外研版高中英语必修3 Module 4《Sandstorms in Asia》(Period1)ppt课件

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《外研版高中英语必修3 Module 4《Sandstorms in Asia》(Period1)ppt课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《外研版高中英语必修3 Module 4《Sandstorms in Asia》(Period1)ppt课件(23页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Module4SandstormsinAsiaPeriod1Introduction ReadingandVocabulary 1 根据音标 词性和汉语写出单词1 n 沙尘暴2 adj 内地的 内陆的3 n 战役 活动4 n 进程 过程5 vt 预报 预告6 n 面罩 sandstorm inland campaign process forecast mask 有部分课件由于控制文件大小 内容不完整 请联系购买完整版 根据词性和汉语写出单词 并注意拓展词汇1 adj 吓人的 可怕的 fright n 恐怖 可怕的东西 frighten v 使 惊恐 使 害怕 frightened adj 受

2、惊的 害怕的2 adj 大量的 大规模的 n 团 块 堆 大量 众多 massive adj 大规模的3 n 土地的 沙漠化 desert n 沙漠 v 抛弃 放弃4 n 公民 市民 city n 城市5 n 沙尘 灰尘 dusty adj 满是灰尘的 枯燥的 frightening mass desertification citizen dust 6 n 力量 力气 strengthen v 加强 巩固 strong adj 坚强的 强壮的 strongly adv 坚强地7 vi 骑自行车 cyclist n 骑自行车 摩托车的人 strength cycle 补全下列短语1 cut 砍

3、倒2 asa of由于3 dig 挖掘4 wakeup 清楚地意识到5 thissituation在这种情况下6 becaught 突然遭遇 风暴等 7 prevent from sth 阻止 做某事 down result up to in in doing 8 one another一个接一个地9 aparticulartime在一个特定的时间10 advisesb sth 建议某人做某事 after at to do Step1LeadinginLookatthepicturesandfillintheblanks 1 isthe2 bywhichapieceoflandbecomesd

4、ry empty andunsuitableforgrowingtreesorcropson Itisthemaincauseofa3 akindofbad4 whichusuallyhappensin5 andautumn Whenasandstormcomes the6 blowsstronglywith7 andsand Sometimestreesareeven8 down and9 movesveryslowly Itisvery10 Desertification process sandstorm weather spring wind dust cut traffic frig

5、htening Step2FastReadingScanthepassageandmatcheachparagraphwithitsmainidea A SandstormssometimesaffectBeijing B Sandstormsdoalotofdamagetopeople C Thegovernmentplantstreestopreventsandstorms D SandstormshavebeenamajordisasterformanyAsiancountriesforcenturies E SandstormsinAsia F SandstormsinChinaapp

6、eartohaveincreased D E F A B C Step3CarefulReading Readthetextcarefullyandfinishthefollowingtasks 1 Whensandstormshappen whatwillyouwearifyougoout A Ahat B Acoat C Amask D Atie 2 HowmanykilometresisthedesertawaytothewestofBeijing A 350 B 250 C 150 D 200 3 WhichstatementisWRONG A Peoplesometimescan t

7、forecastthestrengthofastorm B Thegovernmentplanstocontinueplantingtreesforthenexttenyears C NorthwestChinaispartofthesandstormcenterinCentralAsia D SandstormssometimesaffectBeijing 4 Accordingtothetext wecanlearnthatsandstorms A causepeopletobuymoremasksB aredifficulttodealwithC arenotdangerousbutfr

8、ighteningD willdisappearwithinfiveyears 5 WhichofthefollowingisTRUEaccordingtothetext A RenJianbothoughthewouldprobablydiefromthesandstorm B Asandstormcanbeforecastseveralmonthsbeforeitarrives C HuangXiaomeifrequentlycyclesinsandstorms D SandstormsoccurinBeijingmainlybecauseofitsdryclimate Fillinthe

9、blankswithproperwordsandphrasesaccordingtothetext climate changes cut down trees dig up grass Effects Suggestions plant trees Sentenceexplanation 1 Thisisaprocessthathappenswhenlandbecomesdesertbecauseofclimatechangesandbecausepeoplecutdowntreesanddigupgrass 分析 thathappens 是定语从句 修饰先行词 定语从句中有两个状语从句 一

10、个是 引导的时间状语从句 另一个是 引导的原因状语从句 句意 这 沙尘暴 就是 而使陆地变成沙漠时的一个过程 process when because 因为气候变化和人们砍伐树木 挖掘草地 2 TheChineseCentralWeatherStationcanforecastasandstormsomeweeksbeforeitarrivesinBeijing butthestrengthofthestormsometimessurprisespeople 分析 是时间状语从句 是连词 是并列连词 句意 中国中央气象台能在沙尘暴到北京前几周做出预报 但是沙尘暴的力量有时令人惊讶 before

11、itarrivesinBeijing before but Step4RetellingTrytoretellthemainideaofthepassage Sandstormshavebeenamajor1 formanyAsiancountriesforcenturies Scientistshavetriedmanywaysto2 thisproblem disaster solve Sandstormsarestrong drywindsthatcarrysand Theyareoften3 thickthatyoucannotseethesun andthewindissometim

12、esstrongenoughtomovesand4 Thefourmainplacesintheworld5 therearesandstormsareCentralAsia NorthAmerica CentralAfricaandAustralia RenJianbodescribedaterriblesandstormheexperiencedasachildinthedesert To6 asandstormwasaterrible7 hesaid Itwasthemost8 andthemostdangerous9 I veeverbeenin Youjusthadtohopeyou

13、 d10 IthoughtIwasgoingtodisappearunderthesand so dunes where have been caught in experience frightening situation survive Step5DiscussionWhatshouldpeopledotoprotectthemselveswhenasandstormcomes Peopleshouldwearglassesandmaskstoprotecttheireyesandfaces Ifpossible theyshouldstayathomewhenasandstormcomes


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