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1、/Unit7How much are these socks?第一课时Section A (1a2e) A基础起航 .写出下列短语的英文。1多少钱_how_much_2这些袜子 _these_socks_3蓝色长裤 _long_blue_trousers_4五美元 _five_dollars_5这些短裤 _these_shorts_.根据句意及首字母或中文提示填写单词。1The shirt is too _long_ (长的) for me. Do you have short ones?2How much are those_shorts_ (短裤)? Twenty yuan.3Those

2、_skirts_(裙子) are for little girls. They are soft.4I dont want this small hat. I want a big_ one.5These _socks_(短袜) are only two yuan.6Could I have a look at those _shoes_(鞋子)?7In this store, we can see jackets, hats and _sweaters_(毛衣)8You can buy these bags for only_ ¥4.9This pencil box is five doll

3、ars_10How much is this pair of trousers_?.用方框中单词的适当形式填空。be, short, right, pair, long1.These shoes _are_ too big.2Great! The schoolbag is _right_ for me, a middle school student.3I like those _pairs_ of blue and white socks.4How much are the _shorts_?5Helen has a _long_ dress.B语法扬帆 .用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。1H

4、ow much _are_ (be) the socks?2Peter _doesnt_like_ (not like) that green coat.3The skirt _is_ (be) 80 yuan.4She _watches_ (watch) TV in the evening.5Lets _look_(look) at that skirt.6I dont _have_ (have) bags for sports.7Do you like_hamburgers_ (hamburger) for dinner?8Come and _see_ (see) for yourself

5、 at JQ Store!9How much _are_ (be) these trousers?10The store _has_ (have) childrens clothes.句型转换。1Jodie likes that_blue_skirt. (对画线部分提问)_What_ does Jodie _like_?2My shirt is only_5_dollars(对画线部分提问) _How_ _much_ _is_ your shirt?3It looks nice.(改为一般疑问句)_Does_ it _look_ nice?4These shoes are 20_yuan. (

6、对画线部分提问) _How_ _much_ are these shoes?5This sweater is 9 dollars. (改为一般疑问句)_Is_ _this_ sweater 9 dollars?.单项选择。(C)1._ is the sweater? Its twenty dollars. AHow manyBHow longCHow much DHow often(B)2.What about these socks?_ two dollars. AIts BTheyreCThese are DThose are (D)3.I like big hats. _? Yes, I

7、 have this one here. AIts five dollarsBCan I help youCHow can I do for youDDo you have one(C)4.Do you know _ I really like? Ahow much BwhoCwhat Dwhat do(A)5.How much_ those black shoes? Aare BdoCis Dhas (D)6.What_ do you want? Do you like blue? Afood BshapeCsize Dcolor C提升冲浪 .阅读理解。AMike and his moth

8、er are shopping. He wants to buy a pair of sports shoes. His old shoes are too small. And he also buys a pair of shorts, a Tshirt and a sweater. The shoes are 25 dollars. The shorts are 5 dollars. The Tshirt is cheap. It is only five dollars. The nice sweater is black. It is seventeen dollars. Mikes

9、 old hat is still very nice. So he doesnt buy a new one.Mikes mother buys a pair of socks. They are three dollars. They have a very good time shopping.(D)1.Whats the thing Mike doesnt buy?AShoes. BShorts.CA Tshirt. DA shirt.(B)2.How much are the shoes?AFive dollars.BTwentyfive dollars.CSeventeen dol

10、lars.DTen dollars.(A)3.How is Mikes hat?AIts old. BIts not nice.CIts cheap. DIts dirty.(D)4.What does Mikes mother buy?AA pair of shorts. BA Tshirt.CA sweater. DA pair of socks.(A)5.How is their shopping?AIts great. BIts busy.CIts late. DIts tidy.BLucy is a nice girl. She is twentysix. She has a clo

11、thes store. Its name is Lovely Clothes Store. The store is for girls, not for boys. The store has clothes in many colors. Do you want to have a look at the store? ClothesColorsPriceTshirtsblue, green and white¥25Skirtsred, green, yellow and black¥45/¥65Sweatersyellow, blue and red¥35/¥55Pantsorange,

12、 white and green¥54/¥84/¥104(B)1.The clothes in Lovely Clothes store are for _Afathers BgirlsCstars Dboys (A)2.The Tshirt is _ yuan each.A25 B35C54 D65(B)3.Serena can buy _ skirt(s) for 130 yuan at the store.Aone BtwoCthree Dfour(C)4.The store has _ in yellow and red.ATshirts and sweatersBsweaters a

13、nd pants Csweaters and skirtsDTshirts and pants(A)5.What can we know from the passage?AThe store sells Tshirts for three colors.BA girl can find red shoes in Lucys store.CLovely Clothes Store also sells food.DWe can buy two pairs of pants for 104 yuan in Lucys store.完形填空。This is a store. Its _1_ but

14、 it has _2_school things. Do _3_like notebooks, erasers _4_ color pencils? _5_ cheap. Big erasers are just one yuan _6_and the _7_ones are only 0.5 yuan. _8_! Thats the cartoon pencil sharpener. It is nice and cheap. I want to _9_it home. Do you want some school things? Just _10_ to this store and have a look. (C)1.A.great BshortCsmall Dbig(C)2.A.much BsomeCmany Dgreat(A)3.A.


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