初三英语Unit5 Great PeopleL33L36知识精讲 冀教.doc

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1、初三英语Unit5 Great People(L33-L36)知识精讲【同步教育信息】一. 本周教学内容:Unit 5 Great People(L33L36)1. 重点单词n. life universe mind centurylifetime relativity death weapon divorce farmer peanut shadow research development variety honour technology crossword puzzle dentist v. solve graduate devote produce benefit develop a

2、dj. Hybrid southwest agriculture worldwidepare super prep. besides 2. 重点短语。Nobel Prize 诺贝尔奖so that 为了;结果;因此devote to 致力于;献身于day after day 一天又一天地be famous for / as 以/作为而闻名come up with 发现Its said that 据说set an example 树立榜样3. 交际用语。介绍人物。二. 重点、难点解析及词语辨析。1. What makes us happy? 什么使我们快乐?L33make sb./sth .+

3、adj. 使某人/某物 The news made her excited. 这消息使她兴奋。 Reading makes me happy. 读书使我快乐。make oneself understood 表明某人的意思 Can you easily make yourself understood in English? 你能用英语轻易表明你的意思吗?2. What does life mean? 生活是什么意思?(L33)What does mean?=Whats the meaning of ?=What do you mean by? 是什么意思? What does “quick”

4、mean ? “quick”是什么意思?=Whats the meaning of “quick”?=What do you mean by “quick”?3. What do you do with your mind ?你用你的思想做什么?(L34)mind(1)n.记忆;思想;智力等keep sth. in mind 记住某事物She always keeps that thing in mind. 她总记着那件事。change ones mind 改变主意Have you changed your mind ? 你已经改变主意了吗?keep ones mind on sth. 专心于

5、某事 Keep your mind on what youre doing .专心你正在做的事情。make up ones mind 下决心 Ive made up my mind to be a teacher. 我已决心当老师。(2)mind v. 留心;注意;介意;反对mind doing Do you mind my smoking ? 我吸烟你介意吗? Never mind .=It doesnt matter. 没关系。 4. stop questioning停止询问(L34)(1)stop doing sth. 停止干某事。It stopped raining .雨停了。(2)s

6、top to do sth. 停下来去做某事。Lets stop to have a rest. 让我们停下来休息一下。5. Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new. (L34)永不犯错误的人从不尝试任何新事。make mistakesmake a mistakes 犯错误Everyone makes a mistake. 人人犯错误。By mistake 错误的做了某事I took the umbrella by mistake. 我拿错了雨伞。6. give up 放弃(L34)He has give

7、n up smoking. 他不再吸烟了。辨析:give up 与give in相同点: 都有“放弃;让步”的意思;形式上都作不及物动词He gave up/in at last.他终于投降了。不同点give up “放弃” give in “屈服”在形式上give up可做及物动词,后接名词或动名词,而 give in是不及物动词,后不接宾语She will give up this journey. 她将放弃这次旅行。7. come up with=find out 意思是“找到,提出(答案、解决办法等)”(L35)One day the librarian came up with an

8、 idea. 有一天图书管理员想出了一个办法。 8. devote oneself to 献身于;致力于 “to”为介词,后接名词或动名词 (L35)Bethune devoted his life to caring for the sick. 白求恩专心照顾他的病人。Yuan Longping devoted himself to his work. 袁隆平全身心投入到工作中。devoted adj.献身的,专心于be devoted to ones country 精忠报国9. because of“ 因为,由于”。是一个介词短语,后接名词和动名词 because +从句 (L35)Sh

9、e was absent because of sickness. 她由于生病而缺席。I didnt catch the early bus because I got up late this morning. 我没赶上早班车因为我起晚了。Because of these ,he failed. 由于这件事情,他失败了。10. It is said that one night an angel came to Mary and told her she was to have this special boy.(L35)据说,一天夜里有位天使来告诉玛丽亚她就要生下这个非凡的孩子。It is

10、 said that Bill Gates is one of the richest people in the world.据说,比尔盖茨是世界上最富的人之一。It is reported that 据报道11. He cares about nothing but his research. 除了研究外,他什么也不在乎。(L35)care about关心,在乎; 常用于疑问句和否定句:He doesnt care about anything we may say. 我们说什么他也不在乎。I dont care about your opinion. 我不在乎你的意见。care for喜

11、欢;常用于疑问句、否定句;照顾= take care of = look afterI dont really care for tea. 我其实不大喜欢喝茶。The mother cared for the sick child day and night. 母亲日夜照顾生病的孩子。12. day after day adv. 日复一日(=day by day) (L36)after adv.一个接一个,持续不断的紧挨着year after year 年复一年14. talk about 谈论,议论,讨论,后面跟谈论的具体内容(L36)talk with表示“与交谈”,后面跟谈话对象,用作宾

12、语。talk with双方交谈,talk to ,强调一方对另一方说Why did the men talk to the policeman? 这些人为什么跟警察谈话?He is talking with LiLei. 他在和李雷谈话。【模拟试题】(答题时间:50分钟)一. 用所给词的适当形式填空1. Five men lost their _lifein the accident. 2. Please get _anythingready before the part begins. 3. There are many _differentbetween the two words. 4

13、. I cant write as _fastas you. 5. What makes you _happy?6. Dong Cunrui _diemany year ago ,but his _diewas great. 7. The students stopped _talkwhen the headmaster came in. 二. 单项选择1. She now lives with her son happily . She is living a _ life now. A. hard B. easy C. happy D. terrible2. I do not want y

14、ou to _ the word “life” in the dictionary. A. look like B. look at C. look up D. look out3. His speech was a great _. A. succeed B. successful C. success D. successfully4. The _ is that we have a lot of _ to ask. A. problem, questions B. question, problemsC. problems, questions D. questions, problems5. Anyone _ has never made a mistake has never tried anything n



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