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1、Module 6The Internet andTelecommunications能 力 闯 关.单词拼写1The jar is large enough to c_ ten glasses of water.2The only a_ to that ancient castle is along a muddy track.3His company c_ last year,leaving him nothing but debts.4We were late because our car had a b_ on the motorway.5The sound came from an

2、unknown s_,far away in the distance.6This island is a_ only by boat.7In China,the _(百分比)of the people who carry a mobile phone is increasing.8The _(平均)time the teachers in countryside middle school spend in teaching is more than 11 hours a day.9Dont _(犹豫)to ask us for help.10Sandstorms are _(频繁的)in

3、the spring of Beijing,which do great harm to the environment.答案:1.contain2.access3.crashed4.breakdown5.source6.accessible7.percentage8average9.hesitate10.frequent.单项填空1They went to the zoo on foot _ by bus. Ainstead Binstead of Cwithout Dbut解析:句意“他们步行而不是坐车去了动物园”。instead of取代。答案:B2The beauty of Venic

4、e _ largely in the style of its ancient buildings.Ais consisting Bconsists Cis consisted Dis being consisted解析:“Venice的美关键在于她古建筑的风格。”consist in在于(不用进行时和被动语态)。答案:B3There is too much noise outside;I can not _ my attention on my book.Afill Bconnect Cflat Dconcentrate解析:句意为:“外面噪音太大;我不能集中精力看书。”concentrat

5、e my attention on my book表示“把精力集中于书”;fill“注入”;connect“连接”;flat“平的”。答案:D4Mr. Brown is a man of difficult _.Atouch Baccess Ccontact Ddeal with解析:句意:“布朗先生是一位难接近的人。”考查词义辨析:touch“接触,触摸”;access“接近”;contact“接触,联系,联络”,作名词应是be in contact with;deal with是动词词组“处理,应对”。答案:B5Have you _ some new ideas?Yeah,Ill tell

6、 you later.Acome about Bcome into Ccome up with Dcome out with解析:本题考查come短语的辨析,come about发生,产生;come into进入;come out with与出来,都不符合题意,只有come up with提出(想法、意见等)。答案:C6Excuse me,did you notice whether our head teacher had gone by?Not _ Ive been standing here.Awhile Bwhen Csince Dbefore解析:while表示“在期间”,谓语动词必

7、须延续;when表示“当时候”; since表示“自从以来”,后面用过去时;before表示“在之前”。根据句意A项最佳,表示“我站在这里这段时间”。答案:A7Xu Beihong is known _ the world _ an artist _ his “horses”Ato;as;for Bas;for;to Cas;to;for Dto;for;as解析:be known to意为“为所知”;be known as意为“作为而为人所知”;be known for意为“因而为人所知”。该句表示“徐悲鸿作为一名画家以他画的马而为世人所知。”答案:A8The book _ forty ma

8、ps,_ three of Great Britain.Acontains;includes Bis containing;includingCincludes;contains Dcontains;including解析:contain意为“包含;容纳”,侧重内容;include意为“包括”,侧重组成部分;including为介词“包括”。contain和include都不能用于进行时态。书中含有40幅地图,侧重书的内容,所以第一个空contains;第二个空应用介词including,后面接宾语,表示“包括”。答案:D9I wanted to catch _ early train,but

9、 couldnt get _ ride to the station.Aan;the B/;the Can;/ Dthe;a解析:考查冠词。the early train为特指,意为“早班车”;get a ride为固定搭配,意为“搭车”。答案:D10The production of grain rose by 25% _ the first three months of last year.Acomparing to Bcompare with Ccompared to Dto compare with解析:compared to/with与比较,在句中作状语。答案:C11The tas

10、k is not difficult as _.Aexpect Bexpected Cexpecting Dto expect解析:该题句意为“这项任务不像预料的那么难。”as expected相当于as it was expected。答案:B12May I move your bag a little and take this seat?_.ADo it please BGo ahead CIt doesnt matter DI dont mind解析:由于受汉语思维的影响,易误选C。根据英美人的语言习惯,鼓励对方去做某事,或同意做某事,往往用Go ahead。答案:B13The car

11、 is too expensive for _ family.Aa usual Ban average Ca normal Da rich解析:a usual family一个平常的家庭;an average family一个普通的家庭;a normal faimly一个正常的家庭;a rich family一个富裕的家庭。答案:B14Nokia,_ worlds largest mobile phone producer,is going to found _ new research center in China.Aa;a Ba;the Cthe;the Dthe;a解析:句意:诺基亚,

12、世界上最大的手机生产厂家,将在中国建立一个研究中心。world作“the body in space on which we live;the earth(世界,地球)”讲时,常与定冠词the连用,如:the worlds tallest building世界上最高的大楼;第二空表示泛指,要用不定冠词。答案:D15It is not socially _ for parents to leave children unattended at that age.Aaccessible Badorable Cadaptable Dacceptable解析:句意:“在那个年龄父母把孩子丢下没人照顾是

13、社会上无法接受的。”本题考查词义辨析,accessible“易达到的,易接近的”;adorable“值得崇拜的”;adaptable“可改编的,能适应的”;acceptable“可接受的”,根据题意答案是D。答案:D.翻译句子1去花园唯一的途径是穿过厨房。(access)_2这本书里包含你所需要的所有信息。(contain)_3你见过图书馆的最新设计图吗?(design)_4他专注于自己的工作。(concentrate)_5初学者的画不能与专家的画相比较。(compare)_答案:1.The only access to the garden is through the kitchen.2The book contains all the information you need.3Have you seen the latest designs for the library?4He has concentrated on his work.5A beginners painting



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