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1、2020;2020年高三备考英语 “好题速递”系列(18)一、单项选择1- Whats the model plane look like?- Well, the wings of the plane are _ of its bodyAmore than the length twice Btwice more than the lengthCmore than twice the length Dmore twice than the length2The factory produced many famous cars, none of _ shipped to foreign cou

2、ntriesAthem Bwhich Cit Dwhat3In my opinion, all Mr Tom _ good to his students in his class at presentHe is very strict in their studyAdoes does does Bdoes do do Cdoes does do Ddid do does4The news is spreading around the airport is a heavy storm is comingAwhat; / Bthat; thatC/; that Dthat; which5The

3、 picture of the park memories of our classs trip last year, when MrSmith began to take charge of our classAcalled up Breminded Cturned up Dcame up6When he realized the police had seen him, the man the exit as quickly as possibleAmade up Bmade for Cmade out Dmade off7 Would you like to go to the cine

4、ma with me this evening? Id like to, but I wont be free tonightLets make _ some other dayAitBthemCyouDthis8_ you may be right , I cant agree completelyAWhileBAsCIfDSince9The man used to _ up early had his leg brokenAgetting Bget Cgot Dhave got10Its said that the old lady died _Ahappily Bhappy Chappi

5、ness Dof happiness11Many people have been ill from a strange disease these days, weve never heard of beforeAone Bthat Cit Dthis12What should we pay more attention to if we go north in winter, Mum?Nothing muchTake warm clothes the weather is coldAas long as Bnow thatCif Din case13 Is he said _ his ca

6、r lost? YesHe was so foolish _ leave his car _Athatthatunlock Bto have hadas tounlockedCto havetounlockDto havefor him tounlocked14The TV programme has on the children as as the oldAa good effect; goodBa positive effect; wellCa good affect; wellDaffect; well15_ by a greater demand of vegetables, far

7、mers have built more green houseADriven BBeing driven Cto drive DHaving driven二、完形填空(共20题,每小题15分,满分30分)The Colors of FriendshipOnce upon a time the colors of the world started to quarrelGreen said, “Clearly I am the most importantI am the sign of life and hopeI was chosen for grass, trees and leaves

8、Without me, all animals would _1_”Blue interrupted, “You only think about the _2_, but consider the sky and the sea_3_ the water that is the basis of life and drawn up by the clouds from the deep seaWithout my peace, you would all be _4_”Yellow chuckled (笑道), “You are all so seriousI bring laughter,

9、 fun, and _5_ into the world”Orange started next to blow her trumpet, “I am the color of health and strengthI may be _6_, but I am precious for I serve the needs of human lifeWhen I fill the sky _7_, my beauty is so striking that no one gives another _8_ to any of you”Red could stand it _9_ and he s

10、houted out, “I am the ruler of all of youI am the color of danger and of braveryI am willing to _10_ truthI am also the color of passion and of love”Then came Purple and Indigo (深蓝) The colors went on boasting, each convinced of his or her own _11_Their quarreling became louder and louderSuddenly th

11、ere was a startling flash of bright lightening thunderRain started to pour down _12_The colors crouched (蜷缩) down _13_, drawing close to one another for comfortIn the midst of the clamor (叫嚷), rain began to speak, “You foolish colors, fighting _14_ yourselves, each trying to dominate _15_Dont you kn

12、ow that you were each made for a special purpose, _16_? Join hands with _17_ and come to me”Doing as they were told, the colors _18_ and joined handsThey formed a colorful rainbowFrom then on, whenever a good rain _19_ the world, a rainbow appears in the skyThey remember to _20_ one another1Astay Bl

13、eave Cgo out Ddie2Aearth Bmoon Cstar Dsun3AThat is BI am CIt is DThis is4Aanything Bnothing Csomething Deverything5Awarmth Bsadness Cdepression Danxiety6Ausual Bnormal Ccommon Dscarce7Aat midnight Bat noon or at nightCat sunrise or sunset Dduring the day8Agift Bhonor Cthought Drespect9Afor more Bany

14、 more Cvery much Dno longer10Aturn to Bfight for Cstruggle with Dbend over11Asuperiority Bdisadvantages Cinferiority Dweakness12Agently Bquietly Cviolently Dpeacefully13Awith care Bin fear Cby chance Don purpose14Aamong Bby Cfor Dagainst15Aothers Bthemselves Cthe other Dthe rest16Aequal and simpleBordinary and similarCmore or less Dunique and different17Aeach other Bme Cone another Dthem18Acom



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