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1、阅读强化训练(五)(建议用时:15分钟) 阅读理解As consumers lose interest in traditional advertising,guerrilla marketing(游击营销),which relies on eyecatching methods,is becoming fashionable.But much of it misses the mark.Even by New York standards,things have been strange on the streets lately.Some 8,000 wallets were droppe

2、d onto Manhattans pavements last winter,but not by careless shoppers.Instead of cash inside,curious New Yorkers found a card and the address of a charity website,at which they could donate money.More recently an Internet search engine sent 35 actors dressed as British butlers(管家) to the USOpen tenni

3、s tournament to guide visitors to their seats and answer tennis questions.Some wellknown firms are acting strangely,too.This summer,a chain restaurant helped to support Russias space agency by putting a tenmeterhigh,$1.25 million ad on a rocket sent into space.In America,marketers have even approach

4、ed a soft drinks company with the idea of projecting its logo(标识) onto the moon.Marketing tricks are hardly new,but they are becoming more frequent,more extreme,and more widespreadearning a name all of their own:guerrilla marketing.One advantage of guerrilla marketing,claim its fans,is that it is ch

5、eaper than typical TV or print advertising.This has particular appeal to Internet firms as they run out of cash,having poured too much money into traditional advertising.A healthadvice site cut its monthly marketing budget by 95%,to $50,000,by reducing paid TV advertising.Instead,it relies on excite

6、ment created by marketing tricks,such as giving away free products.Of course,guerrilla marketings appeal is often shallow.A quick Internet search throws out 12,000 references to the term,but most of the websites are surprisingly ordinary.Many tricks are neither memorable nor clever enough to raise b

7、rand awareness and boost sales.While there is no doubt that extreme marketing can create noise,raising wrong expectations lays advertisers open to criticism,especially if the products they push end up being nothing special.Good marketing simply helps wordofmouth to spread.If advertisers are smart,gu

8、errilla marketing could develop into something that is as focused as it is fun.If not,it will do little but add to the noise.【解题导语】本文是一篇说明文。随着消费者越来越疏离大众广告,游击营销正变得越来越流行,但如何才能让游击营销成为既有趣又有效的营销方式是值得很多人思考的问题。1How does the author explain the idea of guerrilla marketing?ABy giving examples.BBy describing a

9、 process.CBy making comparisons.DBy presenting research findings.A解析:写作手法题。由第一、二段中提到的a charity website,an Internet search engine,a chain restaurant和a soft drinks company可知,作者主要通过举例说明这几个公司或网站是如何进行营销的来阐明游击营销这一概念。2Compared with traditional advertising,guerrilla marketing _Ais more interesting and usefu

10、lBcan help save on advertising costsCcan attract more Internet customersDis mostly adopted by small companiesB解析:细节理解题。由第三段中的One advantage of guerrilla marketing,claim its fans,is that it is cheaper than typical TV or print advertising.可知,游击营销比传统的营销方式省钱。3What does the underlined word“boost”in Paragr

11、aph 4 mean?AStop.BAchieve.CClose. DIncrease.D解析:词义猜测题。由画线词前的raise brand awareness以及该段中的guerrilla marketings appeal is often shallow可知,很多游击营销技巧既没有让消费者记住产品,也没有高明到足以提高品牌的知名度和销量;由此可知,boost意为“提高;增加”。4Whats the authors opinion on guerrilla marketing?AIt has nothing special to offer.BIt will enjoy increasi

12、ng popularity.CIt can be effective if wisely dealt with.DIt often brings people wrong expectations.C解析:推理判断题。由最后一段中的If advertisers are smart,guerrilla marketing could develop into something that is as focused as it is fun.可知,如果打广告者很聪明,那么游击营销有可能发展成为既有趣又能专注产品特点的成功营销模式。 七选五This past week, I took a huge

13、 step in my adult life. I flew on a plane and got to a new city that I had never been to all by myself. 1._ So it took a lot for me to be able to overcome my fear of flying on a plane alone.In the months leading up to the trip, I was very nervous. I rarely travel long distances, and often avoid airp

14、lanes. However, I knew that I desperately wanted to go on this trip. 2._ My fears almost kept me from getting on the plane, but I knew I had to prove to myself that I was able to figure out things for myself and take my first huge step in becoming an adult.On my drive to the airport, I did my best t

15、o keep calm and instill(逐步培养) enough confidence in myself to allow me to do this all by myself. 3._ I went through security and made it to my gate, without getting lost. Then I got on my flight. I took my seat on the plane and tightly held my armrests(扶手) until we made it into the air. The whole fli

16、ght, I just sat back and took some deep breaths until we finally landed. Now all I had to do was find my luggage(行李) and catch my ride. 4._All in all, this trip has helped me to realize that I should be more confident about my abilities. I now know that Im able to do whatever I set my mind to. 5._ANow I had to sit and wait to ge



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