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1、用心 爱心 专心 高一英语高一英语写作指导写作指导 本讲主要内容本讲主要内容 写作指导 知识总结归纳知识总结归纳 高考中书面表达所占的比重较大 目的是测试学生的写作能力 看学生是否可以运 用所学过的英语知识和掌握的技能进行思想交流 试题对写作的目的 对象 体裁及字数 等都有明确的要求 它要求学生根据题目组织好所提供的材料 用明白 通顺 恰当得 体的英语表达出来 要想在考试中写出一篇好的文章 就需要平时的训练和积累 这种练习应该从高一 就开始进行 以下有几点建议希望同学们注意 1 尽量用所学过的词汇 短语及句型表达所要表达的意思 2 新学的短语和句型要放到句子中去记以掌握其用法 并及时地使用 3

2、 注意几种常见时态的正确使用 4 课文的背诵有助于写作的提高 5 平时既要有规定题目的写作训练 也要有没有限定的写作 把它作为一种练笔 本讲我们来看一下几种时态写作中的运用 一 一般过去时及过去进行时 在记事和记人的写作中最常见的时态就是一般过去时 如果强调一个正在进行的动作 时 可以使用现在进行时 1 用正确的时态填空 Something unpleasant happen to us on our way to the beach In the morning while we wait to buy train tickets in the railway station a bus d

3、river come over to us He tell us he also go to the beach the ride be cheap and the bus air conditioned We feel grateful and get on his bus As we talk happily on the way the bus suddenly stop The driver say that he need two hours to repair the engine While he work on the engine he turn off the air co

4、nditioner He actually take four hours to finish his job and we spend the whole morning sweating in the heat 2 看图 用所给的词联成句子 并写出一篇短文 用心 爱心 专心 the evening at home spend alone in a noise the kitchen hear a broom tightly in hold and onto the broom drop the ground find no one the kitchen in I spent the ev

5、ening alone at home I heard the noise in the kitchen I held the broom tightly in my hand I dropped the broom on to the ground I found no one in the kitchen An unforgettable Experience I will never forget my first evening alone at home That evening my parents went out and I was doing my homework in m

6、y room Suddenly I heard a noise in the kitchen Quietly I put down my pen and tiptoed toward the kitchen Entering the kitchen quickly turned on the light Next I got hold of a broom pop there was the noise again I turned around dropping the broom onto the ground There was no one in the kitchen The noi

7、se was from the water pipe 二 学习使用一般将来时 1 用一般将来时填空 We go to Xiangshan Park tomorrow At 7 00 tomorrow morning all of us meet at the school gate and then set off together We arrive at the park at 8 00 First we climb the hill On the top of the hill we take some pictures After that we take a rest and hav

8、e lunch Then we hold a small singing contest The best singer go down the hill in the cable car and the others have to walk down At 4 00 in the afternoon we start to go back 2 看图写作 用心 爱心 专心 Suppose you will enjoy going on an outing with friends Write a paragraph describing your plan for the outing 高考

9、点拨高考点拨 题型展示题型展示 观察六幅图 确定主题 再根据主题 确定内容要点 列出提纲 5 月 3 日 你参观了一个农场 请根据下列图画用英语写一篇日记 1 Early in the morning we met at the school gate and went to Hongxing Farm 2 There the farm workers gave us a warm welcome 3 Then showed us around we were glad to see the crops and vegetables 用心 爱心 专心 growing well 4 At noo

10、n we had a picnic lunch in the sunshine 5 After a short rest We had great fun singing and dancing telling stories and playing chess 6 With the sun setting in the west we had to say good bye to the workers Today we visited a farm Early in the morning we met at the school gate and went there together

11、The farm workers gave us a warm welcome Then the heard of the farm showed us around How glad we were to see the crops and vegetables growing well At noon we had a picnic lunch in the sunshine After a short rest we had great fun singing and dancing telling jokes or stories Two of us even played a gam

12、e of chess The time passed quickly Before we knew it we had to say goodbye to the workers Although we were very tired we enjoyed the visit very much 实战模拟实战模拟 假设你是李华 在美国探亲 2000 年 2 月 8 日清晨 你目击一起交通事故 警察局让 你写一份材料 报告当时所见情况 请根据下列图画写出报告 注意 1 目击者应该准确报告事实 2 词数 100 左右 3 结尾已为你写好 About two minutes later I stop

13、ped a passing car and took the old man to the nearest hospital Li Hua 用心 爱心 专心 试题答案试题答案 It was 7 15 on the morning of February 8 2000 I was walking along Park Road towards the east when an elderly man came out of the park on the other side of the street Then I saw a yellow car drive up Third Street

14、and make a right turn into Park Road The next moment the car hit the man while he was crossing the road He fell with a cry The car didn t stop but drove off at great speed heading west I noticed the driver was a young woman and the plate number was AC864 About two minutes later I stopped a passing car and took the old man to the nearest hospital Li Hua



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