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1、高二下学期模块检测美国历史试题Part Multiple-choice: Choose the one best answer (30 questions, 2points each, 60 points total.)1. White settlers who moved into the West in the 1850s came into conflict with the Indians over theA. buffalo. B. railroad. C. gold and silver. D. land.2. When the Indians were defeated, the

2、y were forced to liveA. on reservations. B. in the East. C. in California. D. in the mountains.3 John D. Rockefeller made his fortune inA. steel. B. whiskey C. oil. D. lead.4. What did Thomas A. Edison invent?A. light bulbs and the phonographB. the phonograph and the telephone C. the telephone and t

3、he telegraphD. the telegraph and the light bulb5. The labor organization that wanted to bring together blacks and whites, and skilled and unskilled workers, was theA. trade union. B. AF of L. C. Knights of Labor. D. Molly Maguires.6. After the Civil War, the number of people living in American citie

4、sA. decreased slightly. B. decreased tremendously. C. increased tremendously. D. stayed about the same.7. What helped children of immigrants become more integrated into American society?A. foreign language clubsB. schoolsC. the governmentD. sports8. Which of the following is true about tenement hous

5、es?A. Each housed many families.B. They were fairly safe and clean.C. Most consisted of only two stories.D. They were popular places to live.9. Slums in the cities wereA. torn down in the 1890s.B. expensive housing.C. heavily taxed.D. unsanitary and disease-ridden.10. From the mid- to late 1800s, ci

6、ties were controlled byA. the wealthy.B. the poor.C. social workers.D. the bosses.11. The Immigration Restriction League was an example of the fact that immigrants in the late 1800s wereA. welcomed to the United States.B. discriminated against.C. considered U.S. citizens.D. highly organized.12. Skys

7、crapers could not be built until what had been invented?A. air conditioningB. the telephoneC. the elevatorD. electric fans13. What made the age of the skyscraper possible?A. wrought ironB. a large labor forceC. expanses of empty landD. cheap steel14. Andrew Carnegies wealth came fromA. steel. B. whi

8、skey. C. oil. D. lead.15. Mark TwainA. appointed a commission on slums.B. worked for black civil rights.C. gave the period the name the Gilded Age.D. supported programs for black women. 学校 班级 姓 名 -装订线-青岛格兰德中学2012-2013学年度第二学期高二年级美国历史学科期末模块检测试卷答题纸PartYour answers should be written here.(2point each,30

9、points total.)Questions12345678910AnswersQuestions11121314151617181920AnswersPart Key words(10 words, 2point each,20points total.)强盗大亨 带刺铁丝 工会 托拉斯 牛仔 移民 工业革命 贫民窟 哑铃式公寓 长角牛 Part Answer the following questions(4 sentences, 5 point each,20 points total)1. What are the four frontiers? 2. Why was the per

10、iod discussed in our lesson called the “Gilded Age”? 3. Describe the tenement houses and a dumbbell tenement. 4. List some key figures in U.S. big business during the Second Industrial Revolution. Part IV、Writing(30 points total)Select one of the three essay topics listed below, and write a clear, coherent essay in which you respond to it.Your essay should be three to five paragraphs. It should include an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. The introduction should st



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