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1、2020年人教版七年级英语下册第九单元短语语法归纳练习第一部分 【重点短语】short hair long hair curly hair straight hair (be)of medium height a little look like a big nose a small mouth a round face black hair big eyes a long face the same way an interesting job draw a picture of sb describe the same person differently in the end real

2、criminal wear glasses first of all 【描述外貌-词汇小结】tall 高的, short 矮的, of medium height 中等高度; Thin 瘦的,轻的, heavy 重的, of medium build 中等身材;Curly 卷的, straight 直的short短的 , long长的, black黑的, blonde 金发的;brown棕色wear glasses戴眼镜【答案】从左至右:短发;长发;卷发;直发;中等身高;有点/稍微;看起来像;一个大鼻子;小嘴巴;一张圆脸;黑发;大眼睛;大长脸;(以)同样的方式;一份有趣的工作;画一张的图片;不

3、同方式描述同一人;最后(=at last/finally);真正的罪犯;戴眼镜;首先/起初。第二部分 【重点语法】 1.描述外貌基本句型:What does he look like? What does she look like? Hes of medium/build. She has long straight hair.Is he tall or short?(选择疑问句)She is tall.(选择其中一个回答即可)考点 look like “看起来像,长的像”, 相当于be like.都是问外貌:-What does he look like?=What is he like?

4、. “他长什么样?”-He has big eyes. 他有大眼睛注意be like还可以用来询问性格特征:-What is she like?- She is a quiet girl(一个文静的女孩) 也可以与look the same 换同义句.A looks like B= A and B look the same.【试一试】1).-Why do we call it the novel coronavirus(新冠病毒)? -Because the shape(形状) the crown(皇冠) and “corona” means “crown” in Spanish. A. l

5、ook like B. look C. is like D. is look like2).Our teacher _a big sister to us. We all _her very much. A. look like; likes B. looks like; like C. is like; likes D. is like; like3).- does Mr. Liu look like? -He big eyes and a thin face.A. What; have B.How; is C. What; has D.How; has4).-Does Miss Wang

6、have long or short hair?- .A. Long hair B. Yes, she has long hair C. No, she doesnt D. She is tall5).The woman _ long hair is our math teacher. A. in B. with C. on D. of6)换同义句:Tom looks like his father very much.Tom and his father .【答案】CDCAB; look the same2. Oh,but I may be a little late.“但我可能会晚一点到”

7、a little “一点儿,有点儿”,后跟形容词。例子: a little thin 有点瘦a little=a little bit= a bit= kind of 有点儿”3. Are you going to the movie tonight? be going to+地点或者场所 意思是“打算/将要去某地”例子:I am going to the movie我打算去看电影。【翻译】今晚我打算去拜访我的奶奶。 。答案I am going to visit my grandma tonight.4. Sb. have/has long/short/straight/curly/brown

8、 hair. 形容头发动词用have/hasSb. have/has a big nose/a round face/big eyes/a long face/a small mouth. 形容五官大小常用have/hasSb. am/is/are tall/short/of medium height/thin/heavy/fat/of medium build/handsome/beautiful. 形容身材身型外貌长相用be动词例子: 他很帅:He is handsome.她是圆脸: She has a round face.他是短发:He has short hair.试一试. Dan

9、 is _ tall boy and he has _ brown eyes. A. a; theB. /; theC. a; /D. the; / 【C】5. 宾语从句:They tell him what the criminal looks like. “他们会告诉他这罪犯长什么样子”宾语从句中,从句部分句子语序用陈述句语序。例子: I want to tell you what my dog looks like.“我想告诉你我的小狗长什么样”I think that you know what I can do.“我认为你知道我能做什么”试一试1.I need to talk to

10、her. Please tell me A. where does she live B. she lives where C. where she lives D. where is she2.Can you tell me _?ZX Yes, he lives in Sha Pingba.A. where does he liveB. where is he living C. where he lives D. where he lived 【答案】CC【注意】宾语从句,满足“否定前移”(条件:当主语为第一人称,且谓语动词是表达“主观认为想法”的动词时)如:think, believe,

11、 guess, suppose等例:I think nobody can get through this. 我认为没人能够挺得过去。 I dont think nobody can get through this. 改为否定句I think Tom is doing his homework.I Tom his homework.【答案】dont think; is6. The police put it in newspapers and on television to find him.“警察把这个画像放在报纸和电视上去找他”The police “警察”, 做主语,谓语动词用复数i

12、n newspaper 在报纸上on television 在电视上describe the same person differently. “对同一个人的描述会不同”此句中differently是副词,修饰动词describe.person “人”,复数persons.people “人,人们”。 单复数都是people, 一般都是以复数形式存在。一个人: a person *不能说a people !7.another “另一个,又一个”, 表泛指。后常跟单数名词在通常情况下,another之后只能接单数名词, 但是若another后的名词有数词或few修饰时,则也可接复数名词: another student另外一个学生another few days另外几天another ten years另外10年另:another +数字+复数名词 = 数字+ more + 复数名词There is a lot of work to do, so we need _ two days. ( = _ more days).【练习】1.I need 10 days to finish my work, because this work is too massive(宏大的). A



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