人教版高中英语选修六Unit 2《Poems》(Section Ⅱ)课件

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《人教版高中英语选修六Unit 2《Poems》(Section Ⅱ)课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教版高中英语选修六Unit 2《Poems》(Section Ⅱ)课件(56页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、课 时 跟 踪 检 测 Unit 2 Section 语言点一语言点二语言点三 识 记 掌 握 理 解 拓 展 应 用 落 实 识 记 掌 握 理 解 拓 展 应 用 落 实 识 记 掌 握 理 解 拓 展 应 用 落 实 A 根据英文释义释义 和首字母提示写出单词单词 1 vt to make ideas feelings etc known to sb 2 adj based on facts not on ideas or guesses 3 adj able to bend easily without breaking 4 n a part of a tree that grows

2、out from the trunk 5 v say something to someone in order to have fun convey concrete flexible branch tease B 根据词词性和汉语汉语 意思写出单词单词 6 adj 含盐盐的 咸的 n 盐盐 7 adj 无穷穷的 无止境的 v you can take it easy 没什么严严重的事 你不用紧张紧张 The doctor told me and not to worry too much 医生告诉诉我放松点 别别太担心了 to take it easy take it easy take

3、one s time take it easy 意为 放松 不要紧张 指心理上 别紧 张 相当于 don t be nervous take one s time 意为 不慌不忙 从容不迫 或 拖拉 慢 吞吞 指时间上不用慌张 因为 There s enough time left 自填助记记 we have enough time I m tired I want to for a while Take your time take it easy 2 run out of用完 耗尽 教材P10原句 if we hadn t run out of energy 如果我们们没有精疲力竭 In

4、a mine accident the trapped miners were running out of energy when help came 在一次矿难矿难 中 被困矿矿工就要精疲力竭时时 救援来了 Many young people their money by the end of each month 许许多年轻轻人到月底就把钱钱花光了 run out of run after 追赶 追逐 run across 偶然遇见见 run into 撞上 偶然遇到 It was yesterday that he ran across one of his old friends 昨

5、天他偶然遇到了他的一位老朋友 语语境串记记 Tom was running after Jerry when Jerry ran into a pole Both of them ran out of their strength 汤汤姆正在追赶杰里 这时这时 杰里撞上了一根柱子 它们们的 力气都耗尽了 run out of run out run out of 用完 是及物动词短语 表示主动含义 主 语一般是人 run out 用完 是不及物动词短语 其主语通常为时 间 食物 金钱等名词 自填助记记 She has her money and her patience is also 她把钱

6、钱用完了 她的耐心也要耗尽了 running out run out of 3 be made up of由 构成 由 组组成 教材P10原句 Another simple form of poem that students can easily write is the cinquain a poem made up of five lines 另外一种学生容易写的简简体诗诗是由五行组组成的 叫做五 行诗诗 Society is made up of people of widely differing abilities 社会是由能力迥异的人构成的 The medical team is

7、 made up of is composed of consists of two doctors and five nurses 这这支医疗队疗队 是由两位大夫和五位护护士组组成的 make up 构成 组组成 编编造 化妆妆 make up for 弥补补 补偿补偿 Thirty five boys and twenty seven girls make up the class 35个男孩和27个女孩组组成了这这个班 The teacher asked the students a poem about the friendship 老师让师让 学生们创们创 作一首关于友谊谊的诗诗 S

8、he determined to work twice as hard as before to make up for the lost time 她决定加倍努力工作 把失去的时间补时间补 回来 to make up 4 in particular尤其 特别别 教材P11原句 Did you know that English speakers also enjoy other forms of Asian poetry Tang poems from China in particular 你知道吗吗 说说英语语的人也喜欢欢其他类类型的亚亚洲诗诗 尤 其是中国的唐诗诗 Is there a

9、nything in particular in the program Happy Camp tonight 今晚的电视节电视节 目 快乐乐大本营营 中有什么特别别的吗吗 I noticed Bi Fujian s eyes in particular because they are very small and bright 我特别别注意了毕毕福剑剑的眼睛 因为为那双眼睛很小且很有神 1 be particular about over sth 对对某事挑剔 对对某物 讲讲究 be particular to 为为 所特有 2 particularly adv 特别别 尤其 具体地 详详

10、尽地 As far as I know she is very particular her clothes 据我所知 她对对衣着特别别挑剔 I don t know that the plant is particular to Australia 我不知道这这种植物是澳洲所特有的 about 点此进入 1 句型展示 There are various reasons whypeople write poetry 人们们写诗诗有着各种各样样的原因 典例背诵诵 She said the reason why she had to resign was her poor health but t

11、he manager didn t believe the reason that which she gave 她说说她不得不辞职职的理由是健康状况不佳 但是经经理 不相信她给给的理由 2 句型展示 The poems may not make sense and even seem contradictory but they are easy to learn and recite 童谣谣不一定有什么意义义 甚至 有的 看来自相矛盾 但是 它们们容易学 也容易背诵诵 典例背诵诵 Many people think Harry Potter is pleasant to read 许许多人

12、认为认为 哈利 波特 读读起来让让人感到很愉快 3 句型展示 Some rhyme like B while others do not like C 有些清单诗单诗 押韵 像B 有些不押韵 像C 典例背诵诵 I like the TV program Sports World while my sister likes Animal World 我喜欢电视节欢电视节 目 体育世界 然而我妹妹喜欢欢 动动 物世界 4 句型展示 With so many different forms of poetry to choose from students may eventually want t

13、o write poems of their own 有了这这么多可供选择选择 的诗诗歌类类型 学生们们最终终也许许想 自 己作诗诗了 典例背诵诵 With so many problems to solve we will have a hard time 有许许多问题问题 要解决 我们们将会有一段艰难艰难 的时时期 1 Some rhyme like B while others do not like C 有些清单诗单诗 押韵 像B 有些不押韵 像C while 在本句中表示对对比 意思是 而 然而 仔细观细观 察下列句子 写出while的含义义 Pan Changjiang is sh

14、ort while his daughter is tall They chatted for a while and then went to work She listened closely while he read the letter While I understand your viewpoint I don t agree with you While there is life there is hope 而 然而 一会儿 当 时时候 虽虽然 尽管 只要 2 With so many different forms of poetry to choose from stud

15、ents may eventually want to write poems of their own 有了这这么多可供选择选择 的诗诗歌类类型 学生们们最终终也许许想 自己作诗诗了 With so many different forms of poetry to choose from 为为with的复合结结构 在句中作状语语 The teacher entered the classroom with a book in his hand 老师师手里拿着本书书走进进了教室 With so many people present I felt nervous 这这么多人在场场 我感到紧张紧张 With no one she slipped out of the room 趁没人注意 她溜出了房间间 noticing With nothing to do I went out for a walk 由于没有什么事情可做 我便到外面去散步 With the work they went back home 工作做完了 他们们回家了 Do you know the woman with a baby in her arms 你认识认识 那位抱小孩的妇妇女吗吗 done 点此进入 点此进入


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