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1、 .摘 要在我国经济持续发展和金融市场不断深化完善的背景下,银证合作已经成为提升我国金融体系整体竞争力和提高我国金融市场化程度的一种重要趋势。虽然现阶段我国金融业仍处在分业经营的模式下,但是随着国家对金融体系管制政策的调整,银证双方各方面的合作具备十分广阔的前景。在现有分业经营、分业管理的金融体制下,积极推进银证合作的全面发展,对提高我国金融业的整体竞争力有着非常重要的现实意义。银证合作,能够促进银行业和证券业的优势互补,加强银行业与证券业之间的资源共享,提高银行业和证券业的经营管理效率,从而加快我国金融业发展的步伐,进一步推动我国经济的全面发展与繁荣。文章对我国现有市场机制下银证合作的现状进

2、行了说明与研究,指出了银证合作发展过程中存在的问题,提出了推动银证合作发展的措施与对策,并积极地探索银证合作的最佳模式,为加快银行业与证券业的有机合作,建立有效地合作机制,推进我国金融市场健康有序地发展提供支持与借鉴。关键词:银证合作;资本市场;证券市场;金融控股公司Word 资料 .Analyses on the Current Conditions and Trend of the Cooperation between Banks and Security CompaniesAbstractUnder the background of economic development coun

3、tinuly and the financial market deepen improvement continuously in China, the cooperation between banks and security companies have become a important trend, of which promote the whole competitiveness of Chinas financial system and improved the degree of Chinas finance marketization. Although Chinas

4、 financial industry is still in the stage of divided management at present, the cooperation between banks and security companies have a broad prospect, with adjusting the financial systems tubing policy. In the divided management at present, which promote the integrated development of the cooperatio

5、n between banks and security companies have a important influence on promoting the whole competitiveness of Chinas financial industry. The cooperation between banks and security companies could facilitate the mutual support of relative advantages between banks and security companies, increase the ba

6、nks and security companies resource sharing, improve the banks and security companies management efficiency, and then accelerate the pace of Chinas financial industry development, impeled that Chinas economic have a comprehensive development and prosperity furtherly.In this paper, explain and resear

7、ch the cooperation between banks and security companies under the current market mechanism, pointed out the problem for the existence of the cooperation between banks and security companies, proposed the measures and countermeasures for promoting the cooperation between banks and security companies,

8、 and then quested the best method about the cooperation between banks and security companies positively, in order to accelerate the banks and the securities cooperation, establish the effectively cooperative mechanism, and then boost the healthily and orderly development about Chinas financial marke

9、t to provide strong support and reference.Key Words:The Cooperation between Banks and Security Companies;Capital markets;Stock market;Financial holding company目 录摘 要.IAbstract.II引 言.1一、银证合作的现状.2(一)银证合作的主要情况.21银行同业拆借业务和国债市场回购业务.22证券抵押融资.33银行承担券商资金结算和基金托管业务.3(二)银证合作的特点.41满足客户多样化的需求.42业务合作更加规范化.43促进资本市


11、制,实现银证市场资金良性互动.9(五)建立金融控股公司,实现银证合作深层次发展.91金融控股公司的主要模式.92我国金融控股公司的发展方向.10(六)深化银行的商业改革,完善银行监管体制.10结 论.12参考文献.13致 谢.14Word 资料 .引 言银证合作已经成为促进我国金融市场不断发展和完善的一个的重要趋势。同时,面对国际金融业混业经营的考验与挑战,我国在分业经营的框架内实行银证合作,是现阶段中国金融业的重大选择。银证合作的思路就是在不改变银行业和证券业自主业务的前提下,充分利用银行零售体系的优势与证券机构直接融资的优势,通过合作规避金融业的经营风险,实现金融体系的健康发展。对银行来说




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