高三英语(外研版 选修八)一轮复习案_Module4 Which English阅读案 Word版缺答案

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1、Book8 Module4 Which English?话题不同国家英语的差异重点知识address; candidate; dialect; tellapart;九大状语从句阅读导学案使用方法:自主阅读P44-45课文,然后尝试完成下面的练习。作完后,自行查阅教材进行答案校对。: 汉译英填空Which English?When you receive a phone call from a friend, how long does it take you to know who it is? A few seconds, perhaps. The quality of someones v

2、oice and their choice of words make a person _(立即能够被辨认出的), even though you cant see him or her. In this sense everybodys use of languagewhether English, Chinese, or any otheris different. You could say that there are as many _(变体) of English, or any other language for that matter, as there are speak

3、ers of it.English is spoken as an official language in more than 60 countries across the world and it can sound very different _(各地). Pronunciation, as well as grammar and vocabulary, can change very quickly from one area to another. For example, within London the most famous_(方言) is _(伦敦东区土话). It i

4、s only usually spoken by people from the east of that city so it is not the only form of English you will hear. You can usually_(通过他们的口音区别开他们来自哪个说英语的国家), and there are some very recognisable accents all over Britain. It is also quite easy to tell British and American English apart.Although most peop

5、le believe there is a right and a wrong way to speak English, there is not really _(一个标准的形式) that everyone can _(意见一致). English spread across the world over hundreds of years because of trade, exploration and business, and this process produced many different Englishes. Professors of linguistics, wr

6、iters and teachers all worry about providing _(一个完美的模板) to follow but as it is so widely spoken, it has become impossible to say which English is “correct” and which is “incorrect”. Perhaps correctness doesnt _(重要)_(只要) speakers can understand each otherits _ (沟通) that counts.: 语法填空Ever since the in

7、vention of the first telegraph at the end of the 19th century, English _(spread) around the world. It has a power_(influent) in the media, _ the Internet and in pop music that is not going to go away. This _(communicate) revolution has turned the world into a “global village” in _ everyone needs to

8、talk to each otherand so often nowadays that means in English.More people now speak English as _ second language across the world than as a native language. It is estimated that 1.3 billion people will use English as either a first or a second language by 2050. But what will that form of English be

9、_? _(tradition ), British English has been taught across the world, but it is only one variety. Experts believe that the future shape and grammar of English, especially in its spoken form, will no longer _(determine) in the traditional English-speaking _(country) like Britain and America but in the rest of Europe, Asia and Africa. III. 课文重点句型翻译:1.一个人的音质及措词都能让这个人立即被辨认出来,即使看不见是谁_2. 英语在全世界六十多个国家被作为官方语言使用,但是各地英语听起来差别会很大。_3. 也许正确与否不要紧-只要说话的人互相明白就行-重要的是交流本身。_4. 但澳大利亚英语和其他几种英语的最主要区别在于单音和音调模式。_5. 第三个原因是学习汉语本身就是一种挑战。_


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