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7、签署133受益人证明的内容133分析、检验、健康、植物检疫、数量、质量和任何其它证明(统称“证明”)135基本要求和功能满足135证明的出具人136证明的内容136先期Preliminary consideration,可译为“预先注意事项”,有点长。这里译为“先期事项”,含义不变,但更简洁,便于交流。事项Preliminary Considerations适用范围Scope of the publication Para I: This publication is to be read in conjunction with UCP600 and not in isolation. 本出版

8、物应当结合UCP600进行解读,不应孤立解读。Para II: The practices described in this publication highlight how the articles of UCP600 are to be interpreted and applied, to the extent that the terms and conditions of the credit, or any amendment thereto, do not expressly modify or exclude an applicable article in UCP 600

9、. 本出版物所描述的实务,强调了UCP600所适用的条款在信用证或有关的任何修改书没有明确修改或排除的范围内,如何解释和适用。信用证和修改的申请、信用证开立及修改The credit and amendment application, the issuance of the credit and any amendment thereto Para III: The terms and conditions of a credit and any amendment thereto are independent of the underlying sale or other contrac

10、t even if the credit or amendment expressly refers to that sale or other contract. When agreeing the terms of the sale or other contract, the parties thereto should be aware of the ensuing implications for the completion of the credit or amendment application.信用证和有关的任何修改书的条款与条件独立于基础销售合同或其它合同,即便信用证或修

11、改书明确提及了该销售合同或其它合同。在约定销售合同或其它合同条款时,有关各方应当意识到其对完成开证或修改申请的影响。Para IV: Many of the problems that arise at the document examination stage could be avoided or resolved by the respective parties through careful attention to detail in the credit or amendment application and issuance of credit or any amendme

12、nt thereto. The applicant and beneficiary should carefully consider the documents required for presentation, by whom they are to be issued, their data content and the time frame in which they are to be presented. 如果对开证或修改申请、和信用证开立或有关的任何修改的细节予以谨慎注意,审单阶段出现的许多问题都能够得以避免或解决。开证申请人和受益人应当审慎考虑所要求提交的单据、单据由谁出具

13、、单据的数据内容和提交单据的期限。Para V: The applicant bears the risk of any ambiguity in its instructions to issue or amend a credit. An issuing bank may, unless the applicant expressly instructs to the contrary, supplement or develop those instructions in a manner necessary or desirable to permit the use of the c

14、redit or any amendment thereto. An issuing bank should ensure that any credit or amendment it issues is not ambiguous or conflicting in its terms and conditions. 开证申请人承担其开立或修改信用证的指示模糊不清带来的风险。在申请人没有明确表示相反意见的情况下,开证行可以必要或合适的方式补充或细化那些指示,以便信用证或有关的任何修改书得以使用。开证行应当确保其所开立的任何信用证或修改书的条款与条件没有模糊不清,也没有互相矛盾。Para VI: The applicant and issuing bank should be fully aware the content of UCP 600 and recognize that articles such as 3, 14, 19, 20, 21,23, 24, 28(i), 30 and 31 define terms in a manner that may produce unex


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