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1、Learningaboutlanguage interview n v 采访 会见 面试interviewer 采访者 interviewee 被采访者 TomorrowI llhaveaninterviewforanewjob Iinterviewed20peopleforthejob ajob telephone TVinterview Pausanias whowasaGreekwriter2 000yearsago hascomeonamagicaljourney tofindoutaboutthepresent dayOlympicGames P9 Pausanias是2000前的一

2、位希腊作家 他做了一次魔幻的旅行 来打听当代奥林匹克运动会的情况 go start come beonajourney进行旅行Myfatherisawayonajourney findoutabout弄清有关 的情况Thepolicearetryinghardtofindoutabouttheaccident Ilivedinwhatyoucall AncientGreece andIusedtowriteabouttheOlympicGamesalongtimeago 点拨 whatyoucall AncientGreece 是介词in的宾语 介词的宾语为一个句子时 其引导词根据这个句子的意

3、思决定 如 IusedtowriteabouttheOlympicGamesalongtimeago L6 翻译词组 usedtodobe get becomeusedtosth doingbeusedtodo 过去常常做 现在不了 习惯于做 被用来做 被动 练习 1 I mstillnotusedto get upearly 2 Weusedto work morethantenhoursaday 3 Woodcanbeusedto make paper getting work make 11 everyfouryears 每四年或每隔三年 every与数词连用表示 每 每隔 every

4、基数词 复数名词 序数词 单数名词 e g 每五年 每隔三米 每两年 或每隔一年 everyfiveyears everyfifthyear everyfourmeters everyfourthmeter everytwoyears everysecondyear everyotheryear everyfewyears 每隔几年 Usually medicineshouldbetaken 每四小时 Someofyougobackhome 每隔一个星期 Helikesreadingverymuch sohegoestothebookshop 每隔几天 everyfourhours every

5、fourthhour everysecondweek everytwoweeks everyotherweek everyfewdays 12 TheWinterOlympicsareusuallyheldtwoyearsbeforetheSummerGames 冬奥会通常是在夏季奥运会的前两年举行 twoyearsbefore 意为 一段时间 before表示 之前多少时间 before后可跟名词也可跟从句 之前 两年 Onlyathleteswhohavereachedtheagreedstandardfortheirevent ascompetitorsinthe2012Olympics

6、 A willadmitB willbeadmittedC willbeadmittingD admitted 14 OurGreekcitiesusedtocompeteagainsteachotherjust winning forthehonorof forthehonorofinthehonorofItisanhonor forsb todosth 为庆祝 为纪念 为了 的荣誉 某人做某事感到很荣幸 15 Noothercountrycouldjoinin norcouldslavesorwomen 其他国家都不能参加 奴隶和妇女也不行 1 nor用作连词 引起倒装句 意为 也不 He

7、neverwentagain nordidhewritetoapologize Idon tknow nordoIcare Noothercountrycouldjoinin norcouldslavesorwomen L27 句型 Nor Neither So 主语 练习 Ididn tgothere she 我不去那里 她也不去 Ilikedancing myroommates 我喜欢跳舞 我的宿友也喜欢 助动词 do does did 情态动词be动词 Nor Neitherdid couldjoinin 这是个部分倒装句 也叫半倒装句 sodo 2 neither nor 倒装结构 b

8、e 情态动词 助动词 主语 表示前面提到的否定情况也适用于另一个人或事物 也不 Hecan tdoit Ican tdoit either Hecan tdoit norcanI Iwillnotgothere 他也不会去 Youneverheardfromhim 我也没有收到他的来信 neither nor nordidI willhe neither Nor Neither 助动词 主语 也一样 否定句 So 助动词 主语 也一样 肯定句 so 主语 助动词 确实这样 Ididn tgothere she 她也是 2 Shewasateacher I 我也是这样 3 Igotupearly

9、thismorning 我确实起得早 Nor neitherdid Sowas soIdid 16 Womenarenotonlyallowed but also playaveryimportantrolein 1 allowsbsth允许某人某事2 allowsbin out 允许某人进入 出去 3 allowsbtodosth允许某人做某事 不能说allowtodo 4 allowdoingsth允许做某事5 beallowedtodosth被允许做某事 汉译英 在候车室乘客不允许吸烟Passengers inthewaitingroom 我们不许在这里吸烟 Wedon t arenot

10、allowedtosmoke allowsmokinghere 19 There sjustasmuchacompetitionamongcountriestohosttheOlympicsastowinanOlympicmedal asmuch 名 as 名 与 同样地 It sasmuchyourresponsibilityasmine 这件事你和我一样都有责任 国与国之间争取奥运会承办权的竞争就跟争夺奥运会金牌一样激烈 她和你一样都是聪明的学生 Sheisascleverastudentasyou are 如 Thiscompetitionisasinterestingasthatone

11、 HespeaksEnglishwellindeed butofcoursenotas sofluentlyasanativespeaker Teachingisasmuchanartasitisascience Mr Smithgottwiceasmanymedalsin2006astheyearbefore 20 The2008OlympicswillbeheldinBeijing China 考点 willbeheld为一般将来时的被动语态 其一般结构为 shall will be 过去分词 shall用于第一人称 will用于各人称 It sstillallaboutbeingable

12、torunfaster jumphigherandthrowfurther farther距离或时间上更远的 是指具体的further更远的 farther 程度上进一步的 是指抽象的 e g Wecan tgoanyfartherwithoutarest e g Wemustgetfurtherinformation e g Weneedtakefurthersteptodealwiththematter II 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空 1 Iamveryinterestedin Greece andRomanstories 2 Asthepeopleofthegreatnation w

13、eshalltakeour responsible tomakeitstronger 3 Therearemany similar betweenthetwobrothers Greek responsibilities similarities 4 Inthemorning wewentona magic journeyintoaworldofdreamsatDisneyland 5 Groupsofyoungboysandgirlsarehavingtheirphysicaltraininginthe gymnast gymnasium magic al III 用适当的介词填空 1 Th

14、evolunteersare theirjourneytostudyabroad preparingforthecominggames 2 Hewasadmitted amemberofthebaseballteam 3 Theycompeted eachotherforthechancetogoingtoBeijing 4 Themotto theOlympicsiswellknowntolotsofChinese on as with against of 5 Thewomenplayanimportantrole makingourcountymoreandmorebeautiful 6

15、 WhenIheard therules IfelthopelessandwasafraidIwouldfailagain 7 Mr Wangstoppedtopick thebottleswhichwerethrownbythestudents 8 Shewillbemarried amanwhohasmuchmoney in of up to 11 玛丽还有汤姆和麦克已经决定参加这次冒险活动 aswellas 12 我们最近没收到他们的信 我们也不知道他们的新地址 nor MaryaswellasTomandMikehasdecidedtojoinintheadventure Wehave

16、n theardfromthemrecently nordoweknowtheirnewaddress V 每空填一词 使该句与所给句子的意思相同 1 WestudynotonlyChinesebutalsoEnglish WestudyChinese English 2 Willyouadmitthatyouhavebrokenthewindow Willyouadmit thewindow aswellas havingbroken 3 Hepromisedthathewouldcomebackbeforedark Hepromised beforedark 4 ShehastakentheplaceofherasourEnglishteacher Shehas herasourEnglishteacher tocomeback replaced 5 TheWorldCupisheldeveryfouryears TheWorldCupisheld 6 TenforeignteamstakepartinIndonesia skitefestival Tenforeignteams



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