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1、新世纪视听说3原文 新世纪研究生公共英语教材听说 学生用书听力原文上(免费) 导读:就爱阅读网友为您分享以下“新世纪研究生公共英语教材听说 学生用书听力原文上(免费)”资讯,希望对您有所帮助,感谢您对的支持!LESSON ONEMusic1. M: By the way, Jane, did you talk to the consultant顾问about our new health program?W: I contacted联系 his office but his secretary said he would (be out for)试图得到 lunch until two.Q:

2、What does the woman mean?2. W: We need to let everyone know about the charity triti n. 慈爱concert, but we dont have much money for advertising.M: How about using the school radio station? They broadcast free public service服务announcements. 通告Q: What does the man suggest they do?3. W: I dont understand

3、 why this self-study自学book doesnt have answers to the questions.M: But it does. You can find them at the back of the book.Q: What does the man say about the self-study book?4. M: The new sales manager says he has never met you before.W: Weve been introduced about three times. He seems a little forge

4、tful. Q: What do we learn about the new sales manager?5. M: Have you had the brakesbreik n制动器; 闸; 刹车. and tires checked? And do you have enough money?W: I have taken care of everything. And Im sure its going to be a wonderful极好的, 精彩的, 绝妙的trip.Q: Whats the woman going to do?g. M: Ive had my new stere

5、o立体声for a whole week, but I havent yet figured out想到how to record music.W: Didnt an instruction manual mnjul 手册形式的,像手册的;教范性质的come with it?Q: What does the woman imply?7. W: I want to pay you for that long-distance call I made. But, I suppose you havent gotten your phone bill yet,M: Oh, but I have.Q:

6、 What does the man mean?8. M: Professor Smith assigned us three more novels to read.W: He must think you dont have any other classes.Q: What can be inferred about Professor Smith?9. M: Lets go watch the fireworks烟花 tonight.W: I have tickets to the theater.Q: What does the woman mean?10. M: I am exha

7、usted筋疲力尽的. I stayed up熬夜the whole night studying for my history midterm exam.W: Why do you always wait till the last minute?Q: What can be inferred about the man?11. M: Ill be coming straight from work, so Ill have to pack包装;捆扎a change of clothes.W: Its only a barbecue b:bikju: (常用于室外的)金属烤架. Jeans

8、and T-shirts will be fine.Q: What does the woman imply?12. W: Im going to the snack snk 小吃; 点心; 快餐bar for a cup of coffee. Would you like me to bring you back something?M: Not from the snack bar, but could you pick up a paper for me?Q: What does the man mean?13. M: I dont understand how this budget

9、was calculatedklkjuleit 计算, 估计, 核算.W: Let me have a look, OK?Q: What does the woman mean?14. W: We need a fourth player for tennis this morning. Do you want to join us? M: Ive got a class at nine, but Carol is free and she is really good.Q: What does the man suggest the woman do?15. W: Have you save

10、d enough to buy that new printer for your computer yet?M: You know, money seems to be burning a hole in my pocket lately. Maybe next month.Q: What does the man mean?PART B Intensive加强的Listening: MusicPassage I: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart沃尔夫冈阿马多伊斯莫扎特Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) was one of the mos

11、t human and lovablelvbl 可爱的,惹人爱的of the great composerskmpz (尤指古典音乐)作曲家,创作者,作曲者. The period in which he lived was one of romantic interest, and his early life as a musical音乐的, 用于音乐的, 有音乐的child genius di:njs 天才, 天赋before the principal最重要的; 主要的courts of Europe reads like a fairyfri仙人, 小仙子, 小精灵tale传说;陈述

12、.(At no time)决不in the history of the world has the court life of Europe been so wasteful westfl浪费的;挥霍的;耗费的as during the later half of the eighteenth century. One of the great child geniuses di:njs天才, 天赋the world has ever known, the boy Mozart, and his sister Maria Anna, soon became the court favorit

13、esfeivrit特别喜欢的人(或物),喜欢的事物,亲信,心腹,幸运儿and traveled not only in Austria, but to France and Italy as well. It was but natural天生的, 生来的,本来的,与生俱来的that the youthful青年人的; 青春的; genius di:njs天才, 天赋should be influenced by these experiences. There is a delicacy delksi: 精致, 精美;娇嫩and refinement rfanmnt精炼;提炼;提纯in Mo

14、zarts musical expression which is not found in the works of his master男教师; 院长, Haydn.From his seventh year until his death at the age of thirty-five, Mozarts genius (poured forth)连续不断地流出a free stream of over a thousand melodious mldi:s有旋律的,产生旋律的compositions创作, 写作, 作曲, many of which were never publis

15、hed. Mozart wrote all forms for all instruments仪器. Of his forty-ninesymphoniessimfni交响乐, 交响曲, the two greatest are G-minor and C-major. These works were both written in six weeks during the summer of 1788.As a composer (尤指古典音乐)作曲家,创作者,作曲者of opera pr歌剧, Mozart still remains pre-eminent卓越的,优秀的. His dramatic戏剧性的works show great individual个别的, 单独的, 个人的genius天才, 天赋, but little regard for theprevious先前的, 以前的reforms改革, 改良, 改造 of Gluck. His areas have never been surpassed 超过; 优于; 多于; 非所能办到 and his dramatic戏剧的, 剧本的simplicitysimplis


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