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1、1 应用文 一 A 2019 丽水模拟 你校高三年级最近举办了一次趣味运动会 给同学们减压 假定你是学校英语报记者 请写一篇短文 报道此次活动 内容包括 1 时间与地点 12 月 25 日 学校操场 2 活动大致介绍 注意 1 词数 80 左右 2 请适当加入细节 使行文连贯 参考范文 A fun game for all Senior Three students was held on the school playground on December 25 Various sports games fun and exciting attracted lots of participan

2、ts among which Riding Pigs Mud Wrestling and Cheese Rolling were the most welcomed The playground was filled with the students laughter and cheers Aiming to relieve the Senior Three students from pressure and get them a break from heavy school work the activity was a great success Hopefully the laug

3、hter from the fun game will stay with them in their later study B 2019 温州高考适应性考试 假定你是李华 是校学生会主席 加拿大某高中部分学生将于下周来你校交流学习 请 你代表学校给他们的领队Alan 发邮件明确接机事宜 内容包括 1 核实到达时间 2 明确接机位置 3 告知辨认方式 注意 1 词数 80 左右 2 可适当增加细节 以使行文连贯 参考范文 Dear Alan I m Li Hua president of the school Students Union On behalf of our school I

4、m honored to meet your team at the airport Are you arriving at 5 15 pm next Monday If so I ll be waiting for you at the exit of the International Arrival Hall To make myself easily picked out I m going to hold a signboard with your name on it And I m sure you won t miss it Wish you a pleasant journe

5、y Yours Li Hua C 2019 绍兴诸暨高考适应性试卷 假如你是李华 你最近在某网站购得一部电子书阅读器 Kindle 却发现商品存在一些质 量问题 请你给商品负责人写一封电子邮件进行投诉 要点如下 1 购买时间 2 质量问题 3 你的要求 注意 1 词数 80 左右 2 可适当增加细节 以使行文连贯 参考范文 Dear Sir Madam I m writing to complain about a Kindle that I purchased from your website on May 1st After one week of its purchase I find

6、 it doesn t work as expected The battery doesn t last long after being recharged perhaps merely half a day Worse than that the words on the screen are not distinct enough which I think is damaging my eyesight I have been a devoted customer of your company and I hope you will look into the matter ser

7、iously and replace the faulty Kindle with a new one as guaranteed Thank you Yours sincerely Li Hua 二 A 2019 浙江五校联考 假定你是学生会主席李华 学生会举办了英语戏剧节 English Drama Festival 得到了外 教 Miss Brown 的大力帮助 活动圆满结束后 请给她写一封感谢信 内容包括 1 表达感谢 2 外教的帮助 3 同学的收获 注意 1 词数 80 左右 2 信的开头和结尾已给出 不计入总词数 3 可适当增加细节 以使行文连贯 Dear Miss Brown Y

8、ours Li Hua 参考范文 Dear Miss Brown I m writing to express my sincere gratitude for your kind help in the school English Drama Festival which has turned out to be an amazing success It s so nice of you to have offered us a class of presentation skills and basic stage techniques Under your professional

9、guidance the participants gave such an impressive performance Some students overcame the fear of acting in front of audience and gained tremendous confidence Others developed communication skills and knew how to cooperate in a team Most importantly this activity has fueled our passion for English dr

10、ama Many thanks for your time and support Yours Li Hua B 假定你是李华 你校交流生Tom 很喜欢中国象棋 并想向你学习下中国象棋 请你根据 下面的要点给他写一封电子邮件 1 简要介绍中国象棋 2 表示乐意传授 并告知具体的安排 时间 地点等 3 你的要求及希望 注意 1 词数 80 左右 2 可以适当增加细节 以使行文连贯 参考范文 Dear Tom Hardly had I known that you have a preference for Chinese chess when I determined to assist you

11、 with all my might Now I d like to introduce Chinese chess to you Chinese chess dates back to ancient times through which we possess the opportunity to develop patience as well as wisdom I plan to teach you this Sunday afternoon at our Student Center if it is convenient for you Learning a few rules

12、about the chess ahead of time is of great help Looking forward to your further progress Yours Li Hua C 假定你是李华 在网上看到加拿大某学校的一则招收寒假短期游学学生的广告 你对此 很感兴趣 决定给该校项目负责人写一封邮件 咨询具体的安排 内容包括 1 课程开设时间 内容 费用等 2 住宿情况 注意 1 词数 80 左右 2 开头及结尾已给出 不计入总词数 3 可以适当增加细节 以使行文连贯 Dear Sir Madam Yours Li Hua 参考范文 Dear Sir Madam I a

13、m Li Hua a student from China As I plan to attend a winter school in Canada during the vacation I m writing to ask more details about it My first concern is when the course starts and how long it lasts I also wonder what the course is actually about Besides I d like to know how much I have to pay fo

14、r the program and whether the accommodation is included Would there be a host family or dormitory I am looking forward to your early reply Yours Li Hua 三 A 假定你是李华 是校读书俱乐部负责人 俱乐部将在下周三下午三点在报告厅举行英语 朗读比赛 请你给外教Tom 写一封电子邮件 内容如下 1 邀请他担任比赛评委 2 问他届时是否有空出席 3 请他向学生推荐合适的文学作品 注意 1 词数 80 左右 2 可适当增加细节 以使行文连贯 参考范文

15、Dear Mr Tom I m writing to invite you to be present at the recitation contest organized by the reading club at three o clock next Wednesday afternoon in the lecture hall If available then could you do us a favor And we would appreciate having you as a judge By the way it would be very nice if you co

16、uld recommend some classic English literary works suitable for us students Thanks for considering our request I m looking forward to your reply at your earliest convenience Yours sincerely Li Hua B 2018 绍兴柯桥区二模 为了激发同学们对中国传统文化的学习热情 南洋国际学校决定近期举办中国诗词大 赛 许多在校英美留学生都想积极参加 假如你是学生会主席李华 请用英语写一则通知 告知具体事项 要点如下 1 比赛时间和地点 2 比赛形式 3 报名方式 注意 1 词数 80 左右 2 可以适当增加细节 以使行文连贯 参考词汇 中国诗词大赛Chinese Poetry Competition 参考范文 Notice Aimed at arousing students enthusiasm for Chinese traditional culture a Chinese Poetry Compet


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