高考英语 冲刺练习3

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《高考英语 冲刺练习3》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高考英语 冲刺练习3(16页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、冲刺练习3第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)21. Nancy, what classes are you taking this term? _ I want to take two English courses, or maybe Spanish.A. Whats up?B. Its none of your business.C. Ive no idea. D. Im not sure yet.22. 2020 Shanghai World Expo was honor for all of the Asians.A. The; theB. 不填; anC. The

2、; anD. 不填; the23. Trees are good for man. We cant plant them _ many.A. so B. such C. too D. enough24. Once infected with HIV, the body is unable to _ itself against diseases.A. defendB. judgeC. saveD. prevent25. _ you write so well? By reading and keeping diaries every day.A. How is it thatB. Is it

3、how thatC. How it is thatD. What is it that26. Talking about buying cars, I prefer a car less than 100,000 yuan to _ over the amount.A. thisB. itC. thatD. one27. It seemed to me that she was in doubt _ Timmy lived or died.A. whyB. how C. that D. whether28. If _ unsolved, this may lead to more seriou

4、s problems.A. making B. remained C. leftD. taking29. Amazing! You wear slippers at work Dont you know its a fashion?A. might B. should C. could D. would30. We did have a quarrel about money last night, but now we have already _.A. taken up B. made up C. put up D. brought up31. Ill never forget such

5、a beautiful place _ I spent my childhood there with my grandma.A. thatB. although C. where D. because32. Mom, where is my lunch pack? Just where it _.A. has beenB. had been C. was D. be33. The manager refused to have his daughter in his department _ showing favor to her.A. in need ofB. because of C.

6、 for fear of D. regardless of34. Many companies in Guangdong are facing a serious labor _ following the Rabbit Years Spring Festival.A. lack B. shortageC. absence D. storage35. More than five _ doctors and rescuers have got to Yushu County so far.A. thousandB. thousandsC. thousand ofD. thousands of第

7、二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)Many adults see teens as energetic. Many of us see ourselves as proud. This thinking36 many adults and us to have the idea that if we cant handle school or 37 life well, we are just not trying hard.But in my opinion that may not be 38 .Earlier this school year, I was leav

8、ing my class one Friday 39 suddenly it 40 like I had pulled a muscle in my back. I knew I was ill.After a few days I stopped eating. This meant I lost 41 ; the clothes that I bought two weeks earlier began 42 loose. This time my parents got scared.43 , I started sleeping less. My eyelids (眼皮) were c

9、onstantly 44 .I refused to 45 that I was ill. I kept my job working 25 hours a week in a shop; I didnt 46 any classes. When I was hurting, I didnt mind and kept on going. 47 it kills you, it makes you stronger, right?But now I find myself thinking. Is it 48 it? Im taking the classes and working for

10、the newspaper because it does good 49 college applications. And Im working 25 hours a week so that, once I get into my dream school, I can 50 it.Here I am, already sick from the 51 of work Im doing in and out of school. So, what good is a(n) 52 application if Im badly ill? What is the 53 of doing th

11、is work if I cant enjoy the results?In fact, by writing my 54 Im telling all the people who 55 much about the future to worry about it now.36.A.makesB.forcesC.causesD.intends37.A.stillB.evenC.justD.yet38.A.trueB.realC.wrongD.false39.A.whileB.whenC.thenD.how40.A.lookedB.soundedC.appearedD.felt41.A.fa

12、ceB.hopeC.weightD.direction42.A.hangingB.holdingC.changingD.dressing43. A.In factB.In additionC.In disorderD.In general44.A.lightB.shutC.openD.heavy45.A.insistB.determineC.acceptD.consider46.A.loseB.dropC.giveD.take47.A.UnlessB.IfC.ThoughD.Before48.A.paidB.similar toC.equal toD.worth49.A.atB.toC.onD

13、.with50.A.controlB.manageC.supportD.afford51.A.amountB.setC.kindD.number52.A.suitableB.impressiveC.believableD.usual53.A.reasonB.ideaC.pointD.tip54.A.timeB.workC.newspaperD.story55.A.thinkB.careC.missD.realize第三部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)BYoure in a department store and you see a couple of attractive young w

14、omen looking at a sweater. You listen to their conversation:“I cant believe it Lorenzo Bertolla! They are almost impossible to find. Isnt it beautiful? And its a lot cheaper than the one Sara bought in Rome.”They leave and you go over to see this incredible sweater. Its nice and the price is right. Youve never heard of Lorenzo Bertolla, but those girls looked really stylish. They must know. So, you buy


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