
上传人:飞****9 文档编号:127456203 上传时间:2020-04-02 格式:DOC 页数:37 大小:394.50KB
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1、1. A Baby and a Sock The mother gave her baby a red apple. The baby tried to eat the apple. His mouth was too small. And he didnt have any teeth. His brother took the apple. His brother ate the apple. The baby cried(哭). His brother gave the baby a blue ball to play with. The baby smiled. His brother

2、 took the ball from the baby. He rolled(滚动) the ball on the floor. The brown and white dog picked up the ball. The dog chewed(咀嚼) on the ball. The baby cried again. His brother picked up the cat. He put the cat on the bed with the baby. The baby pulled the cats tail(尾巴). The cat jumped off the bed.

3、The dog chased(追逐) the cat. The baby cried again. His brother let the baby hold a sock(袜子). The baby played with the sock. The baby was happy. 2. Birds and a Baby The baby was lying(躺) on her back. A blue bird flew in through(穿过) the window. The blue bird had blue eyes. It sat on the babys crib(婴儿床)

4、. The bird had a bell(铃铛) around its neck(脖子). The bell rang. The baby smiled. The baby reached(够,到达) for the bell. The bird shook its head. The bell fell off the birds neck. It fell next to the baby. The baby picked up the bell. The baby rang the bell. Another blue bird flew in through the window.

5、This blue bird also had blue eyes. The baby had brown eyes. The birds looked at the baby. The baby looked at the birds. The baby rang the bell again. Both birds flew away. The baby started to cry. His mama came into the room. The baby smiled. Mama saw the bell. She asked the baby where the bell came

6、 from. The baby pointed (指)at the window. 3. A Cat and a Dog The black cat jumped up onto the chair. It looked down at the white dog. The dog was chewing(咀嚼) on a bone. The cat jumped onto the dog. The dog kept chewing the bone. The cat played with the dogs tail(尾巴). The dog kept chewing the bone. T

7、he cat jumped back onto the chair. It started licking(舔) its paws (爪子). The dog stood up. It looked at the cat. It licked the cats fur(皮毛). The cat licked the dogs nose. The dog went back to its bone. A boy ran through the room. He was wearing a yellow shirt. He almost ran into the chair. The cat ju

8、mped off the chair. The cat jumped onto the sofa. The chair fell onto the floor next to the dog. The dog stopped chewing the bone. The dog chased(追) the boy. The boy ran out to the street. He threw a stick(棍). The dog chased the stick. The dog lay down. It chewed on the stick. 4. The Baby Bear The b

9、aby bear followed his mama. Mama bear walked through the woods. She was looking for berries(浆果) to eat. She found some black berries. She started eating them. The baby started eating them, too. They ate all the berries. Baby bear was full. Mama bear was still hungry. She started walking again. She w

10、anted to find more berries to eat. Baby bear lay down. He was full. He wanted to take a nap(小睡). But mama bear came back. She growled(咆哮) at baby bear. He understood mamas growl. When mama growled, he obeyed(听从,遵守). He got up and followed his mama. Someday he would take a nap after a meal. A squirre

11、l(松鼠) ran up a tree with a nut(坚果). It dropped(扔) the nut and ran back down to the ground. It picked up the nut and looked at baby bear. Then it ran back up the tree. Baby bear did not like nuts. They were too hard to open. 5. An Apple Pie(派,馅饼) The tree was full of red apples. The farmer was riding

12、 his brown horse. He stopped under the tree. He reached out(伸出手) and picked an apple off a branch(枝干). He bit (bite咬)into the raw(生的) apple. He enjoyed the apple. His horse turned its head to look at him. The farmer picked another apple off the tree. He gave it to the horse. The horse ate the raw ap

13、ple. The horse enjoyed the apple. The farmer put a dozen(十二个) apples into a bag. He rode the horse back home. He put the horse in the barn(厩). He walked into his house. The cat rubbed(摩擦) up against his leg. He gave the cat a bowl of warm milk. He sat down on the sofa. He opened a book to read. His

14、wife came home. She cooked the raw apples. She made an apple pie. They ate bread and hot soup for dinner. They enjoyed the bread and soup. They had hot apple pie for dessert. They both enjoyed the apple pie. 6. The Top Bunk (上铺)He and his brother slept in a bunk bed. He had the bottom bunk(下铺). His

15、brother had the top bunk. The top bunk had a guard rail(护杆). The rail kept the sleeper safe. His brother didnt like the rail. He always left it down. One time his brother fell out of the top bunk. He hit the carpet(地毯) and woke up. He said, Ouch! Then he climbed back into the top bunk. When he woke

16、up the next day, his back was sore(疼的). Mom took him to see the doctor. The doctor examined him. The doctor said he was okay. He said to keep the guard rail up. His brother said he would do that. That night his brother climbed into the top bunk again. He left the guard rail down. He said the guard rail was like jail(监狱). He didnt want to feel like he was in jail. He fell asleep. Then he fell out of the top bunk again. 7. Ask Santa It is December. That means(



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