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1、必修五 Unit 4 Making the news制作人:程淑霞 李燕 审核人:刁德林第一课时课教学内容:Important new words and expressions of this unit.教学目标:1知识目标:熟记学案中的重点词汇和短语。(实验班还要掌握其拓展部分)2能力目标:1).能正确使用本单元的重点词汇和句型造句。2).在写作中能有目的地运用本单元的重点词汇和短语。1.assist vt.帮助,协助,援助assist sb. in / with sth assist sb. to do sth或assist sb. in (doing) sth.意为“帮助/援助/协助某

2、人做某事”。1)Can I _ you _ those bags? 我可否帮助你拿那些包?2)The guide managed to _ the tourists _ somewhere to live during the Shanghai EXPO. 导游在上海世博会期间设法为游客们找到了住所。联想拓展:assistant n 助手 assistance n 帮助;援助; with the assistance of 在的帮助下3)I passed the driving test _ (在他的帮助下)2. concentrate v.全神贯注,精神集中,专心致志;concentrate

3、(sth. )on sth. doing sth. 专心致志于某事做某事 1)We should _ all our efforts _. 我们应该致力于改进教育工作。 2) _ 我父亲正全神贯注地钓鱼。拓展concentration n.集中,专心concentrate ones mind/ attention on (upon) 把注意力集中在上同义词组:fix / focus one s attention on focus on be absorbed in 3) _your study if you want to catch up with the class. 4) He _he

4、lping the people in need. He set a good example to us. 3.inform 告知,通知inform sb. of sth. 告知某人某事 inform sb. that/ when/ how 告知某人 keep sb informed (of) 使某人随时了解.1) I hope you will _ me _ your progress from time to time.我希望你能时不时的把你的进步告诉我。2) We regret to _ your application has been rejected.我很遗憾地通知你,你的申请未

5、被接受。3)Can you _? 你能告诉我他住在哪儿吗?4) You should _ us _ whenever you are in trouble.一有麻烦你就应该告知我们。4. accuse of 因指责或控告 , 1)She _ him _ her watch. 她控告他偷她的表。 2) The boss _ 有人指责老板不守信。 拓展延伸:chargewith 因控告3)They _ him _ theft. 他们控告他偷窃。4) They _ receiving stolen goods. 他们被指控收受赃物。同accuse of结构类似的短语使人想起某事_ 通知某人某事_怀疑

6、某人某事_ 抢劫某人某物_治愈某人的_ 警告某人某事_使某人信服_ 使某人摆脱_5.so as (not)to do sth / in order (not)to do sth 为了做/不做1)She got up early _catch the early bus. 为了赶上早班车,她起得很早。 In order to catch the early bus, she got up early. 2)He spoke loudly _.他大声说话,以便让人听到。3)Tom kept quiet about the accident _ lose his job.Aso not as to

7、Bso as not to Cso as to not Dnot so as to联想拓展:in order that/ so that+ 从句 引导目的状语从句用in order that/ so that+ 从句改写以上第一句_6. ahead of 在前面,1)Thanks to your help, we have completed the project two weeks _. 多亏了您的帮助,我们提前两周完成了这项工程。2) About 500 meters _ the school is the hospital.医院大约在学校前500米处。 拓展延伸go ahead 前进;

8、 (工作等)推进;(催促对方)先请,请3) May I start now? 我现在可以开始了吗? Yes, _. 可以,开始吧。4) 他的思想在时代的前列。He is _ in his ideas. 5) I finished the work several days _.我在最后期限的前几天完成工作。7. approve vt. 批准,通过 approve sth Vi 赞成;同意 approve of sb/sth 赞成某人/某事 approve of (sb/sbs) doing sth 同意(某人)做某事 approval n.赞成,同意;批准,认可1) The committee

9、 _. 委员会已经批准了这个计划。2)Catherines mother will never _ her marriage to you. 凯瑟琳的母亲永远不会同意她和你结婚。3) 我父亲不同意我今年离校。My father doesnt _this year.4) 他在会上提的那个计划被通过了。The plan he put forward at the meeting _.5) If my plan isnt _ of by the committee, all my work will have been wasted.A. approved B. consented C. agree

10、d D. admitted8. process v. 加工,处理或冲洗(相机、胶卷)n. 程序,过程,步骤1) Most of the food we buy is_ in this way. 我们买的大部分食品都用这种方法加工。2) They usually use a computer to_ pictures and data.他们通常用电脑处理图像和数据。3) Cutting off internet addiction was _ for the children. 戒网瘾对这些孩子们来说是个漫长、痛苦的过程。拓展延伸 in (the) process of 在过程中The car

11、is _repair. 这部车正在修理中。9. demand v demand sth 要求;需要 demand to do sth 要求做. demand that sb (should) do sth / be done 要求某人/某物做n in (great) demand (迫切)需求satisfy/meet ones demands 满足某人的需要 demand 后跟表语从句和同位语从句,从句也用(should) do/ be done1) 我坚决要求见经理。_2) This sport _ both speed and strength. 这项运动既需要速度也需要体力。3) He demands that _= He demands to _ everything. 他要求将一切告诉他。4)Medical workers are _ in that area. 那个地方非常需要医疗工作者。5) The manager promised that they will try to _(满足顾客需求)6) The teachers demand is that the students



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