译林版六年级下册 unit2单元测试

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1、根据句子意思,填写正确的完整的单词。1、 The room was very dirty and _( mess ).2、 Jim often _( go ) to school on foot .3、 We _( buy ) some pears yesterday .4、 Tim usually _( brush ) his _( tooth ) in the morning .5、 They _( visit ) their teachers every year .6、 The boy sometime _( get ) up late .7、 You should _( kaap )

2、 your things clean .8、 The girls never _( cry ) in the school .9、 It _( come ) from the USA .10、 Lily _( do ) her homework every day .1 英汉互译。(10分)1.许多好习惯_ 2.早早地起床_3.在就寝之前_4.带参观_5.感觉困_ 6.knowwell_7. do well_8.clean and tidy_9. put in order_e to see_二选出不同类的单词。(5分)( )1.A.early B. late C. sleepy D. slow

3、ly( )2.A.children B. mice C. feet D. dress( )3.A.finishes B. clothes C. catches D. washes( )4.A.put B. got C. ran D. sit( )5.A.meal B. breakfast C. lunch D. dinner三用所给单词的适当形式填空。(10分)1.My grandfather_(watch)TV every evening.2.His little brother is drawing _(bad).3.That worker often feels _(sleep).4.M

4、y sister never _(put)her things in order.5.The students are picking apples and _(water)trees on the farm.6.My son has many good _ (habit).7.Su Hai _(finish)her homework before dinner yesterday evening.8.Su Yang knows Su Hai _(good).9.We should _(listen)to the teacher now.10.I want _ (buy) a mobile p

5、hone.四单项选择。(5分)( )1.A:Is smoking a good habit? B: _A. Yes, it does. B. No, it doesnt. C. Yes, it is. D. No, it isnt.( )2.Please_your room clean and tidy.A. keep B. put C. keeping D. putting ( )3. _you go to bed early yesterday evening?A. Do B. Are C. Did D. Were ( )4.He would like_ to the park.A. go

6、es B. to go C. going D. go( )5.One day, an old man _by the house and _a flower.A. walk; pick B. walked; pick C. walk; picked D. walked; picked五按要求改写句子。(10分)1.Nancy goes to school late in the morning.(用never改写为否定句)Nancy _ _ to school late in the morning.2.I got up early in the morning .(改为一般疑问句)_ you

7、 _ up early in the morning?3.My mother woke me up this morning.(改为否定句) My mother_ _ me up this morning.4.I often do my homework before dinner.(对画线部分提问)_ do you often _ before dinner?5. Liu Tao is a good boy too.(改为同义句)Liu Tao _ _ a good boy.六阅读并判断正(T)误(F)。(10分)John is an English teacher in No.2 Expe

8、rimental Primary School. He is from London. He likes music and art. He usually listens to music in the evening. But last night, he didnt listen to music. He watched TV. There was an Art Show on CCTV-3 last night. John enjoyed a lot of arts and pictures on TV. He had a good time.( )1.John is an English teacher.( )2.He works in No.2 Experimental Primary School.( )3.He likes art and PE.( )4.There was an Art Show on CCTV-5 last night.( )5.He had a good time last night.


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