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1、精品资料值得拥有 精选文档可编辑修改 1 Unit 3 At the zoo B Let s learn 一 教学目标 1 知识目标 听说认读单词 short long big small 能听懂 会说一些含有 简单形容词的句子 如 Look at the elephant Wow It has a small head And a short tail 2 能力目标 能在实际情景中运用上述句型描述动物的特征 要求模仿正确 语调自然 3 情感 文化目标 爱护动物 懂得动物是世界不可缺少的一部分 二 教学重点和难点 教学重点 听说认读单词 short long big small 教学难点 能在

2、实际情景中运用句型It has 描述动物的特征 三 课前准备 多媒体课件 四 教学方法 交际型教学法体验式教学法 五 教学过程 Step1 Warming ups 精品资料值得拥有 精选文档可编辑修改 2 1 Greetings 2 Revision T Do you like animals T What s your favourite animal T What color is it T I think you like animals very much Because they are lovely Today let s go to the zoo Let s see them

3、and make friend with them Step 2 新课展示 Presentation 1 出示课件导入新课 T Let s go to the zoo T Look What s this S It s a panda T Is it thin S No It s fat 2 学习新单词 出示课件 1 T Look at the ostrich The head is small Small means 小的 The body is big Big means 大的 板书单 词 small big 领读 跟读 2 体验式教学 T Ann come here This is my

4、 coat Please put it on Wow it s too big I think it s too big for her Is it big 精品资料值得拥有 精选文档可编辑修改 3 S Yes 3 Let s look at the ostrich again The tail is short And the legs are long Short means 短的 Long means 长的 板书单词 short long 领读 跟读 4 体验式教学 T Mike come here Give me your arms Look my arms are long And

5、his arms are short My legs are long His legs are short Because I m old He s young I think he is taller and stronger than me in the future 5 听录音跟读 书 28 页 听音 手指跟读 Step 3 趣味操练 Practice 1 游戏 反义词 long short big small 2 Let s chant 改编歌谣 Be small Be small Be small small small Be big Be big Be big Big big B

6、e long Be long Be long long long Be short Be short Be short short short Step 4 学习句型 1 T Look at the ostrich Wow It has a small head And a short tail 板书句型 It has 并介绍引导学生介绍It has a big 精品资料值得拥有 精选文档可编辑修改 4 body It has a short tail It has a big mouth It has small eyes It has long legs 2 Group work Desc

7、ribe the elephant Look at the It has 小组汇报 小组合作能增强学生的竞争意识 还能帮助到后进生 Step 5 Extension 1 Make a monster 六人一组 拿出事先准备好的动物身体部位图片 学生A 用两 三句话描述想象中怪物的模样 学生B 用拼图的方式拼出一只怪物 学生 A 检查学生 B 拼的怪物 然后一起描述其特征 学生实际运用所学语言 也培养了学生之间的合作意识 Step 6 Emotional Education Animals are our friends Please protect them Step7 Homework 1 描述自己家的小动物 2 完成伴读口语练习 板书设计 Unit 3 At the zoo small eyes It has big ears a short tail long nose 精品资料值得拥有 精选文档可编辑修改 5


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