七级英语下册 Unit2 My family The alphabet and Task导学案.doc

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1、Unit2 My family The alphabet and Task 班级_姓名_一、【学习目标】1. 学会更多的表示家庭成员的一些词汇。2. 学会字母O-Z大小写。二、【学习重难点】学会使用句型What is it? It is Who is he/she? He/She is 三、【自主学习】一汉译英:1.医生 2.教师. 3.警察 4.护士 5.男人 6.司机 7.工人 8.工作 二、写出下列缩写词1、电视机 2、联合国 3、中华人民共和国 4、美国 5、贵宾 6、智商 7、人民币 8、世界卫生组织 9、厕所 四、【合作 探究】1、小组讨论,默出字母O-Z 大小写 2、小组讨论,按

2、读音将26个字母分类。/ei/ : /i:/: /e/: /eu/: /a:/ : /ai/ : /ju:/ : 五、【达标巩固】一、选择正确的答案完成句子1._ is he? He is my father. A. Who B. What C. How2.Whats your name?_ A. Sister B. my brother C. Bob3.Who is he? _ A. Aunt Mary B. Mary Aunt C. CousinTony 4.This is Kate. She is _ sister. A. a B. I C. my 5.Whats this? _ a p

3、hoto. A. Its B. its C.Its6._ is yourfather? He is fine. A. What B. Who C. How 二、对划线部分提问1. She is Cousin.Mary. _2. Its a photo of my family. _3. Hes my twin brother. _ 4. This is my mother. _ 三、句型转换1. Its my family photo.(同义句)Its _ _ _ my family.2. Whats his brother?(同义句)_ his brothers _ 3. The man i

4、s our teacher (对划线部分提问) _ is the man? 4. Its a photo of my family. (对划线部分提问)_ 四、完成下列对话 1. A: What is it?B: Its a _ _ my family.A: _ is she?B:_ _ my sister.A: _ _ he?B: _ _ my brother.2. A: Who _ that man?B: _ _ my uncle.A: _ _ he?B: _ a policeman.3. Miss Cao is a doctor.(提问) _ 4. This man is my teacher. (提问)_ 5. Its a photo of my family. (提问)_ 2



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