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1、画川高级中学2015届高三B英语一轮复习导学方案68(SBM 8Unit4)films and film events-(重点词汇记忆部分) 重点单词 1. 代表;代理人;典型的representative代表;象征;体现(v.) represent代表;象征;体现(n.) representation2. 发言人spokesman女发言人spokeswoman3. (评判的)标准,准则criterion(pl.) criteria4. 财政;给提供经费finance金融的financial5. 赞助商;赞助;主办sponsor6. 不太大的;些许的;谦虚的modest7. 与矛盾contra

2、dict(adj.) contradictory8. 9. 10. 最高等级的topranking11. 迅速的,快捷的swift12. 女仆;女服务员maid13. 正式的formal非正式的informal14. 拍摄;射击;射门;幼苗shoot (shotshot)15. 真诚的sincere16. (电影)编剧,剧作家screenwriter17. 逸事,趣闻anecdote18. 传记biography19. 20. 爆米花popcorn21. 咸的,含盐的salty22. 令人紧张的;绷紧的tense(n.) tension23. (电影)惊悚片thriller24. 灯笼lant

3、ern25. 哲学家;哲人philosopher26. 幻想fantasy27. 伤疤,伤痕;(精神)创伤scar28. 额,前额forehead29. 机构;制度institution30. 全部课程curriculum31. 伙伴,搭档;合伙人partner1. 为辩护;保卫in defence of2限制put/place a restriction on/against.3. 故意地deliberatelyon purposeby designby intentionpurposely4. 抵制一项会议boycott a meeting罢课boycott classes5. 孵蛋hat

4、ch eggs策划一次阴谋hatch a plot6. 暴露在中;置身于be exposed to sth.7. 和某人在相似resemble sb. in sth.be similar to sb. in sth.8. 在城市的边缘at/on the edge of the city比占优势have the edge on/over.紧张不安on edge9.多达300件参赛as many as 300 entries禁止入内No entry进入make ones entry into.10. 洗衣服do the laundry烘干dry the laundry折叠洗好的衣服fold the

5、 laundry熨衣服iron the laundry11. 偏爱have a preference for给予优先权give preference to优先于in preference to12.令某人失望的是to ones disappointment对感到失望be disappointed at/about令人失望的消息disappointing news13. 因为祝贺某congratulate sb. on sth.offer/give sb. congratulations on sth.14. 银行抢劫案a bank robbery从某人夺取(某物)rob sb. of (sth

6、.)15. A和B平行A be parallel to/with BA 和B相似A be parallel to B比较A和Bdraw a parallel between A and B无与伦比的without parallel16. 猛兽a fierce animal盛怒fierce anger激烈的竞争fierce competition17. 一溜烟开走了zoom away马不停蹄zoom around18. 感到晕眩和疲劳feel dizzy and tired19. 炫耀,卖弄show off20. 认真考虑give any/some/much/. thought to sth.g

7、ive sth. any/some/much/. thought重新思考后on second thoughts陷入沉思deep/lost in thought21. 与相反be contrary to.正相反on the contrary61. 来到我们节目现场的有来自和Joining_us_in_the_studio are. and.2. Kathy,我不想争论,但是我得为威尼斯电影节说句话Kathy,I dont like to argue,but in defence of the Venice Film Festival.3. 我们电影节的最早想法诞生于1978年,当时被称为犹他州/

8、美国电影节。The initial idea for our festival was_hatched_back in 1978,when it was_known_as the Utah/US Film Festival.4. 只要电影的质量达到了我们的标准,都能参加评选。As_long_as_the_films_quality_meets_our_standards,we include it.5. 但是后来Harry发现他父亲是个巫师,母亲是个女巫,他们其实都是被一个邪恶的巫师杀害的。However,Harry later finds out (that )his father was

9、a wizard,and_that his mother was a witch,both_of_whom were actually killed by an evil wizard.用所给提示翻译下列句子:1. 这次美国之行让他体验了一种完全不同的文化。(expose)_2. 律师站起来为Robert辩护,说他是清白的。(defence)_3. 值得庆幸的是,事故发生后该机构迅速采取了行动。(swift)_4. 很多国家对拥有枪支有严格的限制。(restriction)画川高级中学2015届高三B英语一轮复习导学方案69(SBM 8Unit4)films and film events 班

10、级:_ 姓名:_ 学号:_1.broad,wide broad和wide是同义词,在表示街道、河流等多宽时,两者有时可互换。如:The river is about 100 metres broad/wide.这条河大约 100 米宽。They live in a very wide/broad street.他们住在一条很宽的街上。两者的基本区别是:broad侧重指表面或幅面的宽广,wide则强调从一边到另一边的距离:在形容人的脸、肩、背、胸以及植物的叶时,通常用broad而不用wide。在形容人的嘴巴、眼睛等之大以及与open连用时通常用wide而不用broad。用于引申义,表示“广泛的”

11、,通常用wide。表示“(心地)宽大的,气量大的”,通常用broad。用broad和wide填空:They came to a _ river.He is very handsome with _ shoulders.He is a manager with _ experience of industry.Her eyes were _ with surprise.【答案】wide/broadbroadwidewide2.ignore,neglect,overlook ignore表示视而不见,听而不闻,熟视无睹,强调故意不予理睬;neglect意为“忽视,忽略”,指应该注意的事物没有给予足

12、够的关注;overlook指由于匆忙或粗心没有注意到,忽视了。用ignore,neglect和overlook的适当形式填空:He _ my errors because he had a lot of work to do.Our boss saw us coming,but she _ us.With the high pressure of working,the workers here _ their health.【答案】overlookedignoredneglect3.collect,accumulate,gather collect常指有计划、有选择地收集,筹集;accumu

13、late着重强调量的堆积、积累的过程;gather意为“集拢,聚集,使聚在一起;集合;采集,采收”。用collect,accumulate和gather的适当形式填空:People _ round,curious to know what was happening.By investing wisely she has _ a fortune.We are _ for local charities.【答案】gatheredaccumulatedcollecting4.Joining_us_in_the_studio are. and. 当句子中出现分词结构的时候,可以把现在分词或过去分词和地点状语一起放在句首,把be 动词留在中间当作谓语动词,主语放在后面。将下列句子改为倒装句:A boy aged about 18 was lying on the floor._ was a boy aged about 18.On the floor _ a boy aged about 18.300 Japanese young people are visiting Beijing._ 300 Japanese young people.An emperor was bur



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