译林牛津版高中英语选修9教案:U1 Task1

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1、牛津高中英语教学设计单元:Unit 1 Other countries, other cultures板块:Task 1Thoughts on the design: 本节课是一次听力为主的听说课,主要培养学生在听取陈述、独白或对话的时候提取信息的意识,尤其是通过猜测和推断提取隐含信息的意识。第一段听力比较难,内有许多地名和时间,教师需要在学生听前进行一定的热身,以减少听的过程中的障碍;听后也需要给学生一定的指导,个别特别困难的句子需要重听。第二段听力后有一篇景点介绍,需要结合两段听力内容完成,有一定的难度,可以采用讨论的方法完成。Teaching aims:After learning th

2、e first part, i.e., Skills building 1, the students will be able to be aware of both some detailed information and some hidden information that is not clearly stated by inferring or guessing. Meanwhile, they can form the habit of taking notes while listening and inferring from the note what they hav

3、e heard.Teaching procedures:Step 1 Relate a story and get the students to answer:1. Is the writer fond of study?2. How long did the writer actually study yesterday?3. Did his mother think he could pass the exam?I had a very busy day yesterday, although it was a Sunday. As early as nine in the mornin

4、g, my mother woke me up and told me to study. At about 10, after a quick breakfast, I had to sit in my study doing my homework until about 12. After lunch, my mother went out shopping and this offered me a precious chance to watch TV. I had watched for about three hours when Li Jun called and sugges

5、ted we play football. It was a close game and I was very tired when I got home. Mother was very unhappy when she saw me. “Dont worry about me, Mum.” I said, “I have gone over all my lessons and I believe I can pass the exam tomorrow.” “Oh, really? I wish you could.” Mother said with a cold smile.Ans

6、wers:1. No, he isnt.2. For only two hours.3. No, she didnt.Ask the students: How do you know?1. The writer isnt fond of study?2. He studied for only two hours?3. The writers mother didnt think he could pass the exam?Answer: From the story, we know that the writer hates to get up early to study. He o

7、nly studied between about 10 and 12, which is approximately two hours. Besides this, he did nothing but watch TV or play football. The mothers way of speaking when she says, “Oh, really? I wish you could.” with a cold smile suggests that she didnt think he could pass the exam.Summary: When you are l

8、istening to a speech or a conversation, sometimes you have to infer or guess some of the information that is not clearly stated; or sometimes you have to pay special attention to the detailed information though its mentioned directly. In this case, you have to take notes and see what you can learn f

9、rom the speech or conversation. Explanation这一部分作为热身,主要是让学生知道:不管是文章、独白还是对话,都有可能存在着一些隐含信息,而获取隐含信息的主要途径是推断或猜测。另外,正如听课要记课堂笔记一样,有时候听报告、对话等也要通过记笔记的形式获取信息,从而才能推断出隐含信息。Step 2 Get the students to answer: If you are to visit New York, what places would you like to go to? Can you name some of its interesting p

10、laces? Show the pictures of Kennedy International Airport, the island of Manhattan, the Statue of Liberty, the UN Headquarters, the Bronx Zoo, the Empire State Building and the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Explain the above spots with one sentence and get the students to write it down.1. Kennedy Inte

11、rnational Airport: It is the top international air passenger gateway to the United States.2. The island of Manhattan: Manhattan is a major commercial, financial, and cultural center of both the United States and the world.3. The Statue of Liberty: The Statue of Liberty was presented to the United St

12、ates by the people of France in 1886 to represent the friendship established during the American Revolution.4. The UN Headquarters: The Headquarters of the World Organization, located on the East side of Manhattan, is an international zone belonging to all Member States.5. The Bronx Zoo: The Bronx Z

13、oo, the largest metropolitan zoo in the United States is a famous zoo located within the Bronx Park, in The Bronx borough of New York City. 6. The Empire State Building: The Empire State Building is a 102-story skyscraper in New York City.7. The Metropolitan Museum of Art: The Metropolitan Museum of

14、 Art is an art museum in New York City, with a permanent collection containing more than two million works of art. Explanation这是听力的导入部分,也是第一部分的巩固和延伸。鉴于学生可能对于纽约了解不多,而听力原文又出现了大量的地名,为防止学生在听录音时产生畏惧心理,我们可以先用图片呈现出曼哈顿、帝国大厦等地点,这样不仅可以激发学生的兴趣,而且可以减少听录音时的障碍。同时,教师介绍这些景点的特点,既可以增加学生对其直观的印象,又可以点拨学习技巧,帮助学生养成记笔记的习惯。

15、Step 3Ask the students to read the instructions. Have a look at Part A and explain to them what is an itinerary. Explanation这一部分作为听力的导入,也是必不可少的。学生在做听力题前,应该先养成看题目的习惯。A部分的听力题所要填写的是一个行程安排,而Task第二课时所要完成的写作任务也是一个行程安排。Step 41. Listen to the tape twice and fill in the blanks.TypescriptMs Martin: Hello, Mr

16、Liu.Mr Liu:Hello, Ms Martin.Ms Martin: We have finished organizing the trip. Could you confirm when you are arriving, please?Mr Liu:Yes. We will arrive at Kennedy International Airport on Friday, October the fourteenth at five thirty p.m. Will you be able to meet us?Ms Martin: Yes. Well have a bus there to meet you. Youll be staying at the Internat



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