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1、1 短文改错答题技巧 高考英语中的短文改错题是大家所熟知的题型 近年来 高考英语全国卷的试卷结构和题型虽几经 变革 但短文改错题始终存在 短文改错又称proofreading 即校对式阅读 它所设置的知识点灵活多 变 知识层次多 不仅考查学生的阅读能力 同时考查学生对书面语言的监察能力 是一道多角度考 查学生语言能力的题型 具有一定区分度和选拔性 不可否认 短文改错题具有一定的难度 大部分 学生在短文改错这一块的得分率很低 那么怎样找错误就成了解题的关键 一 高考短文改错的命题特征及考点归纳 1 选材特点 短文改错题的选材多以记叙文为主 体裁和语言都贴近高中学生的实际生活 所选短文 长度一般为

2、100 词左右 篇章结构的难易程度符合中学生的认知水平 无生僻的语言障碍和怪 难 偏的句子结构 2 设错特点 通过对近十年高考短文改错题的分析和研读 发现短文改错题的考点很有规律 并且呈 现极强的稳定性 常规考点主要集中在动词 名词 形容词和副词 冠词 连词 介词 代词及各类 从句的引导词等方面 另外 短文改错的错误类型有错词 缺词和多词三种 在短文的10 处错误中 三种错误类型的分配比例一般遵循8 1 1 原则 即 8 个错词修改 1 个缺词添加 1 个多词删除 其中 错词修改常涉及动词 名词 形容词和副词等方面的错误 缺词和多词则多为冠词或介词的冗余或缺 失等 二 短文改错题解题步骤 做短

3、文改错要遵循以下几个步骤 浏览要求 心中有数 通读全文 了解大意 逐句分析 行中找 错 再读短文 检查漏洞 即按照文章 句子 行 文章的顺序 第一步 浏览要求 心中有数 我们在解答任何题目之前 一定要先弄清题目要求 不能想当然或 犯经验主义错误 只有认真读了题目要求之后 才能做到心中有数 避免在解题过程中犯非知识性的 低级错误 第二步 通读全文 了解大意 短文改错是考查考生在理解的基础上对语篇整体的识错 纠错能力 必须从全篇考虑 而不能只顾一句或一行 因此 解答短文改错题要坚持从整体到局部 再从局部到 整体 把握全文 用整体理解去改正词 句 篇上的错误 第三步 逐句分析 行中找错 在把握全文的

4、基础上 对每个句子进行认真的分析 看看单句是否 有错 如果有错 有几处错误 通常情况下每句一个错误 最多不会超过两个错误 是什么错误 然后把发现的错误按题目进行改正 这样把 短文改错 转化为 单句改错 也相应降低了题目的难度 第四步 复读短文 检查漏洞 做完以后 再把文章阅读一遍 检查是否有遗漏情况 尤其注意上 下句之间的逻辑关系 三 短文改错常见错误类型 2 1 谓语动词的错误是历年考试的重点和热点 常见动词错误类型有 一般现在时与一般过去时错用 and前后动词时态不一致 主谓不一致 缺少动词 特别是be 动词 第三人称单数形式错用 主动语态和被动语态错用 They did not want

5、 me to do any work at home they want me to devote all my time to my studies As we climbed the mountain we fed monkeys visiting temples and told stories One evening she told me that something happened when her parents was out There will an important game next month 基础巩固 As is known to us all remember

6、ing English words are not easy The police was looking for the murderer everywhere in the city It is the parents and their son who wants to buy the bicycle Charles worked hard since leaving school 真题链接 I entered my second year of high school and become a new member of the school music club About one

7、month after this photo was took We can chose between staying at home and take a trip She used to holding me on her knees and sing old songs I showed them I was independent by wear strange clothes 2 名词的常见错误 单复数名词错用 可数名词与不可数名词错用 I ll get good marks in all my su bject Their word were a great encouragem

8、ent to me Without enough knowledges you can never teach well 基础巩固 3 Women live longer than men in most country It is said that all the ticket have been sold out The children spend a lot of times watching TV 真题链接 they often get some useful informations from the Internet The teenage year from 13 to 19

9、 were the most difficult time for me I first met Li Meng at a friend birthday party five years ago This made for the grow in the porcelain industry My uncle says that the key to his success is honest 3 冠词错误 误用a 和 an 根据单词的第一个音素来判定 误用a an 和 the 固定搭配 或泛指 特指 多冠词或少冠词 We maybe one family and live under a

10、same roof As everyone knows it s famous mountain with all kinds of pants I hope you have pleasant journey 基础巩固 Her sister who is nurse will marry one of the doctors in the hospital It was raining hard so I had to borrow a umbrella Great changes have taken the place in my hometown since 1978 In the w

11、ord he is a good student and all of us like him You say you took the book without his permission In the other words you stole it 真题链接 it takes them about a hour and a half to go to work every day 4 A woman saw him saying and told him to wait outside a shop Around me in picture are the things which w

12、ere very important in my life at that time In a fact he even scared my classmates away when they came over to play or do homework with me 4 形容词和副词错误 系动词 am is are was were become go 和感官性动词 smell feel 后用形容 词 词性的误用 形容词修饰名词 副词修饰动词和形容词 I m sure we ll have a wonderfully time together My pronunciation was

13、 terribly 基础巩固 China is much more bigger than the United States There are few boys than girls in our class The weather is extreme good 真题链接 I enjoyed studying difference kinds of cars and planes he hope that his business will grow steady Dad and I were terribleworried The teachers here are kind and

14、helpfully Beside they often get some useful information from the Internet 5 代词错误 代词的主格和宾格 I me he him she her we us they them 错误 反身代词 myself yourself himself herself themselves ourselves 使用错误 代词的单数和复数使用错误 代词 指代错误 多代词或少代词 Soon I began to enjoy talking to myself on paper as I was learning to express m

15、e in simple English One day I wrote a little story and showed to my teacher If anyone of us had any difficulty in our life and study the other would help him out What s more you have to be fri ends with your pupils and take good care of him 真题链接 5 This picture often brings back to me many happy memo

16、ries of your high school days Mr and Mrs Zhang all works in our school 6 非谓语动词的常见错误 不定式 动名词作主语 宾语时 and 连接的不定式或动名词前后不一致 介词后用动名词形式作宾语 某些动词后要求接动名词或不定式 Soon I began to enjoy talk to myself on paper But his parents think go to college is more important than playing sports Children may not develop the habit of read and the ability to enjoy themselves I particularly enjoyed driving through the countryside with you and saw the changing colors of the leaves on the trees 基础巩固 It was silly of you believe w


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