(山东)《龙门亮剑》2020高三英语一轮 Unit5 课时作业详细解析 新人教版选修8

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《(山东)《龙门亮剑》2020高三英语一轮 Unit5 课时作业详细解析 新人教版选修8》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《(山东)《龙门亮剑》2020高三英语一轮 Unit5 课时作业详细解析 新人教版选修8(11页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、课时作业Meeting your ancestors.单项填空1I thought I knew the way,but_I got lost.AthereforeBsomehowCotherwise Dso2There are several_plans and its up to you to decide which to choose.Aalternative BaccordingCeffective Dpositive3The look of his innocence he_had taken in all of the teachers present.Atook Bassume

2、dCundertook Dbetrayed4Is Jason all right?He looks so tired!Not sure.He_deep into the night yesterday.Hes having an exam soon.Amay have studied Bshould have studiedCmight study Dmust have been studying5A middleaged woman came_to the bus stop only_the bus had gone.Ato run;to find Brunning;to findCand

3、ran;found Drunning;finding6We must_the weather into consideration first when climbing mountains.Amake BconsiderCregard Dtake7You should have been more patient_that customer;Im sure that selling him the watch was a possibility.Aof BwithCfor Dat8Tom continued to run away,_our shouts to him that he sho

4、uld return.Aas regards Bwith regard toCregarding Dregardless of9A society was set up to_the endangered animal and plant life from dying out in this area.Areserve BpreserveCobserve Ddeserve10Production at the factory was_for two hours because there was no electricity.Ainterrupted BdisturbedCmissed Dl

5、ost11Its a long time_I saw you last.Yes,and what a pity it is now that it will be a long time_we see each other again.Abefore;since Bsince;whenCsince;before Dwhen;before12These days the government has issued several economic policies that will_prosperity of manufacturing industry.Aaccumulate Baccomp

6、lishCaccess Daccelerate13He was arrested_drunken driving on his way to the football game.Awith BofCfor Dto14_you eat the correct foods_be able to keep fit and stay healthy.AOnly if;will you BOnly if;you willCUnless;will you DUnless;you will15He made a quick_from his illness which had been thought to

7、 be rather serious.Arelief BrecoveryCsurvival Drelaxation.翻译句子16要是他没有忘记发那封信就好了。(if only)_17俱乐部对所有新成员不分年龄一律欢迎。(regardless of)_18他不可能在这么短的时间内完成如此多的工作。(cant have done)_19艾丽丝把肉切碎并开始煮。(cut up)_20灾区的人们需要食物。(in need of)_.完形填空Over dinner a few weeks ago,the novelist Lawrence Naumoff told a troubling story.H

8、e_21_students in his introduction to creative writing course at UNC Chapel Hill if they had_22_Jack Kerouac.Nobody raised a hand._23_he asked if anyone had ever heard of Jack Kerouac.There are more blank_24_.Naumoff began_25_the legend of the literary wild man.One student offered that he had a teach

9、er who was just as_26_.21.A.helped BgreetedCtaught Dasked22A.read BrecognizedCvisited Dwrote23A.But BOrCThen DSo24A.puzzles BexpressionsCsmiles Dfeelings25A.describing BdrawingCshowing Dpainting26A.ugly BhandsomeCcrazy DangryNaumoff asked the professors name.The student said he didnt_27_.Naumoff the

10、n asked this oblivious (健忘的) scholar,“Do you know my_28_?”After a long pause,the young man replied,“No.”“I guess Ive always known that many students are just_29_my course to get a requirement out of the way,” Naumoff said.“But it was_30_to see that some couldnt even go to the trouble of_31_the name

11、of the person teaching the course.”The other UNC professors at the_32_began sharing their own stories about the troubling state of curiosity on_33_.All of them have noted that such ignorance isnt_34_students have always possessed far less knowledge than they should.But in the past,_35_tended to be a

12、 source of shame and motivation.Students were far more likely to be_36_by notknowing,far more eager to fill such gaps by learning._37_,nowadays as one reviewer once said,“Its that they dont_38_what they dont know.”In our increasingly complex world,the amount of information required to master any_39_puters,life insurance,medicinehas expended geometrically (成几何级数增加地)We are forced to_40_specialists,people who know more and more about less and less.Curiously,in a world where everything is worth knowing,nothing is.27.A.know BrecognizeCfind Dcare28A.story BnameCaddress Dwork29A.getting Bputt



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