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1、小学英语单元测试 小学英语测试卷单元测课课练 Unit 4单元测试卷 时间 40 分钟满分 100 分 听力 30 分 笔试 70 分 总分 题号一二三四五六七八九十十一 得分 第一部分听力 30 分 一 听录音 圈出正确的图片的序号 5 分 1 A B 2 A B 3 A B 4 A B 5 A B 二 给你听到的句子选择合适的应答语并标上序号 5 分 Yes I did 小学英语单元测试 小学英语测试卷单元测课课练 He felt happy I called my mother Thank you A new skirt 三 听录音 找出与所听内容不相符的一项 10 分 1 Danny

2、learned English last night A B C 2 Did you have fun in Canada A B C 3 I often see Tom in the park A B C 4 Everyone was very happy in the park A B C 5 I missed you very much A B C 四 听短文 判断句子正 T 误 F 10 分 1 Jenny was in Shanghai last week 2 The weather was cold and snowy 3 She came home to Canada on Ma

3、y 7 4 She wrote a letter to her parents 5 She missed her parents very much 小学英语单元测试 小学英语测试卷单元测课课练 第二部分笔试 70 分 五 照样子写单词并组成词组 10 分 例 go went went to school 1 see 2 do 3 have 4 eat 5 buy 六 读句子 根据图片和首字母提示写单词 5 分 1 2 3 4 5 1 I bought a s for you 2 Look You were in the p 3 Danny go b home before 5 00 4 Ti

4、me for bed Good n mum and dad 5 I m h to see you again 七 单项选择 10 分 1 These women sleeping A were B is C was 2 Everyone excited at the party yesterday A is B was C were 3 My mother goes to work by bus 小学英语单元测试 小学英语测试卷单元测课课练 A every day B tomorrow C yesterday 4 I visit my grandfather A in Sunday B on

5、Sundays C Sundays 5 Let me a photo of you Say cheese A to take B took C take 6 Jenny and I to Beijing last week A go B went C arrive 7 Did your mother watch TV A Yes she does B Yes she did C No she did 8 I ate an yesterday A apple B banana C pear 9 He to the supermarket every day A walk B walks C wa

6、lked 10 In 2002 I a baby Now I a boy A am was B was am C am am 八 读句子 判断句子与图片是 T 否 F 相符 10 分 1 Danny took some pictures with a camera 2 Here is a pen for you 小学英语单元测试 小学英语测试卷单元测课课练 3 Danny wanted to send an email 4 He often watches TV at home 5 Jenny comes home on June 25 九 找出错误并改正 10 分 1 What did he

7、 does yesterday A B C 2 Peter often eat hamburgers on Sundays A B C 3 We was in Rujia Hotel last Monday A B C 4 It s to small for my father too A B C 5 Tom wanted to went to the zoo A B C 十 阅读理解 15 分 建议用时 6 分钟 Hello my name is Jane Yesterday I made a birthday chart 图表 for my family My birthday is on

8、 June 3rd My mother s birthday is on June 小学英语单元测试 小学英语测试卷单元测课课练 20th My grandmother s birthday is on July 15th My grandmother is in the U S She lives with my uncle Tom So I often send emails to her for her birthday There are two birthdays in May My father s birthday is on May 24th and my cousin s b

9、irthday is on May 12th This is my family s birthday chart I love my family 一 按生日的先后顺序排一排Jane 的家人吧 5 分 二 根据短文内容 判断正 T 误 F 10 分 1 Jane s birthday is on May 12th 2 Three people s birthdays are in June 3 Jane bought a gift for her grandmother on her birthday 4 There are six people in the text 5 Jane lov

10、es her family 十一 下面是 Tommy上周的活动记录 帮他把短文补充完整吧 10 分 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday go to the park shop with Mum go to the library play football watch TV do homework watch animals Last Sunday I went to the park 小学英语单元测试 小学英语测试卷单元测课课练 听力材料 一 1 We were at the Bird s Nest 2 Susan

11、 wanted to buy a dress for her sister 3 These shoes are too small for me 4 She washed the clothes yesterday 5 He walked to school 二 1 Did you see a cat 2 This scarf is for you 3 What did you buy 4 How did he feel 5 What did you do yesterday 三 1 Danny learned English last year 2 Do you have fun in Ca

12、nada 3 They often see Tom in the park 4 Everyone is very happy in the park 5 I missed him very much 四 W Hello I m Jenny I was in Shanghai last week In Shanghai it was sunny and warm I bought some gifts for my family I had fun in Shanghai The people there were kind I came home to Canada on May 5 I wr

13、ote an email to my parents on the computer when I was in Shanghai I missed them very much 小学英语单元测试 小学英语测试卷单元测课课练 答案 一 1 B 2 A 3 A 4 A 5 B 二 1 4 5 2 3 三 1 C 2 A 3 A 4 B 5 C 四 1 T 2 F 3 F 4 F 5 T 五 1 saw saw a cat 2 did did her homework 3 had had dinner 4 ate ate apples 5 bought bought a T shirt 六 1 s

14、torybook 2 picture photo 3 back 4 night 5 happy 七 1 A 点拨 因主语 These women是复数 故用 were 2 B 点拨 因主语 Everyone 是第三人称单数 又因时间状语为 yesterday 故用 was 3 A 4 B 5 C 6 B 7 B 8 A 9 B 点拨 因为主语 He 是第三人称单数 又因时间状语为 every day 所 以时态为一般现在时 故用walks 10 B 点拨 因时间状语 In 2002 表过去 前面用过去式 was 后一句因 Now 表示现在 所以用一般现在时 八 1 F 2 T 3 F 4 F

15、5 T 九 1 B do 点拨 因前面有助动词did 后面的动词要用原形 2 A eats 3 A were 4 A too 小学英语单元测试 小学英语测试卷单元测课课练 5 C go 点拨 want to do sth to后面要用动词原形 故用 go 十 一 cousin father Jane mother grandmother 二 1 F 2 F点拨 由短文内容可知 只有 我 和 我 妈妈的生日在6 月份 3 F 4 T 点拨 短文中共提到5 个人的生日 同时也提到了叔叔 共 6 个人 5 T 十一 范文 Last Sunday I went to the park I shopped with Mum on Monday On Tuesday I went to the library I played football on Wednesday and watched TV on Thursday On Friday I did my homework On Saturday I watched animals



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