2020届新高考英语二轮对点集训:第三板块 第二部分 题型应对策略

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1、第三板块小题夯基练一、句内层次题1Two years ago, while Cathy was watching the Olympics, a dream came into her sweet little head to be a swimmer.Last summer, she wanted to 18.join our local swim team.She practiced hard and finally _19_ it.19A.increased BfoundCcreated Dmade解析:D此题属固定搭配。根据空前“She practiced hard”可知,她最后做到了

2、。make it“做到,成功”,是固定搭配。2(全国卷)51Approaching the vehicle, they saw that a woman was trying to get out of the broken window.They told her to stay _52_ until the emergency personnel arrived, 53.but she thought the car was going to 54.explode.52A.quiet BstillCaway Dcalm解析:B本题可以利用生活常识和文化背景解题。根据生活常识,当时处境危险,

3、救护人员来之前不能动(stay still),以免伤势加重。quiet“静静的”,常表示一个人的性情稳定或外表安静;still“静止的,不动的”;away“离开”;calm“平静的,镇静的”。3To _51_ the amount of rubbish and to protect the 52.environment,_more governments are requiring people to recycle materials.51A.show BrecordCdecrease Dmeasure解析:C本题可以利用对应成分分析法解题。52environment,more govern

4、ments.从上述分析可以看出,第51题与protect形成对应关系。因为后面有and这一并列连词,并且and前后意思应该一致,我们可以很轻松地选出正确答案C项(decrease“减少”)。4Larry told her that he had already put out the fire and she should not move _55_ she injured her neck.55A.as if BunlessCin case Dafter解析:C本题可以利用逻辑关系解题。拉里告诉她他已经把火扑灭,她不应该动,以免(in case)伤了脖子。5Several years ago

5、 I _37_ a letter from seventeenyearold Kerry, who described herself as a worldclass faultfinder, almost always 38.bothered by things.37A.received BansweredCexpected Drejected解析:A本题可以利用语境暗示分析法解题。根据下文语境“who described herself as.”可知,作者“收到”了一封信,信中一个十七岁的女孩凯里描述自己是一个世界级的吹毛求疵的人。二、句组层次题1While we were 36.eati

6、ng,_Kurt asked me, “John, what is your _37_ for personal growth?”. Kurt 41.listened patiently, but then he 42.finally smiled and said, “You dont have a personal plan for growth,do you?”37A.suggestion BdemandCplan Drequest解析:C本题可以利用语义复现解题。本题为原词复现。由42空后的“You dont have a personal plan for growth, do yo

7、u?”可知选plan,表示个人成长计划。2For years I dealt with my travel agent only by phone.Rani, my faceless agent whom Id never met 47.in_person,_got me rockbottom prices on airfares, cars, and hotels.But her cold voice really _48_ me.I sometimes wishes to 49.find another agent.48A.annoyed BinterestedCdiscouraged D

8、confused解析:A本题可以利用态度或感情色彩关联解题。前文提到多年来,作者与他的旅行代理人仅以电话来沟通,从未见过面,这个旅行代理人总能给自己最低价格(rockbottom prices),但是她的声音却是冷冰冰的,后文又提到作者有时希望另外找个代理人,可知代理人冷冰冰的声音让作者不开心,很生气。3All around the world, we can see the 50.consequences of this throwaway lifestyle.Mountains of rubbish just keep getting bigger.To 51.decrease the a

9、mount of rubbish and to protect the 52.environment,_more governments are requiring people to recycle materials._53_, this is not enough to solve (解决) our problem.53A.However BOtherwiseCTherefore DMeanwhile解析:A本题可以利用逻辑关系解题。通过上述对本空前后文已知信息的分析,能够发现上下文是明显的转折关系,因此答案可以确定为选项A。4When I was 13 my only purpose

10、was to become the star on our football team.That meant 41.beating_out Miller King, who was the best _42_ at our school.42A.coach BstudentCteacher Dplayer解析:D本题可以利用语境暗示分析法解题。根据上文中的“my only purpose was to become the star on our football team”可知,此空与“球员,选手”(player)有关,而不是教练(coach)、学生(student)或老师(teacher)

11、。三、语篇层次题1Lainey finished third grade.She had good grades and could read 41.above grade level, but she did not like to read.On a family car trip, her Aunt Dede pulled out a copy of Harry Potter, as a surprise for her 42.niece.But Lainey took one look at it, 43.rolled her eyes, and said, “Borrrring!”

12、Aunt Dede, a teacher, had read the book to her students, and they loved it.44.Even the youngest children in the class were 45.attracted by the story.They 46.listened with great interest, and then 47.enthusiastically joined in grand conversations about Harrys adventures.“How can you say its _48_?Have

13、 you read it?” asked Aunt Dede.48A.amazing BboringCridiculous Dhumorous解析:B本题可以利用语义复现解题。本题为原词复现。上文“and said,Borrrring!”中的Borrrring是第48空的原词复现,故选B项。2Hundreds of people have formed impressions of you through that little device (装置) on your desk.And theyve never actually 41.met you.Everything they know

14、about you 42.came through this device sometimes from hundreds of miles away.43.Yet they feel they can know you44.just from the sound of your voice.Thats how powerful the _45_ is.Powerful, yes, but not always 46.accurate.For years I dealt with my travel agent only by phone.45A.telephone BvoiceCconnec

15、tion Dimpression解析:A本题为语篇层次题。本题很容易因为前文中的“the sound of your voice”而错选B项“voice”,但是文章开头说到“that little device”,因此这里讲的是“你书桌上的那台小装置”,下文也提到“only by phone”,因此本题选A项“电话”。3Two years later, Dad started his own _31_, which wasnt doing so well. After my graduation, Dads business was getting back on track.31A.family BbusinessCtask Djourney解析:B本题可以利用语义复现解题。本题为原词复现。下文“Dads business was getting



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