tell me a little about some of the tours your agency offers?W: Sure. Now i

4、ts autumn, the season for adventures. We have a trip to Africa coming up, where travelers can watch the wild animals crossing the grasslands.M: Thats very exciting but Im bringing my five-year-old son. Africa might be too much for a little boy.W: You can go to Australia. There are lots of things to

5、do. Seeing koalas or having fun on the beach. Or you might want to experience the ancient castles of Europe.M: Both sound great. I only have an eight-day holiday. Its difficult to decide.W: Theres no hurry.2. 1) 国外游我们通常需要准备什么?What should we usually prepare for trips abroad?/ What should we do to pre

6、pare for over seas trips?W: There are quite a few things. Applying for a passport, getting to know more about local customs, for example. If you have any problems, you can always go on the Internet for help.2) 澳大利亚十月的天气怎样?Whats the weather like in Australia in October?W: Well, weather differs. Take

7、Sydney for example. Its usually nice and comfortable. As a direct flight only takes about ten hours, its the most popular destination for our customers.3) 如果我马上付钱,有优惠吗?Is there a discount if I pay (right) now/ immediately?/ Is it cheaper if I pay now?W: Yes, of course. You get a 5% discount if you p

8、ay in advance. And you can have an extra 10% off if you pay by credit card. By the way, you can visit our website or telephone us for the latest information.3. 1) What can travelers do in Africa in autumn?Watch the wild animals crossing/ cross the grasslands.2) How old is the mans son?(Hes) Five. /F

9、ive years old.3) What can travelers do if they have problems about traveling abroad?Go on the Internet for help.4) How long does it take to fly to Sydney?About ten hours.5) How can travelers get an extra discount of 10%?They can pay by credit card/By paying by credit card.Part C Story Retelling梗概:一外

10、国人到印度探索,买的便宜“水果”很辣,却坚持吃下去。关键词:explore (探索) thirsty (口渴) burning (发烫 )call out (大喊) red pepper (红椒)Once upon a time, a foreign man traveled to India to explore new things. When he got there, he was so excited to see so many strange things, especially the fresh and colourful fruit. In India, fruit is

11、very expensive and hard to grow because there is so little rain.In one shop, the traveler was happy to see a big basket of very long, red fruit, which was surprisingly cheap. He felt thirsty, so he bought a whole kilo of the fruit and started eating it. But soon his mouth started burning, and his fa

12、ce turned red. He called out loudly “Help! Help!” But he didnt realize the fruit was the cause of his burning, he carried on eating as he called out for help. People told him to stop because the fruit was red pepper, a kind of hot food which was not suitable to be eaten as fruit! But the man refused

13、 to listen to the advice they gave. He thought to himself, “I traveled a long way to India and paid for the fruit. There was no reason for me to waste the money.” So he kept eating the red pepper, jumping up and down.主要信息点(参考):1. A foreigner traveled to India to explore.2. He was excited to see stra

14、nge things, especially fruit.3. Fruit is expensive and hard to grow in India.4. He was happy to see a kind of long, red fruit, which was cheap.5. He felt thirsty so he bought some fruit and started eating it.6. Soon his mouth started burning, and his face turned red.7. He called out “Help! Help!” but didnt realize the fruit was the cause.8. People told him to stop eating the fruit because it was too hot but he refused to listen.9. He thought he paid for the fruit and shouldnt waste the money.10. He kept eating the red pepper, jumping up and down.



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