江西兴国第三中学高三英语一轮复习 随堂演练20.doc

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1、兴国三中高三英语随堂演练(二十)一、单词拼写1. It is natural that almost every child enjoys watching (卡通).2. Every visitor is amazed at the (独一无二的)design of the temple.3. Some young people still lived in a world of (幻想) after they graduated from college.4. We should develop modern services and (旅游业) in this ancient city.

2、5. As a nation, China has more than 50 ethnic (少数民族) besides the Han nationality.6. Walt Disney World in Florida may be the worlds largest (主题)park.7. Chinese people should make every effort to (保存)their old traditions.8. My hobbies are listening to pop songs, going for (郊游) and reading novels.9. Th

3、e novel has been translated into (各种各样的)languages around the world.10. A ray of (阳光)fell on the sleeping boy.二、用所给词的适当形式填空1. The coastal areas have mild winters, but by contrast the (center) plains become extremely cold.2. He was a fit and(athlete) young man who joined a physical culture club.3. My

4、last job lacked(various); I was doing the same things all the time.4. My daughter likes to describe her(fantasy) dreams to me.5. The date of the meeting has been(advance) from Friday to Monday.6. The boys(amusement) themselves by drawing pictures of their teacher.7. We have already discussed this ma

5、tter at great(long).8. The government is trying to (attractive) more investment into the shipbuilding industry.9. Sam has gained the(admit) to a famous university.10. She(majority) in physics at university.三、单句语法填空1. He is familiar this park, for he takes a walk in it every day.2. They have fun(play

6、) with snow.3. Here are all my story books. You can chooseyou like.4. he goes, he keeps safety in mind.5. News camehis grandfather passed away.6. The apples are on the top of the tree. They aremy reach.7. I want to talk with her faceface.8. Tom booked a train ticketadvance.9. In casethe rain, I took

7、 my raincoat with me.10. (found) in 1949, China has witnessed a great many changes. 四、课文浓缩语法填空Most people in the world are familiar 1 Disneyland, which is a theme park in America. Disneyland has a lot of branches all over the world. It will bring you into a 2 (magic) world and make your dream come 3

8、, whether you are travelling through space 4 meeting your favourite fairy tale. As you wander around the fantasy 5(amuse) park, you may see Snow White or Micky Mouse on the street with all these 6 (attract), no wonder tourism is increasing 7 there is a Disneyland.Dollywood, is one of the 8(unique) theme parks in the world. Dollywood shows Americas 9(tradition) southeastern culture.Another famous theme park is Englands Camelot Park, Every area of the park is modelled 10life in the days of King Arthur. 2



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