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1、Module 3 Life now and then模块综合评价检测(45分钟100分)第卷(共60分). 听力(10分)()录音中有五个句子, 听一遍后, 选择最佳答语。(5分)1. A. Yes, they did. B. By bike. C. No, they wont. 2. A. Its like a bird. B. Its as free as a flying bird. C. It will be more 013fortable. 3. A. I think so. B. Yes, we will. C. Yes, we must. 4. A. Good idea. B.

2、 I dont know. C. Because its too cold. 5. A. Dumplings. B. Very delicious. C. Its more relaxed. ()录音中有一篇短文, 听两遍后, 补全句中所缺单词。(5分)6. Todays 013puters arethan before. 7. 013puters can save large amounts of. 8. 013puters can workthan man. 9. More and moreneed 013putershelp. 10. Students can makearound th

3、e world using 013puters. . 单项选择(20分)1.Do you like seeing a movie on your mobile phone? No. Ido that because it makes me un013fortable. A. seldomB. oftenC. usuallyD. sometimes2. Linda used toin the morning, but now she is used toin the evening. A. read; be readingB. read; readingC. reading; readD. re

4、ading; reading3.Do you have a sister? Yes, she isthan me. A. much youngB. a little more youngerC. much more youngerD. much younger4. Steve isnt asas Mary. He often makes mistakes in his writing. A. carelessB. tidyC. carefulD. difficult5.Do you know who you canhelp if you feel stressed? A. to askB. a

5、sk forC. to ask forD. ask to6.Will you watch the World Cup match this year? No, but Iseveral World Cup matches since I was a small child. A. had watchedB. watchC. was watchingD. have watched7. What brought joy to Linda just now? . A. Received a giftB. She received a giftC. Receiving a giftD. Because

6、 she received a gift8.How many girls are there in your class? themover twenty. A. A number of; areB. The number of; areC. A number of; isD. The number of; is9. Why notto the park now? Good idea! Lets go. A. goB. to goC. goesD. going10.She used to have long straight hair, but now shes got short curly

7、 hair. ! A. ThanksB. People sure changeC. Dont worryD. Good idea. 完形填空(20分)Today people in the world have a busy life and they often feel unhappy under too much pressure. In fact, keeping happy1important and necessary for everyone. Most people want to be happy, 2few know how to be happy. Money and s

8、uccess can bring pleasure, however, it3long. Actually, happiness depends on4. Here are5ways to help to be happier. The first thing is to enjoy the simple things in life. We often spend too much time thinking about the futurefor example, going to a famous university or getting a good job. You should

9、enjoy simple pleasure in life, such as6a good book, listening to your favorite music or spending time with good friends and so on. The second secret is to be7. Many people enjoy dancing or playing sports. You can forget all your problems and only think about the activity you are doing. 8secret, help

10、ing others is a good way to keep healthy. You always feel happy when you do9for someone. You can do chores for your parents, help a friend or a classmate with his or her study and go shopping to buy food for an old neighbour. In a word, learning to be happy is good for your10. 1. A. areB. isC. beD.

11、was2. A. butB. soC. orD. although3. A. dont lastB. didnt lastC. wont lastD. doesnt last4. A. ourB. weC. ourselvesD. us5. A. someB. littleC. fewD. much6. A. seeingB. watchingC. readingD. looking7. A. strictB. quietC. activeD. nervous8. A. ThirdB. The thirdC. ThreeD. The Three9. A. nothing seriousB. s

12、omething wrongC. something niceD. anything else10. A. healthyB. healthC. healthilyD. healthier. 阅读理解(10分)A Swiss inventor drove his solar-powered car(太阳能汽车)to a school in Shanghai. There is not enough oil in the world now. As time goes by, it be013es less and less, so what are we going to do when it

13、 runs out? Perhaps we will go back to using horses, carriages and bicycles. In the Second World War, some people didnt use gas made from petroleum(石油)in their cars. They made gas from wood and plants instead. The car didnt go fast, but they ran, so this was better than nothing. However, in the futur

14、e, we cant cut down all our trees to make gas. We need our trees for other things, too. Besides different types of gas, we can also use electricity to run our cars, but first we must make the electricity! Some countries have coal and they make electricity with that, but we might not always have coal

15、, either. Other countries have big, strong rivers, and they can use the power of water to turn turbines(涡轮机)and make electricity more easily and cheaply. We are also able to get power from the ocean tides. We put turbines into the mouth of the river. Then the tide 013es in, the water turns the turbines and then it goes out, it turns them again. Which of these ways will be used to run our cars in the future? 1. When might people have to go back to using horses and carriages? A. When they are poor. B. When the


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