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1、Module 4 Carnival 语法填空 单句训练 1 2014届合肥模拟改编 Hospital doctors don t go out very often as their work takes almost all their time 答案 up 考查动词短语 句意 由于工作占用了几乎所有的时间 医生们不常出去 take up 占用 时间 占据 空间 符合句意 2 2014届 青 岛 模 拟 改 编 There is no need rush and it s no use arrive there too early 答案 to rush arriving 考查固定句式 句意

2、无需匆忙 太早到那儿也没用 There s no need to do 不需要做 It s no use doing 做 没用 3 I picked up a copybook in the schoolyard yesterday mark with name and class 答案 marked 由句意可知 此处指 标有姓名和班级的一个抄写本 过去分词短语作定 语修饰 copybook 4 2014 届天津模拟改编 The general manager insisted that the meaningless argument come to end 答案 an 句意 总经理坚持认为

3、毫无意义的争论应该停止 come to an end 停止 5 2014 届潍坊模拟改编 The builders extend the road for three more miles 答案 extended 句意 修建者把公路延长了三英里多 extend 伸出 延伸 侧重长度 时间向某个方向延伸 符合句意 6 2014 届郑州模拟改编 The summer camp in group consist 30 students will start for Beijing and stay there for three weeks 答案 consisting of 句意 由 30名学生组成

4、的夏令营将赴北京并在那儿待上三周 consist of 由 组成 此处consisting of 为现在分词短语作定语 相当于 which consists of 7 2014 届柳州模拟改编 Why don t we choose that road to save time The bridge to it repair 答案 is being repaired 考查时态 上下文语境表明讨论的是现在的情况 不选择那条 路 是因为通往那条路的桥正在被修理 故用一般现在时的被动语态 8 My must be playing tricks on me I m sure I put that bo

5、ok on the desk 答案 memory 考查名词 句意 我的记忆肯定在捉弄我 我确信我把那本书放在桌子上了 memory 记忆 符合句意 9 2014 届泰安模拟改编 Tom found a hide place in the trees to keep himself hide from the enemy 答案 hiding hidden 句意 汤姆在树林里找到一个藏身之处以把自己掩藏起来躲过敌人 a hiding place 躲藏处 keep sb sth hidden 把 藏起来 均为固定搭配 10 He pretended read an important paper w

6、hen the boss entered 答案 to be reading 考查不定式的时态 句意 老板进来时他假装正在看一份重要的文 件 由句意可知 老板进来时他假装正在看文件 所以要用不定式的进行时态 语法填空 篇章训练 阅读下面材料 在空白处填入适当的内容 不多于 3 个单词 或括号内单词的正确形式 A Are you going to Helen s birthday party 1 Friday evening B I wouldn t miss it for the world It s sure to be 2 fun She s invited 3 lot people Do

7、you think everyone will be able to get into her house A If everyone turned up it would be a squeeze 4 a few people said that they couldn t go so I think 5 should be OK B Are you taking anything A I ve got her a birthday present and I ll take 6 bottle of wine too B That s a good idea She told me she

8、7 buy plenty of food and snacks I think it s going to be a noisy party I hope her neighbors don t mind too much A Helen gets on very 8 with her neighbors I wouldn t be surprised 9 they went to the party too B I m ready looking forward to it This party is going to be a blast A Well don t be late I ll

9、 see you on Friday at 10 Helen 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 答案 1 on 考查介词 具体到某一天的早晨或晚上用介词on 2 fun 考查形容词 fun 可用作形容词表示有趣的 funny 意为 滑稽的 可笑的 3 lots a lot of 考查数量词 a lot of 或者 lots of意为 许多的 4 but 考查连词用法 but 为并列连词 表转折 5 it 考查代词用法 it在此指代上文提到的情况 6 a 考查冠词 一瓶用a bottle表示 7 had bought 考查时态 发生在过去的过去用过去完成时 8 well 考查副词用法 与

10、 相处的好 get along on well with sb 9 if 考查连词 if引导条件状语从句 10 Helen s 考查名词用法 表示某人的家用 人名 s 表示 完形填空 2014 届青岛二中高三检测 Who says people aren t honest any more Last year my husband and I went to Beach Kayaking on the north shore of Oahu city for our summer vacation in Hawaii We left the 1 and were driving when I

11、noticed the truck that was driving behind me stop 2 I mentioned it to my husband and I 3 what that was all about but my husband didn t think it mattered So we went a few 4 miles Then we stopped at a 7 11 store for a Coke And that was 5 my husband noticed that he had left his wallet at the beach We w

12、ent back there and started to search anxiously but no 6 It was lost or we feared it was 7 since he said he remembered 8 it on a stump 树墩 next to where we 9 ourselves We drove home in a hurry to 10 all of our credit cards 11 anything was charged to them by any other shoppers all around the island We

13、lived on the south shore so it was about a 10 minute 12 When we got in t here was a 13 from a man who said that he had found the wallet and he left his 14 We called him at once and he said he was driving behind us when he saw the wallet 15 off the car This man 16 stopped to pick up the wallet We wen

14、t to pick it up that afternoon very 17 that all the money was 18 and all our credit cards were found The man wouldn t accept 19 As he stood with his arm 20 his young son he replied Teaching my son this good lesson is the payment enough We were touched and happy 文章大意 谁说现在的人们都不诚实了 作者从自己的一次亲身经历中切实体验到了人

15、间还 有真善美 1 A beach B island C hotel D city 答案 A 根据 1 空前面的 Beach Kayaking 可知 这里表示我们离开海滩 beach 2 A hurriedly B immediately C suddenly D anxiously 答案 C 就在那时 我 注意到后面行驶着的那辆卡车突然 suddenly 停了下来 3 A wondered B considered C understood D realized 答案 A 我 把这个情况告诉了丈夫 想知道 wondered 发生了什么事 4 A hotter B faster C less

16、D more 答案 D go a few more miles表示 又行驶了数英里 5 A because B how C when D whether 答案 C 就是在那个时候 when 我 的丈夫注意到他的钱包丢在海滩了 6 A person B way C money D luck 答案 D 我们回到了那儿 开始焦急地找钱包 但是我们不走运 故luck 运气 符合 文意 7 A taken B found C sold D returned 答案 A 钱包丢了 或者我们担心钱包被拿走 taken 了 8 A throwing B setting C keeping D hiding 答案 B set 在此处表示 放 置 使处于 set it on a stump 树墩 意为 把它放在 树墩上 9 A reminded B enjoyed C helped D introduced 答案 B enjoy oneself表示 玩得开心 10 A cancel B get C collect D check 答案 A 我们急匆匆地开车回家 在这个岛上的其他任何购物者把所有账单都记到这些



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