辽宁开原七级英语期中 人教新目标.doc

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1、辽宁省开原五中2011-2012学年七年级英语下学期期中试题(无答案) 人教新目标版总分:120分 时间:90分钟 I. 选择填空 从每题四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。(15分)( )1. Where does Jay Chou _? He lives in Taiwan. A. live B. lives C. live in D. lives in( )2.Letsgoand_. A.playingsoccer B.playthesoccer C.toplaysoccer D.playsoccer ( )3.-_ does he want to be a policeman? -Becau

2、se its interesting. A. Why B. How C. What D. Where ( ) 4. People are really _ on the beach in summer (夏季). A. relaxing B. relax C. relaxed D. to relax ( ) 5.Who are you _? My mother. A. waiting B. wait C. waiting for D. wait for( )6.Please write _ me and tell me_ yourself.A. to; to B. about; about C

3、. to; about D. about; to ( )7. Lets go to the zoo on Sunday morning. _.A. Thank you very much B. That sounds good C. Yes, we are D. Not at all( )8. Lions like to eat_, but koalas like to eat_. A. meat; leaf B. meats; leaf C. meat; leaves D. meats; leaves( )9. Thanks for _ to my party. A. come B. com

4、ing C. to come D. comes( )10.My aunt works _ a TV station _ a reporter. A. in; as B. for; at C. to; as D. to; for ( )11. Mary, who _ you _ on the phone? Its my best friend, Ann. A. are; talking with B. are; talk to C. do; talking with D. do; talk about ( )12.My son often _TV on Sundays. Today is Sun

5、day. He_ TV now. A. is watching, watches; B.; watches, is watching C. watches ; watches D. is watching; is watching ( )13. _ it going ? Not bad! A. Wheres B. Whats C. What does D. Hows ( )14. It_. We cant go out. A. rainy B. rain C. is raining D. are raining( )15.Weplaygames_Saturdayafternoon. A.inB

6、.onC.atD.for II.补全对话(10分),( A. )从每题ABCD四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案完成对话。(5分)Ann:Letsseekoalasfirst.OK?Ilikethemalot. Ben:OK.Whydoyoulikekoalas? Ann:1 -Ben:Look!Theyreinthetree.Thebigtreeistheirhome.2 -Ann:Sure.Theyliketoeatleaves. Ben:Ann,3 -Ann:Justgostraightandturnleft.4 -Ben:Yes,Ilikethembest.5-letsgoandseethe

7、m. Ann:Ilikethem,too.Letsgo. A:Wherearegiraffes? B:Becausetheyarefriendlyandcute. C:Doyoulikegiraffes? D:TheycomefromAfrica. E:Doyouknowwhattheyliketoeat? ( B. )请根据对话情景,补全所缺的单词,短语或句子. (5分) A:1 _ . Is there a big library in the neighborhood? B: Yes,2._. But the library isnt big, it is3 _ . A: Thats O

8、K. Can you tell me the way to the library? B: Well, 4 _ _ Greet Street and turn left,then you can see the library. A: Thank you very much! B: 5 _ . III完形填空。(10分) My name is Mary. I am _1_ African (非洲的) girl. I live in a small village (村庄) in Kenya. It is_2_ Africa. The weather here is very_3_. So we

9、 often swim in the river. I have a dog and a cat. I like toys, _4_ I dont have one. We dont have a classroom in my school. We have our _5_ under a big tree. Sometimes we do sports. Many boys like_ 6_ or playing soccer. Whats your favorite _7_? We dont have computers. Do you have computers? After sch

10、ool I _8_ my mother look after(照顾) my sisters and brothers. What do you usually do after school? Do you want to_9_my pen pal? Can you write to _10_ soon? ( ) 1. A. a B. an C. the D. /( ) 2. A. on B. next C. in D. across( ) 3. A. cold B. snowing C. cool D. hot( ) 4. A. but B. and C. if D. then( ) 5.

11、A. letters B. jobs C. vacations D. classes( ) 6. A. swim B. swims C. swimming D. are swimming( ) 7. A. subject B. sport C. movie D. weather( ) 8. A. help B. love C. talk D. play( ) 9. A. am B. is C. are D. be( )10. A. I B. me C. my D. usIV.用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。(10分)live,winter,beach,report,talk,enjoy,lan

12、guage,out,money,relaxMy name is Wang Lin.Im a girl.There are three people in my family. My father is a_1_ and my mother is a bank clerk. My father can speak two_2 _and he likes_3 _with people. My mother always work with_4 _. Im a student. I have a long summer and a long _5_vacation. On weekends, I usually go_6 _with my parents and do some _7_ things. During the vacation,I like to play with my friends.I_8_near the


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