高中英语 Unit 1 Lesson1《lifestyles》A perfect day教案12 北师大版必修1

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《高中英语 Unit 1 Lesson1《lifestyles》A perfect day教案12 北师大版必修1》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语 Unit 1 Lesson1《lifestyles》A perfect day教案12 北师大版必修1(9页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、北师大版英语必修模块1Unit 1 A Perfect Day- Vocabulary and Grammar背景分析学情分析1、学生刚开始接触高中学习,教师需要对学生所熟悉的初中英语教学形式有所了解并适当选用;同时为学生提供必要听课帮助(如Word Corner)2、学生尚不能适应高中英语词汇与阅读量增大的变化,需要教师做必要的取舍;3、学生对本课语法项目只是了解,但不能准确应用,需要进一步的训练与巩固;4、学生刚刚升入高中,对新的生活有美好的憧憬、有决心,但具体行事却难免茫然、懵懂,恰是本课很好的切入点。教材分析本课话题为“A perfect day?”,通过对两种不同生活方式的描述对比,

2、引发学生对健康生活方式的思索。课文所涉及的词汇、功能结构、语法项目等,都是为这一特定主题服务的,教师也应以此为主线,将若干语言现象有机整合在一起,使语言的形式为其所承载的思想与内容服务。教学目标知识1、词汇:与生活方式有关的形容词、动词等(重点为课文中出现的部分词汇)2. 语法:复习一般现在时(重点:1. 表示经常发生的动作。2. 表示目前状态、情感或意见等)能力1、 能利用所学词汇、语法,谈论不同的生活方式;2、 能比较有条理地介绍一种生活方式情感态度1、能主动参与小组活动,不断树立自信心;2、能尊重、理解不同生活方式本课重点学习关于生活方式的词汇和语法:一般现在时本科难点如何引导学生主动发

3、现一般现在时的规律教学方法先接触后发现式 (discovery approach)教学活动方式个人独立学习小组合作学习评价手段全程小组积分制本课特点1. 以意义为主线:lifestyle 话题贯穿整节课 先谈后写2. 引导学生积累词汇:建立每节课的word-bank 以及主线外的branch bank3. 利用触发式学习语法的方法:即先接触后发现 并且利用tips为学生提供一目了然的语法方面的注意事项4. 以小组竞争激起学生的兴趣VocabularyLanguage in UseA healthy lifestyle. (15 min)GrammarDescription words.(5 m

4、in)Phrasal verbs.(10 min)Simple present.(6 min)本课流程Step 1: Presenting the objectives of the classIntroduce the objectives of the classMake the students clear about the classPart I: vocabulary(20m)Step II. Lead in vocabulary: adjl Make use of the two people from the text to bring out the adjs to desc

5、ribe peoples lifestylel Use brainstorming to ask the students to say more adjs about lifestylesl Advise the students to write down the adjs onto the word bankBrainstorm adjs as many as possiblel The students will be able to use the adjs to talk about lifestylesl The students can be helped to prepare

6、 vocabulary for the lifestyles writing* word bank is used every class for the students to write down the vocabulary about the topic for accumulation Step II: phrasal verbsl Invite the students to read the text and pick out the phrasal verbs to show Couch Potatos relaxing lifestyle* Using the discove

7、ry approach to learn phrasal verbsl Explain switch and take up using some information and pictures.l Remind the students to write down the words onto the branch bankl Provide students with some exercises using the situational sentences* make full use of the textbookl (pair work) read the book and pi

8、ck out the phrasal verbs and write down onto the word bank: Get up late; watch TV; do some exercise; take the dog Tina out for a walkBranch bank:* What are the three phrasal verbs related to watching TV? (switch on/ off/ over)l (pair work) read the text about the workaholic and pick out the phrasal

9、verbs to show a busy lifestyle: get up early; jump out of bed; be the first to get to the office; take up; be filled with; get home very late; bring back; (family members) complainl The students can be assisted to be able to discover some phrasal verbs from the text to show a relaxing lifestyle* Bra

10、nch bank is a place to collect important words which indirectly belong to the topic.* The students can enlarge vocabulary by filling in more words into the branch bankl Using the discovery approach” the students can learn the phrasal verbs to understand the meaning and usages of it clearly.l Situati

11、onal exercise can help students further understand the usage of the vocabularyPart II: Grammar(10M)Step IIIGrammar: Present simplel Encourage the students to discover the grammar by themselves by asking questions and providing some sentences* “discovery approach” is usedl Providing tips to remind so

12、me detailed rules of the present simplel Read the passage and find out what tense is mainly used to describe a persons lifestyle.l Do the careful reading to discover the two rules of the present simple by themselves* “Discovery approach” is used.l Go over some detailed rules of present simple accord

13、ing to the teachers tipsThrough the approach of self-discovery, the students can be able to get the rule of the present simple.Part III: Writing(15m)Step IVDescribe a persons lifestylel Present the supporting questions and sentence bank for the studentsl Ask the students to discuss and writel Pier a

14、ssessingl Choose one or two groups to presentl (group work) Discuss and share the person to writel Writel (pair work) According to the assessment, assess the group members workl Present the writing and assess with the classl The students can use the vocabulary and grammar they have just learned to w

15、rite a persons lifestyle.l Through the writing, they can be more familiar with the vocabulary and the present simple and use them in the real writing to fulfill the purpose of using the languageStep V: Homework:1. Polish your own writing2. Read more about persons lifestyle and be ready to share with others


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