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1、-国际工程项目施工分包合同(中英文)CONTRACT OF SUBPROJECT EXECUTION 本合同系中译英翻译:张云军Translated from Chinese to English by Mr. Chang Yunejune. 签署日期: Date of Signature :总包商:General Contractor 分包商:Subcontractor 电气机械承包公司(以下简称总包商),和工程施工公司(以下简称分包商),于订立本分包合同。鉴于总包商已同利比亚国大型电气项目管理局(以下简称业主),就电气机械承包工程项目的设计,运输和施工签订了合同;鉴于分包商愿按该合同实施土

2、建和安装工程而报了价;鉴于总包商已接受分包商的报价,并依据分包商所附的报价表,现双方达成协议如下:This contract is made and entered into on , between Electrical Machine Contracting Company (hereinafter referred to as general contractor) and Engineering Company (hereinafter referred to as subcontractor).WHEREAS general contractor has concluded cont

3、ract, with Libyan National Authority of Large Electrical Project (hereinafter referred to as employer ), of the design, transportation and execution of the contracted project of electrical machine installation;WHEREAS subcontractor is willing to execute the project of civil engineering and installat

4、ion and made quotation thereon;WHEREAS general contractor has accepted subcontractors quotation;NOW THEREFORE parties hereto, as per subcontractors quotation, hereby covenant and agree as follows:(一)下列文件应是本分包协议的组成部分:Following documents is the integral parts of this subcontracting contract.电气、机械及技术操作

5、的合同通用条款(1980年第一版);General Provisions on Electrical / Machine and Technical Operation ( First version 1980);合同的特殊条款; Particular Provisions of Contract;电气机械工程项目的技术规范;Technical Norms of Project of Electrical / Machine;工作范围和技术要求;Contents and Technical Requirements for Project;土建和安装工程分包合同的报价表。Quotation f

6、or Subcontract of Civil Engineering and Installation.(二)工作范围 Project Contents本建设电气机械工程项目位于利比亚共和国境内,业主的技术规定如图所示。分包商的工作范围包括如下内容:The project of Electrical Machine which technical requirements as shown in drawings, is located in the territory of Republic of Libya. The Working contents of subcontractor i

7、nclude the following:提供所有工程的监督人员,熟练和非熟练工人,提供运输、测绘工具及设备,挖掘及钻孔机械,吊车,以承担塔架安装和导线挂垂和拉直等工作。Dispatching the personnel, for all projects, of supervision, skilled and unskilled workers, providing transportation, mapping tools / equipment, machines of digging & drilling and crane, which for the purpose of the

8、 executions of tower installation, electrical lines hanging / straightening, and so on.提供混凝土材料、水泥、砂、石子、灰浆材料、钢筋,并运送到工地。Provision of and transportation of concrete materials, cement, sand, gravel, mortar materials and steel bar.为所有工人及管理人员提供住宿、膳食、供水、卫生设备、交通费用和社会保险。Provision of, for all workers and admi

9、nistrators, accommodation, meals, water, sanitation, transport costs and social insurance.运送由总包商提供的库房中的塔架、导线、绝缘材料、五金构件、接地材料,包括从总包商库房到施工现场的运输,并负责卸车和保管。Transportation, from warehouse, provided by general contractor, of tower, electrical line, hardware components, grounding materials, which including t

10、he responsibilities of transportation from general contractors warehouse to Work site in addition to unloading and storage thereof.分包商应按总包商提供的纵断面图和测绘图确定塔架的位置。凡是已由总包商定出的塔架位置,分包商应测量检验,以保证塔架的位置和线位方向符合合同技术规范的要求,并在取得总包商批准后,应对测绘图作相应的更改或修正。Subcontractor should, as per the profile view and mapping diagram,

11、provided by general contractor, determine the location of tower on which, general contractor has terminated, subcontractor should make measure and inspection so as to ensure towers location and orientation conform the technical requirements hereof, and should, be subject to approval of general contr

12、actor, process corresponding alteration or amendment thereof.(三)符合技术规范要求 Conformity With Requirements of Technical Norms分包商应熟悉技术规范,应按照业主的要求和合同规定,承担属于分包工程范围内的与分包商有关的全部责任。Subcontractor should, be familiar with the technical norms and as per employers requirements and contracts stipulation, assume all

13、responsibilities which within subcontracts works and relevant to subcontractor.(四)劳工 Labor分包商应:Subcontractor should提供足够数量的工人,以满足总包商工程师在工程进度方面的要求。Send a sufficient of number of workers to meet the necessity of project progress schedule by engineer of general contractor.支付雇员工资并自费为其雇员提供保险,为其雇员提供住宿及膳食。M

14、ake payment, at its own expenses, of wages / salary and insurance for its employers, and provide employers with accommodation and meals.(五)遵守法律 Comply with Laws分包商应对下列事项承担法律责任:Subcontractor should assume legal liability for following items遵守利比亚国关于所得税的规定。如果其雇员中有人对雇主给他们的报酬不付个人所得税,分包商也应对此负责。Comply with

15、 the provisions of income tax in Libya laws, if any employer fail to pay such tax against the payment of remuneration which paid by employer, subcontractor shall bear responsibility therewith.分包商应服从所有适用于本分包工程范围内的利比亚国的法律、地方法及规定。Subcontractor should obey all laws, local regulations and rules, which apply to this sub-project, of Libya.(六)与业主的关系 Relationship with Employer除总包商的工程师授权外,分包商任何时候均不能与业主



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